What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-135. The fierce female queen can’t stop

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It's above us. Looking up at the upper level of the hollow illuminated by white lights, Li Yexing said in a deep voice. After hearing Li Yexing's words, Alexa was slightly startled. Then she raised her head and followed Li Yexing's gaze. Looking at the top of her head, she was stunned and a trace of undisguised surprise flashed through her orange-red snake eyes. After a while, she slightly curved the corners of her mouth and said with a smile, He is really a big guy. At this moment, in the center of the submarine oil field, a thick mechanical claw hangs from the top of the huge annular space. Under the mechanical claw, hangs an extremely huge spindle-shaped object, at least tens of meters in height. The thing was all khaki in color, with pits on the surface, as if it had been smeared with yellow mud. Countless cables came from all directions, bordering the giant thing, and connected to the unnamed things on the top. Equipment, and following the giant thing downwards, a large number of solid khaki silk threads were pulling and hanging, like solid ice pins. There is no doubt that it is a pupa formed by the condensation of C virus infection! How? Li Yexing moved his eyes away from the huge pupa, turned his head and looked at Alexa and said: Can you do it? ? If it were outside, it would only take five seconds to kill it... There was a hint of solemnity in her brows, and Alexa said in a deep voice: If it were here, it might be a little difficult for this guy. Saying that, Alex Lisa turned her head and looked at the lift platform aside. She whispered, Anyway, let's go up and take a look first. Nodding as a response, Li Yexing took a deep look at the giant chrysalis hanging above his head, weighed the Fist of the Saint slung behind his shoulder, then turned around and headed straight for the lifting platform. Go, and Alexa followed closely behind Li Yexing. When both of them got on the lift, Li Yexing stopped his eyes on the computer screen. He stepped forward and tapped the keyboard a few times. Then he opened his hands and pulled down the red levers on both sides of the computer at the same time. Suddenly, there was a sound

With a rumbling sound, the elevator slowly started to move. Following the track on the wall, it carried Li Yexing and Alexa, and began to move vertically upward little by little, heading straight to the top of the huge annular space. I don’t know whether it’s because the space is too huge or because the lift platform moves slowly. Even though it has passed several floors, the giant chrysalis still looks a bit far away. Li Yexing looked up at the giant chrysalis, without saying a word, with an expression on his face. Dignified and cold, while Alexa on the side tilted her head slightly, looking at Li Yexing's profile.

Speaking of which, the encounter with Li Yexing can be traced back to the escape ten years ago. Due to various reasons, Alexa was not able to see Li Yexing's face clearly, and her impression afterwards was not that deep. The first time I took a closer look at this face was when I was browsing the briefing of the first Lopulus incident. At that time, Li Yexing's face was expressionless in the file photo, as if someone owed him money, but now , Li Yexing looks more humane. Apart from the traces of time engraved in his soul, Li Yexing's face has not changed in the past eight years. If it weren't for knowing Li Yexing's true age, just looking at this face, Alexa would definitely think that the other person was only about twenty years old. My dear, you look so young. In a daze, Alexa couldn't help but whisper softly: It's like you won't age.

Really? Hearing Alexa's words, Li Yexing subconsciously touched the side of his face. He turned his head and said to Alexa: I shaved before coming here. That's not what I'm talking about. Thinking of her body that had never changed since she was twenty years old, and then thinking of the monster girls around Li Yexing who seemed to never age, Alexa couldn't help but shook her head slightly, She was about to express her views to Li Yexing when suddenly, a burst of shouts in Russian sounded from above her head. There! Hearing this sudden sound, Li Yexing immediately raised his head, and Alexei Sha also swallowed back what she wanted to say. Following the direction of the sound, the two of them looked over together. In the corridor opposite the circular space, they saw a group of people wearing black armor and huge helmets. The ghost zombies rushed out suddenly. They pointed at Li Yexing and Alexa on the lift, and shouted in Russian: Kill them! Hey, why do I want to talk to my dear every time? , will someone come out to disturb you? There was a trace of displeasure between his eyebrows, but there was nothing he could do. After all, the group of monsters were too far away. If it was okay outside, Alexa could just blast a large sea of ​​​​fire through it. , but now, at the bottom of the sea, Alexa did not dare to use her full strength. Fortunately, Li Yexing, who was nearby, saw through Alexa's embarrassment. He took a step forward, directly raised the AR-5 in his hand, and began to shoot at the A pile of monster heads pulled the trigger. At the end of the page, the sound of gunfire tore apart the quiet and empty annular space. A bullet from the opposite corridor was fired, hitting the wall behind Li Yexing with no accuracy. , while Li Yexing was not in a hurry, he pressed the alarm one after another, and calmly fired bullets into the heads of those ghostly zombies, and the shiny black helmets exploded one after another. The heads of the ghost zombies were spraying steam crazily like punctured balloons. Immediately afterwards, the cracks on their heads exploded and surged, and all kinds of insect body characteristics exploded out accompanied by burning and flickering blood flowers. After hitting a group of ghost zombies on the head and causing them to mutate, Li Yexing breathed out a breath of turbid air, and then began to change the magazine. On the other side, Alexa standing aside looked at the monsters with teeth and claws on the opposite side, with a look on her face. A little surprised, after a while, she smiled and nodded, and praised Li Yexing: As expected of you, my dear. It's nothing. After changing the magazine, Li Yexing frowned slightly and said solemnly: I have always been quite confident in my shooting skills. I'm not talking about this, dear. He shook his head slightly and said There was a trace of appreciation in her red eyes, and Alexisa whispered: My dear, I can obviously kill it, but I didn't do it. As long as their brains are destroyed and they can't fire, they

Then there is no threat to us. This approach not only saves time but also saves ammunition. As she spoke, Alexa narrowed her eyes and smiled lightly at Li Yexing: This is what the strongest mercenary in the northern hemisphere has to say. Instant judgment on the battlefield? It’s amazing

Don't. Looking around the dark corridors on the surrounding walls with vigilance, Li Youxing replied in a low voice: I feel a little strange being praised by you with this name. Besides, be more vigilant, Lisa, and It's not over yet. With Li Yexing's whisper, the next second, I saw a large number of armed personnel pouring out of the corridors, some of which were Black Umbrella's troops, and some of which were Neo Umbrella's ghosts. Zombies, they either stood at the entrance of the corridor, or rushed directly to the fixed platform surrounding the inner wall of the annular space. Several groups of ghost zombies rushed directly to the nearest elevator, seeming to want to kill Li who was rising. Ye Xing and Alexa stopped him. What an endless bunch of guys. They just cling to others' backs. Such men will not please women... A trace of disloyalty flashed between his eyebrows. Alexa turned her head, narrowed her eyes slightly and said: Can't they learn from my dear? That kind of detachment, letting go, and indifferently plucking every heartstring of my heart, ah, my dear, you really make me happy. I can't stop! I raised it up and pointed it at the ghostly zombie who had set up a sniper rifle in the corridor on the other side. Li Yexing took aim while frowning and whispering: So you are this type? Li. Sarah, you will really surprise me.

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