Direct access via mobile phone:

Even though they were far away, through the glass window of the helicopter, Li Yexing and Alexa could still clearly see the towering building standing on the dark sea, made up of countless structures and pipes, messy but full of industry. Yes, the beautiful and magnificent building is the destination of Li Yexing's trip. The place where Pierce died heroically in the original Resident Evil 6 - an undersea oil field! Here, the ultimate destruction of N∈O Umbrella is hidden. B0W--According to Li Yexing's idea, after arriving at the submarine oil field with Alexa, Butler Harman can directly drive the helicopter to the tarmac of the oil field, and Li Yexing and Alexa can follow the original work. The route taken by Reese and Pierce was to directly enter the interior of the submarine oil field through the elevator next to the parking lot. When they arrived at the center of the submarine oil field, chaos should not have hatched yet. With this opportunity, Alexa could directly set the fire on fire. That damn thing was roasted with the shell on. Worse still, Li Yexing still had the trump card he got from Casimir. Before the New Year of 203, the blood sample handed to Casimir through the first agency was not only used to develop a universal virus inhibitor, but also a The purpose is to develop the ultimate killer weapon against BOW! Initially, Li Yexing only commissioned Casimir to make it. Simir did successfully create a weapon that can seriously inhibit the regeneration ability of C-series BOW, but after testing Li Yexing's blood samples Inhibitor research and successful recovery of a special blood sample that can be used to suppress various viruses to a small extent from Li Yexing's stable and failed blood sample that is almost difficult to analyze scientifically and is called blood of a saint by Dr. Angelica After the substance, Director Casimir came up with a new idea! Why must the special weapon to kill C-series BOWs be based on the C virus? Why not just use Li Yehang's blood of the saint to develop a weapon that can kill all BOWs? A special weapon that can play a destructive blow? Once the idea appeared, it was difficult to suppress it. Crazy ideas kept spurting out of his mind. Under tremendous pressure, Director Casimir directly overturned the original idea. Weapon design started a new experiment based on Li Yexing's blood sample and the special substance successfully extracted. With the Nibelungen laboratory operating at full speed, just one week before Li Yexing's departure, Casimir almost died suddenly. The supervisor finally handed over his proud work to Li Yexing. Did Andre send you something good? Use it well! This is my proud work! A special BOW weapon specially created for you with your power. That crazy female Angelica named this thing I chose the name 'Fist of the Saint'. It's so tacky! I think it's better to call it 'Biochemical Haiba Bang', but those guys seem to be against it. Boss Li, what do you think of me and Angelica? Who gave that crazy woman a nicer name?! Sitting in the office and listening to the phone, Li Yexing subconsciously turned his head and glanced at Tililith on the sofa and Tililian who was tired of Tililith, and then Then he glanced at Rita who was standing by holding a dinner plate.


Deep sea pineapple

Well, the experimental codenames of Tililith and Tililian should not have been given by Casimir, thank God. Recalling the past before departure, Li Yexing silently stretched out his hand and stroked the black metal cylinder hanging on his shoulder. At this moment, the Fist of the Saint was lying there quietly. This was originally the final weapon used to end Chaos, but unfortunately, looking at the woman in his arms who still refused to let go of her neck even though she was about to start work, you knew that Chaos might not have a chance to see this thing. . But right now, the problem facing Li Yexing is not the problem of chaos, but the problem of the submarine oil field. Just like Butler Harman said, there seems to be trouble in the submarine oil field!

Even at this distance, Li Yehang could still hear the roaring gunshots mixed in the sea breeze. Surrounding the undersea oil field, armed helicopters were pouring firepower. Although there was no aircraft parked on the tarmac of the undersea oil field, there were still There was a large group of soldiers dressed in black. Because they were too far away, Li Yexing couldn't see clearly. He could only vaguely see those people rushing into the elevator leading to the interior of the submarine oil field. Damn it, these guys have indeed arrived early! Recalling the previous call with Director Casimir on the deck, Li Yexing couldn't help but frowned slightly and whispered: According to the news I got over there, these guys This guy should have a warship on hand. Where did they park the warship? No need to look, they won't park the warship next to the battlefield, but judging from the current situation, it should be Neo. Umbrella The information over there has been leaked. Holding Li Yexing's neck and looking out the window together with Li Yexing, Alexa said in a deep voice to the direction of the cockpit: Steward Harman, Yang investigate Wenxi Pharmaceutical, where It is Neo. Umbrella's most important secret contact point in Lanxiang City. If my prediction is correct, there may be something wrong with Wenxi Pharmaceutical.

After getting the reply from Butler Harman, Alexa narrowed her orange snake eyes slightly, with a hint of chill in her tone, and asked in a low voice: 'My dear, what do you think they are running for? Save the world... Li Yexing replied without hesitation: There is no doubt that they are here to save the world. After all, it is not in the interest of any secular organization to make the world a mess. After a slight pause, Li Yexing Night Walk continued: 'However, I have reservations about how Black Umbrella will deal with Chaos. There is no need to reserve, dear, if Victor knows that there is a monster with a head capable of destroying the world hidden here, He will definitely let his people find a way to transport the monster back... Alexa frowned slightly and said: After all, that guy Victor likes new toys very much. Victor? Hearing what Alexa said The name of the person, Li Yexing, was slightly stunned.

Feotian Victor is the current real power holder of Black Umbrella. Seeing Li Yexing's confusion, Ah

Alexa frowned slightly and explained softly: Victor, he is a difficult guy to deal with, because with my logic, it is often difficult to analyze his thoughts and motives. As she spoke, Alexa's eyes revealed With a hint of murderous intent, she whispered: Furthermore, Feytian Victor, he is the one who usurped my throne. Hearing Alexa's words, Li Yexing lowered his head suddenly and looked at the blond queen in his arms. His wide eyes were full of astonishment. After a long time, he said with a look of disbelief: 'You It means that Black Umbrella is... It's wrong. Black Umbrella is my power, and it was supported by me. Seeing Li Yexing's surprised look, Alexa suddenly felt an inexplicable feeling in her heart. Feeling secretly happy, she raised the corners of her mouth, narrowed her snake eyes, and asked as if teasingly: What's the matter? My dear? You don't believe it? No, I believe it. It's better to say that with your words, Many things can be explained quite clearly. Frowning slightly, Li Yexing nodded. He looked at the window again, quietly watching his and Alexa's faces reflected on the window. No wonder a black Umbrella, whom I had never heard of, appeared in this world. After a long time, it turned out to be the third young lady of the Ashford family who was never mentioned in the original game. An organization that was never mentioned in the original game!

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