What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-123. Characters of the Strong Man Sendoin

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Ten years ago, there was civil strife in Black Umbrella. Kandoin Ye's father, one of the backbones of the reformists, and the previous head of the Kandoin family, died in the rebellion in order to support Victor in power. So far, The underage Gandoin Yeqi had a strong hatred for the Ashford family. She was waiting for Black Umbrella to give her an explanation one by one. She wanted to see with her own eyes the descendants of the Ashford family. corpse. Two weeks later, the only thing waiting for Ye Feng in Qiandaoyuan was the words of Powell, the then Minister of Security.

At that time, Powell was not as frivolous as he is now. He was young, indifferent, taciturn, and had an undisguised chill in his eyes. Facing such Powell, the night breeze in the Taoist Temple shrank back, and she was cowardly and timid. He failed to express to Powell the angry cry in his heart and his unwillingness to see the corpse of his enemy. Even though she was full of resentment in her heart, Qian Daoyuan Ye Dan knew that she was not qualified to express her dissatisfaction. After all, it was the decision of the new big shot to end the pursuit of the descendants of the Ashford family. Currently, the strong people around Black Umbrella Surrounded by enemies, they helped the big man start a rebellion, and now they need payment

They all want to tear out a piece of flesh from Black Umbrella, the remnant of the Umbrella era. At this critical point, any available power must be used to drive the limited armed forces to continue the hunt-a A person who has no chance of surviving has absolutely no meaning to Black Umbrella now. In this way, the jackals failed to achieve their wish. They did not expect that the big shot who successfully usurped the throne with the help of their power and took charge of Black Umbrella was a complete monster who did not play by the rules at all. Feotian Victor, he successfully overthrew the Ashford family's rule over Black Umbrella, and also succeeded in allowing Black Umbrella to survive in the stormy egg, but Qian Daoyuan had a relationship with him. There was a vague feeling that this was not what the big man wanted to pursue. His eyes never seemed to stop at what he already had. Of course, no matter what Victor is longing for, it has nothing to do with the Qian Daoyuan. With the Queen's Party defecting, dying, escaping trial, and being exiled, the increasingly stable Black Umbrella is about to be reorganized. The patriarch of the big family from the Umbrella era They are about to become a joint committee, and on this joint committee, there will no longer be a seat for the Qiandaoyuan family.

After all, except for the Kandoin family's retainers, the samurai Miyamura Masamichi who has always spoken few truths, and the underage Kandoin Yokai, the Kandoin family has been eliminated. The status of the Kandoin family is no longer in Black Umbrella. maintained within. At least in the eyes of Qian Daoyuan Ye Dan, that should be the case. However, things soon took a turn for the better. Not long after, Qian Daoyuan, who was indifferent to the reintegration of Black Umbrella and harbored resentment towards Black Umbrella, welcomed an unexpected guest. And this person was... It is Victor, the current leader of Black Umbrella. That day, the two of them talked for a long time in the house. Victor first played chess with Qian Dao Yuan and failed miserably. Then, he smiled and said something to Qian Dao Yuan Ye Dan.

Next, Victor won every round. Then, Kandoin Yehui joined Black Umbrella. She knew a little about swordsmanship and directly began to receive USS-level training, which was almost a fatal level for a young lady. But with extraordinary will, after gritting his teeth and persisting for two years, Qian Daoyuan finally sharpened himself into the sharpest sword. So far, above the executive officers of the execution department , 3 has a job function similar to that of an executive officer, with far higher rights than an executive officer, and can bypass the joint committee,

The secretary directly responsible to Feotian Victor, or in other words, Executive Officer Zero. Now, she has completed her efforts, and Victor has also fulfilled his

Be like your father, Miss Qianxingyuan, I will provide you with all resources. As long as you can reach the height I expect, the glory of the Qianxingyuan family will be the Black Umbrella led by me. Re-gifted! Back to the center of power of Black Umbrella, from the poor little girl in the joint committee's words to a hateful little Y-head, Qiandaoyuan Night Breeze has always been grateful to Victor, for his own Qian Daoyuan has always known the difference, so to this day, she still can't understand why Victor chose her in the first place? As a secretary, Qian Daoyuan knew that she shouldn't say too much, but in the end, she still endured it. She couldn't help asking Victor this question that had been bothering her. Perhaps, in her heart, she had been looking forward to a different answer, a more emotional answer that transcended interests and calculations. It seemed to be in response. In response to Qian Daoyuan's expectations, Victor smiled and gave Qian Daoyuan a sufficiently emotional answer... Because I think it's very interesting! That's how Victor answered that day. That night, Qian Daoyuan was drunk, and she still felt I remember that after getting up the next day, when she sat beside Victor's bed and put on stockings for herself, half of her body was hidden

Victor, who was under the quilt, was playing with the silver coin printed with the black Umbrella logo and the Ashford family crest, as if he was feeling something - he said in a low voice: What you can't get is what you want to see, and you get it. But I don't know how to cherish things, and even want to destroy them. As a human being, I am really a shield. That's because Qian Daoyuan always thought that Victor was alluding to her, so she was still entangled for a long time. For a long time, but fortunately in the following days, the two remained as before, and their relationship did not seem to have changed. However, it was true that Qian Daoyuan could feel that Victor seemed to be closer to her. Is this considered... getting the love you want? Up here, Kandoin Yepan's life is extremely perfect. He got help from others at the lowest point, climbed out of the abyss, and has commendable abilities and positions. Now he still has - A hazy but true love, now, that is always hidden

The remnants of Ashford's party hiding in the shadows, the Queen's faction that is marginalized but still tenaciously alive, are her last obstacles. She is always eager to tear them all into pieces, but it is obvious that , Victor didn't think so, so, as the representative of Victor's will, Qian Daoyuan Ye Pan could only suppress his dissatisfaction. Now that I think about it, it's really unpleasant that Councilor Sudleton failed to deal with that old Alzerich. The same goes for Powell. He was the one who was responsible for hunting down the descendants of the Ashford family. Ten years later, this person is no longer as cold as before and looks much more frivolous. He only fishes at work and even lost his sword. He is honest. Compared to ten years ago, Kandoin Yesi hates him even more now, not only because he is slippery, but also because Kandoin can't see where this person's butt is sitting? Is he a reformist? Or a queen? Faction? Or the true neutral? But now, everything seems to be less important. So what about the Queen Faction? What about the Reform Faction? So what about the Neutrality? After all, the real master has appeared. Even if the picture quality is extremely low, even if it is The camera shook. Even though her figure had changed a lot, when that arrogant and indifferent woman reappeared in front of him, Ganshouyuan still recognized her at first sight. As if to respond to Qian Daoyuan's expectations, the woman who was supposed to die actually crawled back from hell! At this moment, Qian Daoyuan's indifferent face finally had an expression, the whites of her eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and her pupils were trembling crazily. , the cell phone in her hand suddenly exploded with cracks. The descendant of the Kandoyuan family grinned, and her body trembled with excessive excitement, like a hound that had smelled the prey. She hit her gums as if she was having a seizure. He said excitedly, A--tithe blessing--virtue one by one! ↑!

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