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After the flames, there was the sound of gurgling water. Accompanied by the piercing alarm and the flashing red light, the fire protection system inside the warehouse began to work. Fire sprinklers kept pouring water in an attempt to put out the remaining fire. After passing through the opened iron gate and leaving the warehouse behind, Li Yexing and Alexa re-entered the dim corridor. At this moment, they looked quite embarrassed. Even though they were not injured, they were still injured because of The fire sprinkler sprinkled water all over her body and she was soaked like a drowned rat. Li Yexing did not go beyond Ping Li Yexing's expectations. For Alexa, destroying Black Umbrella's troops and N∈o Umbrella The ghost zombies pulled by La, V and the monsters crawling out of the human chrysalis, all effortlessly, the aftermath of just the exertion of power is enough to turn all the enemies in the warehouse into coke, which is really difficult for Alek. Instead, Lisa is trying to restrain her power so that she can instantly incinerate her enemies like a queen without triggering an explosion. This is a bit too difficult for Alexa who cannot accurately control her power. Fortunately, , this time it was quite successful. Holding the gun in one hand and wiping his face with the other hand, Li Yexing shook his head and shook the water vigorously like a wild dog that fell into the river. His vision was no longer blurred by the water stains. He turned his head and looked at Alexa standing next to him. Even though she was soaked like Li Yexing, Alexa looked as usual, as if she didn't care about all this. Her already very slim-fitting black cheongsam had no wrinkles, but it was wet and wet on her skin. The fit became tighter and tighter, and the water drops sliding down from the neck glowed with a faint red light under the dim emergency lights, flowing along the smooth and white slope into the deep and alluring snow-capped peaks. The jade fingers inserted into the golden waves that needed to be wet, stirring up a splash of water. Alexa's eyebrows were lowered, and she used her little finger to pluck the strands of hair on her face to her ears. Suddenly, she seemed to notice Li Yexing's Looking at her eyes, she turned her face slightly, her eyes moved, and there was a sly smile in her orange snake eyes. She teased: My dear, what are you looking at? Looking away from the wet beauty, Li Yexing looked forward and said with a serious expression. That's not frank. He stood up straight and let the water droplets slide along his skin. Alexa followed slowly. After getting on Li Yexing, she put her hands behind her back and slightly

Bending down, she approached Li Yexing and asked with a chuckle: Do you still want to see it? My dear? Brother, the moment Li Yexing turned his head and glanced over at the corner of his eye, Alexa smiled and raised her head. He started to use his fingers to gently hook the collar embroidered with gold thread on the side of Xuefeng Canyon, and then pulled it outward little by little. His eyes instantly straightened, and Li Yexing swallowed a gulp of water. Okay, that's it! Just when the snow was about to cover the darkness, Alexa suddenly let go of her collar. She smiled and hooked it back to her shoulders, and then stretched out her hand to Li Yexing. He held up his hand and gently held Li Yexing's chin with his index finger. He chuckled at Li Yexing and said, My dear, although I'm sorry, I won't do the rest until you say you love me. show you. Can you see it just by talking? Li Yexing raised his eyebrows and said, Then if I lie to you, won't you be fooled by me? You won't lie to me, my dear. He winked at Li Yexing. As she smiled, Alexa raised the corners of her lips and said: Because I know that no matter how much I say it, my dear must have fallen in love with me in my heart, so as long as my dear says that she loves me, it must be true. Then what if I say I don't love you? Li Yexing asked curiously. That means my dear is a reserved and not frank child. This situation should be solved by roasting it over high fire for about three minutes. Smiling sweetly at Li Yexing, Alexa asked softly: So, my dear, do you love me or not? Yes! Li Yexing replied expressionlessly: 'I have already answered you, now , it's your turn to show me. No problem, dear. Winking at Li Yexing, Alexa smiled and said, When I save the world, I will show you enough. You won't be able to stop watching. Okay. He didn't quite understand what you can't do without looking meant. There was a hint of disappointment in Li Yexing's eyes. He turned his head, looked forward again and whispered: 'Let's go.

My dear, you are so cute. Alexa stepped on her high heels and quickly kept up with Li Yexing's pace. She pressed her cheek against Li Yexing's shoulder through her wet blond hair. Li Yexing's arm replaced Li Yexing's arm, looking like a couple shopping. Don't hold my arm. Li Yexing frowned and whispered, unable to lift the gun. It's okay, dear, short. Within a short period of time, there will be no enemies ahead. Listening to the faint gunshots coming from other directions in the undersea oil field, Alexa smiled and said: Since you refuse to hug me, you should be able to do it with your help. ?After all, it takes a lot of energy to control my power. After hearing Alexa's words, Li Yexing did not shirk after all. After all, after roasting the enemies in the warehouse, the trace of fatigue in Alexa's eyes did not seem to be fake. Forget it, there should be no danger before finding Chaos anyway. She works so hard, so what if she is allowed to be willful once? Exposing the fragile side under the tough shell to the other party, invisibly, Alexa finally succeeded in brushing After getting out of Li Yexing's favorability level, they walked all the way along the dark corridor, ignoring the sound of gunfire from an unknown distance. As the two of them walked deeper, the environment in the corridor gradually changed. Thick cables either crawled through the corners and piled up on the ground, or were fixed on the ceiling, extending into the darkness. They looked extremely strange. In the center of the ceiling of the corridor, there was a completely transparent pipe. The pipeline is as thick as a thigh, and there is a faint blue light flowing inside. At first glance, it looks a bit like Hong. But it doesn't seem to be. This adds to the corridor that looks like the esophagus of a giant beast.

A hint of mystery and weirdness. Fortunately, windows appeared on both sides of the corridor. Compared to Li Yexing, who was watching the road ahead intently, Alexa seemed much more casual, as if she was really just on an outing. He opened his eyes wide and looked at the seabed outside the window, which was penetrated by the white light. , with a strange look in her eyes. When a school of fish swam past the window, she suddenly turned her head and asked Li Yexing: Dear, tell me, do we look like a couple visiting an aquarium now? I don't know. Li Yexing shook his head and said: I have never been to the aquarium. Thinking about it carefully, in fact, when traveling in Japan, Li Yexing had thought of taking Tiililith to the aquarium, but obviously, Tililith is only interested in the fish on the inside, on the plate and on the bamboo sticks. For her, instead of watching what the inedible fish looks like when they are alive through the glass, it is better to spend some time in the ocean of games and animations. Wandering in. Tililith has three major hobbies: delicious, fun, and big.

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