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Accompanied by the rumbling sound of the door opening, Li Yexing released the lever and quickly backed away. He subconsciously leaned against the door and pressed his finger on the ticker. He frowned and was about to be shocked when he saw Alexa. He simply released the lever and walked in with great swagger. Hey. He smacked his lips helplessly, and Li Yexing had no choice but to step out and follow quickly. Passing through the opened gate, Li Yexing, who was following Alexa, entered a wide space again. Unlike the previous warehouse used for containers and engineering equipment, the space in front of him seemed much smaller. More Close to a circular room, the room was dimly lit, and the ground was covered with randomly laid lines. They were twisted and concentrated in the center of the room like snakes. In the center of the room, there stood a tall column. It looks like an elevator shaft, but it exudes a light blue shimmer. If you look up along this column with unknown function, you will see the transparent pipes extending from the corridor. They are suspended in mid-air, and this tall The columns are connected together, and then upward, there are metal bridges that are only for single people to pass. There are low railings on the bridges, leading directly to the small locked doors on the surrounding walls. What is this place used for? Alexa frowned slightly and asked in confusion. I don't know. Looking around, Li Youxing also frowned. For some reason, the spacious but depressing room in front of him gave Li Yexing an inexplicable sense of déjà vu, as if he had been here before, while following Ah Lexa moved forward, scanning around until he saw the compact metal gates and conveyor belts closely arranged on the surrounding walls, as well as the levers used to control the gates. Li Yexing suddenly remembered where this place was. This is In the original game of Resident Evil 6, this is the place where Chris and Pierce once fought! In the original game, Chris and Pierce successfully arrived at the submarine oil field in the fighter plane that was blown up by Alexa, and prepared to rescue them. Jack and Shirley, who were grouped in the oil field, passed through the pass and then arrived here. Here, they encountered a large number of ghost zombies and started fighting with them. At the same time, the entire submarine oil field... Ladu began to play the last words recorded by Kara before his death. Hello, stranger

As Li Yexing was familiar with, suddenly, a sudden female voice sounded from the radio. When Li Yexing heard this voice, his expression was as usual and he was not surprised at all. On the contrary, Alexa raised her eyebrows slightly and raised the corners of her mouth. He said in a cold arc, Ada King? The audio was slightly distorted, but he could still understand it clearly. Through the speaker, Kara's ghost said in a flirtatious tone: Well, I, or should I say... I used to , just think of this as the money I left for you as a farewell gift. If you can get to this point, then you should be from BSAA, but it doesn't matter anymore, you still can't stop my plan, no one can No

With just one missile, the world will be completely different. Your missile fell into the sea... Li Yexing couldn't help but muttered in a low voice. Naturally, dead people cannot see the world after their death, in the recording Karayu said confidently: This world will become a new Yitian Garden and become my last... great masterpiece. He will rise from the ruins of the burning city and conquer everything that remains after the catastrophe. He will become the ruler of the new era! Along with the sudden noise of electricity, the recording ended, and the entire large room fell into darkness and silence again. Rise from the burning ruins and become the ruler of the new era? Repeating what Kara said in the recording, the expression on Alexis's face finally became unbearable, and she widened her red snake pupils. , raised his eyebrows, and sneered in that extremely mocking tone, Just you? After listening to the recording that was like reciting poetry, and the faint gunshots around him, Li Yexing knew that the person who was supposed to appear in The ghost zombies in this scene will most likely not come, and to be honest, now, Li Yexing suddenly became curious about the situation over there in Lan Yang. If the plan goes as expected, Hitomi Shima and Ada should have killed Kara by now. Even if she used the enhanced C virus, Rita and Bai Muqing could easily end it, but they don't know what happened to Tililith. , after all, in the original work, Simmons has many forms, and the follow-up corridor may be a bit troublesome if he fails to solve it on the train. .Forget it, it’s all unnecessary concern. Our girls can definitely handle Lan Xiang’s situation properly. Thinking of this, Li Yexing turned around and walked step by step towards the metal gate with two levers on the other side of the room. When he passed by Alexa, he whispered: Let's go, Lisa. , and then comes the main event. Huh? She tilted her head slightly, a glimmer of light flashed between her eyes, and Alexa asked softly: Are we coming? Hmm. She came to the lever on one side. , holding his hand on the lever, Li Yexing replied in a deep voice. How do you know? Standing on the other side of the door, holding the lever on the other side, Alexa chuckled and said: I thought you didn't You know the way, dear

Of course I don't know the way, Li Yexing responded in a low voice: However, since the mastermind behind the scenes has spoken, I guess t should not be far from the final BOSS.

After that, as if there was a silent understanding, Li Yexing and Alexa pulled the lever at the same time. With a burst of metal friction, the gate opened, and Li Yexing and Alexa turned their heads at the same time, staring at each other. Looking at each other, after a moment, Li Yexing nodded and said, Let's go and save the world. Ha, it's really exciting. Alexa responded with a smile. At the same time, she let go of the hand holding the lever. The two of them walked out of the door, turned around, and then walked side by side towards the open space on the other side of the gate. Their feet stepped on the metal ground, making a treading sound. The sounds of leather boots and high heels hitting the ground were surprisingly overlapping at this moment. Facing the white light and facing the darkness, the two finally arrived at the submarine oil field. center. wear

After passing the pitifully cut off corridor outside the door and returning to the light, Li Yexing's vision suddenly opened up. In front of him and Alexa, a circular space nearly as big as a field appeared, like - On the inner wall of a deep well, surrounding this huge ring, there are rows of lifting platforms built on the wall. Each lifting platform is equipped with a computer that can be used to control the platform, and these platforms will accurately It is connected to the corridors on each floor, and goes down layer by layer until it reaches the dark abyss that cannot be illuminated by light. Is this the center of the submarine oil field? The corner of her mouth raised with a hint of disdain. Alexa stepped on black high heels and slowly came to the edge of the platform. She lowered her head and looked at the dark bottomless abyss under her feet. For a moment Finally, she chuckled and said: So, the monster we are going to deal with is down here? No. Coming behind Alexa, Li Yexing raised his head and frowned. Wrinkled: It's above us.

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