What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-127. A tough guy takes the elevator

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Although the descent of the elevator was not silent, it was not as noisy as Li Yexing imagined. This surprised Li Yexing, who was used to the rumbling of industrial machinery. He did not expect that an elevator like this would rise and fall. How could it be so stable. No, judging from the reaction of the queen in his arms, I should be surprised. After experiencing a high-altitude fall and entering the elevator directly on the tarmac, ignoring the fierce security forces on the other side, Li Youxing and Alexa once again returned to the closed state where they were alone. In their spare time, Li Yexing He lowered his head and looked at Alexis in his arms, feeling a strange emotion rise in his heart for some reason.

Although he tightly bound his feelings and interests in his words, the love in his eyes and actions did not seem to be fake. The overly rough and even domineering coquettishness made Li Yexing a little hard to resist. Unconsciously, Li Yexing leaned towards the edge of the elevator, then turned around and faced with Alexa the light-colored wall that quickly passed by as the elevator descended.

The field of vision became inexplicably narrowed by Li Yexing's movements. The two people's overlapping figures were reflected on the wall by the lights in the elevator. Alexa looked at the figures on the wall with a look that she had seen too much - Silk. Confused, she called softly: Dear? Lisa, the walls of this elevator are transparent. For no reason, Li Yexing suddenly said to Alexa. Yi Ming? Alexa was slightly stunned and then asked in confusion: I can see it, but so what? Nothing. Li Yexing Silently staring at the wall of the elevator shaft outside the elevator, he said softly: I just wanted to make peace. No, I just broke up on a whim.

Really? Catching an inexplicable color from Li Yexing's eyes, Alexa felt as if she had caught something, so she put her arms around Li Yexing's neck, adjusted her position again, and talked to Li Yexing. Li Yexing stared at the wall of the elevator shaft together and said softly: I'm looking forward to it, dear. With the sound of the elevator running, Li Yexing and Alexa were sent into the deep sea little by little. As the two of them went deeper, The surroundings seemed to be getting quieter and quieter. Li Yexing didn't speak. He just held Alexa in his arms silently and stared at the wall of the elevator, as if waiting for something. Alexa leaned on Li Yexing's chest and looked at her heartily. Li Yexing's shoulders were waiting silently with Li Yexing. I don't know how long it took, but suddenly, with a soft sound, the light green color belonging to the elevator shaft in front of me suddenly disappeared, replaced by a piece of quilt. The darkness penetrated by the light seemed to be glowing with a faint blue light. The strong light source interspersed in the lower layer of the submarine oil field was like a spark, completely lighting up the depth like the night sky. The elevator shaft turned into transparent! And outside the elevator shaft, there is the vast and vast deep sea! Even though it is still dark and there is no sunlight, the dense artificial light from the submarine oil fields lights up this sea area. The white lights flash side by side, penetrating the darkness. , allowing Li Yexing and Alexisa to jointly watch this underwater wonder that ordinary people can't even achieve in life. Between the complicated and complex engineering constructions, hundreds of unnamed swimming fish are connected together - a piece of fish that Li Yexing and Alexa can't even dream of. Lexissa swayed in front of her, and unnamed luminous water creatures were scattered like neon lights, cruising around the elevator shaft. As the elevator descended, they were thrown on their heads, with their backs to each other. The dark sea surface is like stars dotting the night sky.

Shen reached out and gently stroked the cold elevator wall, as if he was touching the deep seabed that nurtured the vastness of all things in front of him. Alexa opened her mouth slightly, and her orange-red snake eyes seemed to be shining with light. After a while, She just turned her head and said with a look of disbelief: Dear, this is... what you want me to see? I didn't. Well, I guess. I wanted to evade, but in the end it turned into a confession. , Li Yexing did not respond to Alyssa's gaze, but silently stared at the sea outside the elevator shaft. As a mercenary who has been licking blood on the tip of a knife all year round, he did not understand romance, and did not want to accept Alec hastily. Korea

This inexplicable and hard-to-distinguish love from Sarah, but deep down in his heart, there was always a voice telling him: it would never be wrong to respond appropriately to the queen whose eyes were full of desire. Even though she was a little shabby, Alexa could still catch the slight blush on Li Yexing's cheeks. As if to cover it up, Li Yexing frowned slightly, looking serious. Honey. Alexa called softly. Huh? Li Yexing turned his head and looked at Alexa coldly. I'm sorry... There was a hint of apology in her red snake eyes, and Alexa's eyebrows were lowered, as if she had something unspeakable to hide. What's wrong? Seeing Alexa's rare expression of embarrassment, Li Yexing asked subconsciously. No, it's nothing, dear. Shaking her head slightly, Alexa looked at Li Yexing and said, I'm just , want to apologize because I have

Some can't wait. .. Li Yexing was slightly startled, before he could ask his question, but in the next second, Alexa suddenly tightened her arms around Li Yexing's neck, and put her faint light The hot and soft lips pressed hard on Li Yexing's lips. Feeling the other person's moans that almost wanted to kill him, Li Yexing subconsciously wanted to loosen his arms holding Alexa and hold her tightly. She pushed away, but after just a moment's hesitation, he gave up. Forget it, he wasn't as strong as her, so he couldn't push away, so just accept his fate.

As if persuading himself, Li Yexing tightened his arms that were slightly loose due to hesitation, then frowned slightly and closed his eyes little by little. Although he did not respond, he did not refuse, so, Without encountering any resistance, the domineering queen marched straight in, asking for it wantonly, stirring the words. Her lips and tongue separated, and before the pulled thread broke, she gasped and bit Li Yexing's lip,

Whenever she bit a place, she would immediately use the tip of her tongue to soothe it. When the smell of blood spread in her mouth, she attacked again, adding a squeaking sound to the silent seabed. Maintaining a loving embrace, like an opera on a stage, the two people with their eyes closed hugged each other under the watchful eyes of the swimming fish, sinking bit by bit into the bottomless abyss of darkness.

It wasn't until the elevator slowed down slightly that Alexa let go of Li Yexing's lips. Then, as if she noticed that there was still blood on Li Yexing's slightly red and swollen lips, she stepped forward again and gently pressed her lips. Li Yexing put his lower lip into his mouth, cleaning it carefully until the smell of blood completely dissipated, and then slowly pulled the silver thread apart. After the heated conversation, the elevator fell into a strange silence. Sarah... Dear seemed to be driven by some kind of tacit understanding. The two called each other at the same time, but stopped at the same time. The black eyes and orange snake pupils reflected each other's faces for a long time. Finally, a smile appeared on Alexa's lips, and she took the lead to break the strange atmosphere and said: Don't worry, my dear, when this matter is over, I will go back with you to meet my sisters. My face, believe me, I will definitely please them. At this time, if you are still worrying about whether the other person loves you or not, it would be really disgusting... Look at the people who are eager to do it again. Alexa, - For a moment, Li Yexing didn't know how to respond.

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