What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-130. The macho man holds a gun in both hands

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Feeling the firm and cold touch in his hand, Li Yexing felt for the first time that his AR-5 was so cute and moving. Although holding a sweet beauty that smells like roses is indeed something worthy of making any man happy, but On the enemy's chassis, Li Yexing felt more secure holding his own gun. Seeing Li Yexing caressing the AR-5 with English letters engraved on it like a lover. Alexa, who was already a little dissatisfied, looked even more sad.

Am I worse than that gun in his eyes?!

Although she had a little temper in her heart, in the end, Alexa just snorted coldly. After all, now, she is ready to be a woman who is not willful and understands the situation.

But... she was still angry! Thinking of this, Alexa opened the slits of her cheongsam, stretched out her snow-white slender legs, and gently kicked Li Yexing with her high-heeled feet with cyan veins.

What's wrong? Li Yexing turned his head slightly and asked in a low voice, holding up his favorite gun and keeping close to the front as a habit. It's nothing, I'm just a little unhappy... Alexa frowned slightly and replied: Get it done quickly, I hate it here. Understand. Once the mind is focused, there is no time to care about anything else, Li Yexing didn't She could read the smell of gunpowder in Alexa's words and moved forward. On the contrary, Alexa behind her was slightly stunned and a little surprised. According to her Google knowledge, after expressing her dissatisfaction in a gentle way , the man should be coaxing himself, why did he just go up to it? Forget it, Google is all lies.

Frowning slightly, her orange snake eyes releasing resentment, Alexa followed obediently. Because she deliberately lowered her steps, even with high heels, she still didn't make too much noise.

Along the circular corridor, Li Yexing pressed against the solid and cold metal wall, walking slowly in the darkness that was difficult to reach by the emergency lights. As the two of them moved forward, the gunshots from the front became louder and louder, until there There were constant echoes in the closed space, and when the flickering gunfire was reflected in the darkness ahead, Li Yexing stood still, and at the same time raised his hand to signal Alexa to stop moving. Because Li Yexing's stance was too sudden, Alexa accidentally bumped into Li Yexing's back, squeezing Li Yexing's solid back through the cloth. Alexa did not push him away, but grabbed her. At every opportunity, she gently stroked Li Yexing's side with her hands. At the same time, she leaned into Li Yexing's ear and whispered, What's the matter? My dear? What's the matter? The sound of gunshots almost filled her ears. Yes! Is your question of any value for discussion? Even though he thought it was weird, Li Yexing still patiently explained: There was a firefight in front. If nothing else, the two sides in the firefight should be the same black team we saw before. Umbrella troops and Neo Umbrella monsters. What? Alexa continued to ask.

This question was too essential. - For a moment, Li Yexing didn't know how to answer her. Driven by inertial thinking, Li Youxing pointed to the other side of the corridor and arranged in a low voice: 'Next, follow me, I will Under the cover of gunfire and darkness, we ran to the opposite point and began to observe their position. After I analyzed a suitable route, we rushed over directly. It would be best if we could not attract their attention. If we were caught by them Noticed, before we could wait for Li Yexing to finish speaking, we heard Alexa sigh faintly. She passed Li Yexing, no longer covering up the click-click sound of her high heels hitting the ground, and went straight towards the gun. The sound walked over, leaving Li Yexing with a drunken back under the light of gunfire.

Wait! You forgot, this is the bottom of the sea! In an instant, Li Yexing understood Alexa's intention and watched Alexa strut forward. He only felt that the scalp hair salon! For Alexa Li Yexing was not very clear about her strength. After all, he had never seen this woman look serious. But one thing Li Yexing knew very well was that no matter who the armed force was in front of her, Alexa could easily do it. Run over their heads. In other words, what Li Yexing is worried about is not that Alexa will suffer a loss in the battle. What he is worried about is that once Alexa takes action in this submarine oil field, there will be too much movement! It is difficult to guarantee It will not cause explosions or even chain explosions in important facilities in the undersea oil fields. Once there is an explosion here, seawater will rush in instantly! Li Yexing is not sure whether a powerful Miss Ashford can breathe underwater, but Li Yexing knew very well that he would definitely not be able to breathe in the sea! Faced with Li Yexing's nervousness, Alexa seemed a little unfazed. She gently waved her hand to Li Yexing and said with a cold smile: Don't worry, dear, I'm sensible.

Recalling Alexa's series of wanton actions since meeting her, Li Yexing quickly followed Alexa and said in a low voice: I don't think you have any sense of proportion. So what? Walking straight forward, Alexa stood still, turned her head, a trace of charm flashed in her red snake eyes, she licked her lips lightly: Do you want to try to pull my reins? Honey? Next time. Easily understanding the meaning of Alexa's words, Li Yexing said expressionlessly. You are so cute. Smiling sweetly at Li Yexing, Alexa took another step and walked straight forward. , the long golden hair fell in waves, covering the snow-white back like flowing fire. Following Alexa's graceful figure, she swayed gently. Indistinctly, the strong queen's aura diffused from the back, almost melting. For the sake of reality, even Li Yexing felt a trace of oppression. Finally, facing the roaring gunshots, Alexa stepped straight into the battlefield. Until following Alexa into the chaos, Li Only then did Ye Xing realize that the battlefield in front of him was different from what he had imagined. At the end of the corridor, he saw an extremely wide and huge warehouse connected to it. There were - placed around the warehouse.

A container wrapped around the trailers and debris in the middle of the warehouse, blocking the way to the upper platform. On the bottom floor of the warehouse, a large number of black Umbrella soldiers wearing heavy armor and carrying stun guns on their waists were holding HK-46 Keep firing, and the other side of the warehouse and the upper platform are covered with NEo Umbrella's black-armored ghosts. Some of them are holding submachine guns, and some are holding tearguns, N

The advancement of the Black Umbrella troops was blocked from every angle. The steam dispersed in the darkness with the flickering of gunfire, squeezing and spitting out yellow human pupae. Then, the human pupae exploded, the skin membrane tore, and mutant monsters like heavy tanks emerged from the human body. The pupae are always emerging. Their forelimbs are thick and their lower limbs are short. They are like orangutans in stature. Their body surface is covered with a thick cuticle that even bullets cannot penetrate and can only make a tinkling sound. Watching the difficult heavy-armored monster staggering closer, the black Anbu heavy-armored soldiers who didn't realize that Li Yexing and Alexa were not far behind roared and took out their weapons. The stun gun hanging on his waist was fired directly at the monsters. The next second, the lightning flashed, and the heavily armored monsters fell directly to the ground, twitching all over and unable to move. My dear, you seem to have guessed it right. Looking at the chaotic scene in front of her, Alexa raised her eyebrows and said softly: They seem to be used to deal with monsters.

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