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Outside the window, the sea is silent without a trace of waves, just like a mirror, reflecting the starless night sky. Inside the window, in the darkened cubicle, a hand silently pressed the power button on the laptop. In an instant, the light source disappeared, and the gray computer screen reflected the indifferent Asian face. Not eager to put on the black gloves placed on the corner of the metal table, Qiandaoyuan Yefeng turned her head and stood up. Facing the dark sea through the window, she took out her mobile phone from her pocket and made a call. .Hello? Miss Qiandaoyuan?

A familiar man's voice came from the other side of the phone. Qian Daoyuan's night breeze subconsciously touched her shoulders, making it hard for her to breathe. But at the moment, the man's question could not be delayed. Qian Daoyuan answered without hesitation: It's me, Mr. Victor. After getting the answer from Qian Daoyuan, there was no sound on the other side of the phone. This made Qian Daoyuan frown even more tightly. After all, he would only contact that man when something serious happened. , and the man obviously knew this very well. He was waiting for her to speak. It seemed that because of nervousness, Qian Daoyuan's salivary glands began to secrete rapidly, and humiliation and unwillingness continued to torture Qian Daoyuan's nerves. After a while, she Because he drooled, he said in a deep voice: I'm sorry, Mr. Victor, Jack Mueller's recovery operation failed. Failed? Hearing Qian Daoyuan's words, the man on the other side of the phone raised his voice slightly too high. There was no trace of anger in his tone, but seemed to be aroused. He asked Zeng curiously: Why did it fail? Didn't you successfully recover the apostle? The apostle failed. The words were even more humiliating. Qian Daoyuan gritted his teeth and forcibly stabilized his tone. Judging from the scene situation and battle traces reported back by the personnel, the apostle faced the battle. A large number of militants eventually died together with the BOW, codenamed 'Yusna', affiliated with Neo. Umbrella. Ah, sure enough, mass-produced products are still no match for carefully crafted gadgets? Really, human beings have entered the industrial age, can you stop being so unreasonable? He complained, but in a tone of voice But there was no anger at all. The man on the other side of the phone smiled and said: So, now, whose hands is our cute little Wesker? Neo Umbrella? No. He shook his head slightly and said The court said solemnly: Mr. Victor, judging from the deaths of Sequence 8 and Sequence 9, the disorderly behavior of Sequence 4, and the situation on the apostles' side, I think there is a third-party force involved in Lan Yang. So hot? The man on the other side of the phone was slightly stunned, then asked with a smile: Then who are they? Sorry, I haven't been able to find out. The part of the surveillance video of the widow and the intelligence personnel of the execution department The loss of contact prevented Qian Dao Yuan from making a clear enough judgment on Lan Xiang's situation, which made Qian Dao Yuan feel even more humiliated and blamed herself. Faintly, she had some guesses in her mind, but she didn't know if she should put herself That unfounded guess was revealed. It doesn't matter, just say it if you have anything to say. After a moment of silence, it seemed that he was aware of Qian Daoyuan's embarrassment. The man on the other side of the phone smiled and said: You know, I just Ask to trust your judgment. Yes. Encouraged by the man, Qian Daoyuan said in a deep voice: I think that the third party is probably the Queen's Party. Miss Qian Daoyuan, you know, the people in the executive department are still watching the Queen's Party. As for their movements, looking at them now, they are all quite honest. The man on the other side of the phone smiled and said, Do you have any basis for your judgment? Sorry, Mr. Victor, there is no basis. He said gently again. Shaking his head, Qian Daoyuan said with a serious look: Moreover, Mr. Victor, the Queen's Party I am talking about is not the remnants of the old era that remain within us, but the real remnants of Ashford. Well, that's right. It makes sense. After a moment of silence, the man on the other side of the phone smiled and said: But the premise is that the Ashford family has not been extinct and the lovely Miss Alexa is still alive. There's no reason for guys who can't take care of themselves to gang up on us, right?

You are right, Mr. Victor. Unable to find a reason to refute, Qian Daoyuan could only nod his head in response. Okay, I already know about the loss of little Wesker. You don't need to deal with this matter. Still with the same smiling tone, as if he didn't care about anything, the man on the other side of the phone said He chuckled and said: Now, focus on the work at hand, Miss Qian Daoyuan. The missile doesn't matter. If you really can't bring it back, just blow it up and don't let it cause a big mess. Relatively speaking, , I am still interested in the thing you mentioned hidden in the oil field under the sea. We have already started taking action, Qian Daoyuan replied in a deep voice. At the end, she seemed a little confused, and she couldn't help but asked in a low voice: Mr. Victor Don't you care about Wesker's son? What does i care about? Is it about the unique bloodline? Or is it about your failure? He said the words in an understatement that made Qian Daoyuan's heart tighten, but then another phone call came. The man on the side smiled and said: To be honest, I don't care that much that our organization actually holds a blood sample of Albert Wesker. The reason why we want to recover Jack Muller is actually more about research than research. Out of my curiosity, I want to see what that bastard's son is like. As for your failure, don't take it to heart, Miss Qian Daoyuan, I said, I am very patient with you. Thank you for your tolerance. , Mr. Victor. The pressure on her shoulders suddenly decreased, but the humiliation in her heart became more and more profound. Unable to leave, Qian Daoyuan frowned and slowly closed her eyes. She was about to give a brief report on her work and then end the call. Suddenly, the small Pad worn on my wrist suddenly made a sound

Sorry, it's new news. He opened his sleeves and glanced at the Pad on his wrist. Qian Daoyuan apologized softly and pointed the Pad at the desk. The next second, a light blue projection appeared in the secret corridor. The words fan appeared on the desk out of thin air

superior. Mr. Victor... Dragging the projection down with her finger, Qian Daoyuan's brows furrowed more and more tightly. Looking at the battle report from the other side, she reported in a low voice: New news, the battle in the direction of the aircraft carrier was basically successful. Technical methods could not prevent the launch of the virus missile, so they blew up the launcher of the missile. Now, the missile has been lost, and the security forces are organizing a retreat. During the battle, unknown forces appeared on the aircraft carrier to block them. Put in a humanoid Bow who can use fire? His tone gradually changed into a question. Qian Daoin, who was holding his mobile phone, used his other hand to continuously slide the projection, efficiently printing the words in the information into his mind.

, in this battle report, the security forces involved in the operation in the direction of the aircraft carrier mentioned an extremely powerful BOW. It has an appearance very similar to that of a human woman, is extremely intelligent, can create ultra-high temperature flames out of thin air, and can even pass through The flames changed the airflow to create a fire tornado to knock down the armed helicopter! The fingers slid faster and faster, Qian Daoyuan's brows furrowed tighter, until finally, at the bottom of the information, there was a video that was shaking and extremely unclear. In the middle, terrifying flames fell from the sky, instantly roasting the huge BOW on the deck into charcoal. Then, a figure was wrapped in the flames and sent down from the sky. Looking at the figure stepping on the top of Kang's box, Qianzongyuan, who had not yet hung up the phone, opened his eyes wide.

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