What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-126. The tough guy is waiting for the elevator

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His feet stepped on the ground again, and the sound of gunshots from all directions instantly filled his eardrums. Li Yexing lowered his body subconsciously and wanted to take out his gun, but suddenly remembered that Alexa was still in his arms. Sensing Li Yexing's intention from the momentary trembling of Li Yexing's arm, Alexa didn't intend to understand Li Yexing's difficulties like a good woman. After being rejected, she had already analyzed the information from Google. She has left all her things behind. Now, she just wants to be a queen who speaks her mind and will be willful to the end. It doesn't matter, dear, just do it like before. Alexa smiled and said: You just need to hold me tight, and I will clear all obstacles for you.

Hearing Alexa's words, Li Youxing subconsciously tightened his arm, and then he whispered: Young lady, I must be crazy. After that, he faced the constant flow of oil from various areas of the submarine oil field. As fierce gunshots were heard, Li Yexing carried Alexa across the apron and went straight to the elevator entrance on the other side of the apron. When he arrived at the entrance, Li Yexing whispered to Alexa in his arms. Said: Lisa, pull the lever next to the door. Well, not bad, you are starting to get better. There was a trace of undisguised joy in Snake Eyes. He didn't know it was because he was used to holding Li Yexing. Feeling happy about this, or because she was happy about the fact that Li Yexing got used to calling her by his nickname, Alexa squeezed Li Yexing's arms again and stretched out her hand to pull the red lever by the door. , however, to their surprise, the moment the lever was pulled down, the instrument beside the door made a beep sound, and then, the lever automatically moved back. What's going on? See you. The door of the elevator shaft was not opened. Alexa frowned slightly, as if she was dissatisfied with the elevator for disobeying her order. Because the elevator hasn't come back yet. If I remember correctly, there seemed to be a large group of people just now. People are coming down. Seeing a trace of anger on Alexa's face, Li Yexing explained in a deep voice. I wonder if it was his misunderstanding. Since she got into his body, compared to the Queen, this Miss Ashford seems to be getting more and more... She looked like a wealthy lady who was showing off her temper. These ants are really only so good at being unpleasant. I really want to knock down all their helicopters. Li Yexing squeezed and faded away. Feeling the heat coming from Li Yexing's body on the chest of the body armor, Alexisa's lips smiled again. She turned her head, reached out and gently touched Li Yexing's cheek, and said softly: But, This is exactly what I thought, so the time alone between me and my dear seems to be getting longer. For this reason, let them breathe the air of this world for a while longer. He held Alexa with both hands, and even though he reluctantly turned his head, Li Yexing still couldn't avoid Alexa's touch. Damn it, is this the queen?! The offensive is too fierce! It will fall if it continues like this! Lisa, I'm a little tired. After a moment, Li Yexing frowned slightly and said: If you have a good rest, yes Can't we just come down and take a walk?

What? You think I'm heavy? In an instant, the smile on her face disappeared, and Alexisa asked with an indifferent expression. Of course not. After resting on the helicopter for so long, this body was stronger than ordinary humans. Of course, his body will not be tired, but out of various considerations, Li Yexing decided to put Alexa down, so he smiled bitterly and said: But, I am not Superman. You have been hanging on me for so long. I Of course I will be tired.

Don't you hold your hands very firmly? His eyes narrowed slightly again, and the black vertical pupil that was only visible in red shrank slightly, conveying an aura of danger, Alexa's voice She became cold and hoarse again, and asked in a low voice: Why, after being kissed, touched, hugged, and hugged, I am not worth anything, am I? A woman from the Ashford family is just that. So easy to get rid of? Isn't this what you did to me? Li Yexing turned his head and muttered in a low voice. That's all, it's not that the women of the Ashford family don't know how to understand the pain of men. Seeing that Li Yexing really didn't want to hold her, Alexa just sighed after all. She tilted her head slightly, a little He said plaintively: 'That's all, since you are tired, my dear, let me down.' After hearing Alexa's words, Li Yexing felt as if he had received an amnesty. He squatted down slightly and was about to put Alexa down steadily. When I came down, I heard Alexa continue to say quietly: My dear, I am not the kind of woman who has nowhere to go, but as long as you are here, I want to be more coquettish and get closer to you - - It is so painful that you are by my side but I am not in your arms. It makes me feel so sad that I feel like burning up. At the end of the day, she seemed to feel that the weight of her words was a little light, Alexa turned Looking over her shoulder, her eyes filled with all kinds of resentment and grievance, she whispered: And my dear, did you leave your body armor on the helicopter? If you are too far away and someone shoots at you, I think I am the only one I'm afraid the only thing I can do is avenge you, and the monster in the oil field. I heard it can destroy the world. I don't mind dealing with it, but when I think about it, I'm helping a Lian Huo. I feel unhappy even with a man who is tired of hugging me. I feel so unhappy that I almost have a fever... Maintaining an awkward posture, Li Yexing and Alexa looked at each other silently. From the queen's eyes, Li Yexing read Four big words: If you dare to let go, you will be responsible for the consequences. Li Yexing thought for a while, then stood up straight again with an expressionless face, and tightened his arms. What, you're not tired anymore? Seeing that Li Yexing was timid, Alexa gently hooked Li Yexing's hand. Chin asked with a chuckle. Without answering Alexa's question, Li Yexing just lowered his head and looked at her silently. Seeing the pride on the woman's face, he suddenly felt unhappy, and he didn't know where he got the courage. In Lexissa's surprised eyes, he suddenly pressed his face against hers and inhaled hard through the delicate black fabric.

Ah! It's so itchy. Slow down, really, I can't run. Li Yexing suddenly attacked. Alexa not only didn't push Li Yexing away, but also let out a burst of laughter. She raised her neck and looked slightly. Hong, while stroking Li Yexing's short hair, gasping for breath, until Li Yexing raised his head again, his eyes looking at her were full of resentment, as if he was silently protesting that Alexa would not be shy. What an ingenious way of revenge, my dear, are you going to use this method to express your dissatisfaction? Alexei put down the arm that was stroking Ruo Li Yexing's short hair, and gently slid her jade fingers along the towering curves. Sha Wei narrowed her orange snake eyes and murmured softly: If I had known my darling would like this, I would have worn a skirt. It would be more convenient for you and me. You win, Miss Ashford. Recalling the soft and indulgent aftertaste just now, Li Yexing finally gave up. Since you can't resist, just enjoy it. With the change in Li Yexing's thoughts, a rumble of sound finally came from the elevator shaft in front of him. Wait until The sound stopped, and Alexa pulled the lever again. This time, the heavy elevator shaft door finally opened. Looking at the elevator with a huge interior space in front of him, Li Yexing weighed Alexa in his arms, and The other party walked into the elevator with a happy smile. The next second, the metal door of the elevator shaft closed, blocking out the sound of the waves and gunshots.

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