What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-128. The tough guy gets out of the elevator

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Do you love me? Honey? How does it feel to chat with me? Honey? Do you feel the love from my heart? Want to see me in a dress? Honey? By the way, mine There is a beach on the island. Do you want to see me in a swimsuit? Honey? Why don't you answer? Honey? Oh, I understand, you don't want to see me with clothes on, you want to see me without clothes, right? Dear? The heavy elevator slowly opened, sending Li Yexing, who was holding Alexa in his arms, to the lower level of the submarine oil field. In the dimly lit corridor, the sound echoing was definitely not just Li Yexing's because of the hug. There was the sound of someone's slightly heavy footsteps, and the hot breath mixed with a hint of seductive whisper. I wonder if it was Li Yexing's imagination, but since she started talking, Alexa seemed to talk more, one sentence after another. , even though she rarely answered, she could still talk enthusiastically for a long time, as if she had endless things to say. It’s strange, I don’t remember this queen being the type to talk a lot? In a sense, Some straight men, Li Yexing, really couldn't understand how much unspoken things could be hidden in the heart of a girl who had been watching him for a whole year. But he just listened quietly without interrupting. For some reason, when he listened... When Lexisa kept chattering softly, Li Yexing felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

My heart feels warm. If this is also Miss Ashford's strategy, then I have to say that she is too clever and knows how to win a man's heart. Compared with the series of operations since getting on the helicopter until now, The previous answer to my ultimate cerebral palsy question was simply baffling. Speaking of which, how was this oil field built? There are obviously Neo Umbrella signs everywhere. Li Yexing realized that even after entering enemy-occupied territory, Alexa still showed no signs of stopping. I had to - while pretending to observe the surroundings - quietly changed the topic. Just as he was talking about flowers the size of a bed, he was suddenly interrupted by Li Yexing. A trace of dissatisfaction appeared on Alexa's eyebrows, but she still had to answer Li Yexing's question. After looking at the people around her, Behind the wall that was barely illuminated by the dim emergency lights, she replied in a low voice: There is no doubt that this is the work of the 'family'. In order to please that little conspiracy, Simmons is willing to spend money. As she said, As if she suddenly remembered something, Alexa suddenly widened her snake eyes, and then she turned her head and whispered to Li Yexing, Speaking of which, my dear, do you want the undersea oil field? If so, If you want to, wait until the black Umbrella is dealt with in a few years, and I will build one for you. No, this is too bad, please don't say this horrible thing in a tone like discussing what to eat for dinner... Li Yexing Frowning, he said: Also, this is the enemy's territory. There is a monster in front of us that can destroy the world. Shouldn't you be more nervous? Nervous? Why? He gently lifted his blond hair. Lexissa raised her head and showed a cold smile and said: I'm here, it's them who should be nervous. Let me remind you, Her Royal Highness, this is the bottom of the sea... Li Yexing whispered expressionlessly: “If you continue to set fires here as casually as you do on the ground, we may be in trouble. It's okay, honey, I'm sensible. You just need to hold me. Although she said it lightly, it was true that after hearing Li Yexing's words, Alexa frowned slightly. Can't you use all your firepower? It's really annoying. I'm still anxious to save the world with my dear, and then go back to Lanxiang to meet my sisters! The lonely Alexa Ashford is looking forward to it very much Meet monster girls like yourself. Entering the submarine oil field, his eyes were darkened. Although Li Yexing did not have a map and did not know where to go, he vaguely remembered that the world-destroying BOW Chaos was hung in a huge annular space. If nothing else, there It should be the center of the submarine oil field, which means that as long as you follow the road ahead and look at the road signs inside the facility, it shouldn't take long to find the place. As for whether Black Umbrella will find the thing in advance, Li Yexing is not worried at all. If they want to kill the thing, then Li Yexing will not have the energy to fight. If they want to move the thing.0 Haha. Just seeing that Black Umbrella did not park the ship next to the submarine oil field, we can tell that Black Umbrella only learned that there are good things here, and they did not have a correct understanding of the size of that thing! Follow the dark In the circular corridor, relying on the pitiful light of the emergency lights, Lisa walked forward step by step. There seemed to be vague gunshots around her, but she couldn't tell the direction. She didn't see the gunfire. Li Yexing subconsciously let go. Slowed down. My dear, my heartbeat is speeding up. She put her hand into Li Yexing's collar and gently pressed Li Yexing's scarred chest muscles. Alexa whispered like a whisper: Don't be nervous, I'm here. . i

If I was holding my gun instead of you, my heartbeat would definitely not be so fast. Li Yexing said expressionlessly. Then I'll come down? Tilting her head slightly, Alexa's A frightening light flashed in his eyes. No need. After talking to Alexa for a long time, Li Yexing roughly figured out the temper of this willful queen. He knew very well that if he disobeyed her wishes, she would definitely cause trouble for him, so he acted randomly The counselor said: You are wearing high heels and the sound is too loud when you walk, so let's forget it. Well, that's pretty much it. After hearing Li Yexing's answer, Alexa put down her idea of ​​walking. Thinking about where the burn was, he leaned into Li Yexing's arms with satisfaction, and then continued to caress Li Yexing's chest muscles with concentration. Feeling the soft and almost abrasive touch on his chest, Li Yexing couldn't help but frown. He gently shook the arm holding Alexa in his arms. At the same time, he whispered: Are you finished? What is this for? Mopping? You rubbed mine and I touched yours. Is there any problem? My dear? Alexa asked with a smile, her eyes were like an anxious snake staring at her. With

own prey. Looking at Alexa's appearance, Li Youxing felt that something was wrong. He didn't know if he was affected by Alexa's influence, but even his own alertness began to decline. If this continues, the boat will capsize in the gutter! Feeling the delicate hands constantly scratching his chest. Li Yexing's emotions began to become more and more agitated, and it became increasingly difficult to calm down. Just when he was thinking about how to persuade this self-centered queen to be honest, suddenly, a shadow came from the corner of his eye. Sweeping down, Li Yexing's nerves tensed in an instant. He hugged Alexa and leaned against the wall amidst the other's exclamations, and hid under the shadow. What's wrong? Alexisa asked in a low voice with a slight frown. After hearing Alexa's voice, Li Yexing relaxed his tense nerves little by little. He said softly: It's nothing. Muscles. Just a reaction.

In this closed corridor, even if Alexa lowered her voice, the sound was still clear. If there was someone on the opposite side and heard Alexa's voice, he would definitely react, either come to investigate or hide. But the figure in the corner was motionless. It was either a corpse or pretending to be a corpse.

Go up and have a look. Li Yexing said in a deep voice as he stood out from the shadows.

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