What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-131. The little temper of the fierce queen

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Li Yexing still has a deep memory of the monsters that were knocked to the ground by stun guns. In the original work of Resident Evil 6, there is indeed such a kind of monster. They hatched from the human pupa of the C virus and were infected with the virus. It wears a thick carapace, but its movements are very inflexible. Most of the time, it can only walk slowly. Once it starts running, it will be difficult to turn due to inertia. At present, it may be because the C virus has been strengthened by Hitomi Mijishima's genes. , so those monsters look half a circle larger than the original game, and I don’t know if it’s Li Yexing’s illusion, but those monsters seem to be more flexible than the original game. i Even so, they still cannot resist the stun guns in the hands of the black Umbrella troops. That thing seems a bit powerful. His expression turned serious, and Li Yexing couldn't help but whisper. You mean the one lying on the ground? Looking at the carapace monster on the ground that was still crawling forward even though it was beaten to death by high-voltage electricity, Alexa asked with disdain. No, I It means the one in his hand. Li Yexing pointed at the stun gun and said. Ha. After letting out a cold snort, Alexa raised her head and sneered with the corner of her mouth pulled: No matter how powerful a weapon that can't hit anyone is, It's meaningless. With the disdain and ridicule coming from her bones, Alexa sneered and raised her arms to the chaotic battlefield in front of her, accompanied by the slightest white mist coming from the green jade fingers. The air began to stir, the water evaporated rapidly, and vaguely, there seemed to be a touch of light green crawling along the blood vessels under the skin: - In a second, the flame burst into flames. Like oil igniting fire, hot light instantly rose from the dark green liquid, spurting out from the darkest corner of the battlefield that was the least noticeable, roaring like a roar to the container in front of him and the black Ambre hiding nearby. The cheerleaders were devoured in an instant, and the thick gas masks exploded in an instant, and the transparent materials scattered in all directions as they melted. Under the burning of the flames, the thick stun guns emitted blue arcs, The powder exploded amidst bursts of blasts.

After destroying the enemies in front of it, the flame did not stop. It continued to move forward, instantly devouring the shell monsters that had been rescued from the shackles of high-voltage electricity. Suddenly, screams became one, in the face of this terrifying high temperature. , the overly powerful body and protection have turned into nightmares for the monsters at this moment, unable to be burned to death immediately. They can only let out miserable howls. Under the thick carapace, the blisters expand rapidly, and then burst, and still Before the warmth could escape from the cracks in the carapace, it was instantly dried. Then, the charred carapace finally exploded, and the exposed flesh was instantly burned to char, without even having time to spontaneously combust! In just a few seconds, The flames subsided, but the remnants of the fire were still burning, leaving a red-hot fan shape of Kataoka on the floor of the vast warehouse. Alexa only used a trivial blow to wipe out nearly half of the enemies in the warehouse. Lisa, is this what you mean?! Seeing how powerful Alexa's blow was, she almost killed her. The entire warehouse was set on fire. Li Yexing couldn't help but said urgently. He stepped forward quickly and was about to say something, but he saw that Alexa's face was not pretty. She maintained that posture, her chest rising slightly under her forehead. , actually shed a trace of sweat. Lisa? Seeing that something was wrong with the other party, Li Yexing's slightly frowned brows tightened. He held Alexa up and whispered at the same time: What's going on? You think you want to Is it so easy to control this power? My dear? She hooked Li Yexing's neck with her backhand. Although Alexa was not even able to stand still, she still leaned on Li Yexing. She smiled slightly. Frowning, he seemed to be unwilling to say: I don't know why, I have never been able to control my power accurately. For me, it is harder to keep a hand than to use my power unscrupulously... Are you really okay? Li Yexing was still a little hesitant, and he whispered: You're already on top of me. I That's just because I want to be on top of you. Not shying away from her desire, Alexa said with a corner of her mouth: Dear, would you please put your arms around my waist? Come with me. I am the queen of the Ashford family. My appearance must stun the audience! Understood... This time, Li Yexing did not refuse, He directly hugged Alexa's waist, and Alexa also hugged Li Yexing's crotch. Suddenly, the fatigue seemed to be swept away, she stood up straight, shook her head slightly, Then he cheered up and said: Let's go, my dear, I want Black Umbrella to meet their future male master. Accompanied by the voice, Alexa opened her legs again, shoulder to shoulder with Li Yexing, and walked out of the darkness together, exposing themselves to both sides of the battlefield.

Perhaps because of the sudden terrifying flames before, both Black Umbrella and Neo Umbrella fell into commotion. But at this moment, when two unidentified people suddenly stood out from the shadows, the two parties in the exchange of fire naturally fell into Some kind of eerie silence. Oh? It's so quiet. It seems that you are ready to listen to the Queen's voice. That's good. As if she was very satisfied with the silence between the two parties, Alexa's mouth outlined a cold and arrogant arc. She raised her head, But he didn't look in either direction, he just spread out his free arms and said loudly like a speech: Good evening, N∈o. Umbrella's bastards, and Black Umbrella's ants, what's next? , please allow me to introduce myself solemnly. I am the heir of the Ashford family, Alexa Ashford. At the same time, I am also the queen of Black Umbrella! Ignore the rumors about Black Umbrella. In a whisper, Alexa showed a hint of pleasure and satisfaction. She changed the topic and continued to speak loudly, Next, and the most important thing, I want you to get to know him, my Belong, my soul, my beloved! There is no doubt that I will control Black Umbrella again, and he will control me forever! Don't look, don't look at me... I don't want to reveal my identity,

Li Yexing covered his face with one hand, and while observing the enemies around him with his fingers, he whispered in front of everyone: I'm just a mercenary, and my name is Abdullah Khandaba. Lasky... Dear, let them see... seems to be eager to show off to the world his seven-thirds ownership of Li Yexing. Seeing Li Yexing covering his face, Alexa was a little dissatisfied. He whispered. No, I don't want to dominate Black Umbrella, nor do I want to dominate you. Li Yexing shook his head and whispered. Is that so? It seems that my dear wants to be dominated by me more than dominating me. Forcing Li Yexing to translate Li Yexing's words into what she expected, Alexa nodded, with a hint of joy in her orange-red snake eyes filled with water mist. She nodded and said: My dear, can you think so? It's great, honestly, I'm really looking forward to dominating my dear rather than being dominated by my dear. Watching the pair of unexpected visitors say some incomprehensible words and just ignore everyone and show off their affection, both sides The patience of the combatants finally reached the extreme eye. Accompanied by a strange scream, the ghost zombies on N∈o Umbrella's side took the lead in attacking and pressed the alarm directly at the two. Immediately afterwards, Black Umbrella's side also Then the fire started, and the dense corridor of bullets shot from all directions in an instant. Alexa showed disdain on her face. She gently waved her hand. Suddenly, a white curtain of high-temperature fire rose up, blasting the incoming bullets. All exploded into tiny pieces burning with flames. Ignoring the overwhelming concentrated fire, Alexa, who hugged Li Yexing, sneered and said: You dare to interrupt the romantic flirtation between me and my dear. This is really... .How disrespectful!

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