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The chaotic sound of gunfire, the roar of machinery, and the shouts and curses in various languages. As all forces arrived at the final stage, the center of the submarine oil field finally became lively, with various sounds intermingled and interspersed. The constant reverberation in the closed environment turned the center of the submarine oil field into a concert playing a chaotic concerto. However, compared to this senseless excitement, Alexa preferred quiet solitude, and Li Ye Xing was also not used to being pointed at a gun, so at this moment, the faces of the two people on the lift platform looked a little ugly. -The gun shot down the ghost zombie sniper standing at the entrance of the corridor on the wall beside him, and he was ready to deal with the group of ghost zombies in the opposite corridor that had rushed to the lift platform.

Li Yexing turned his head and was about to raise his gun when he saw the group of ghost zombies engaged in a fierce exchange of fire with the black Umbrella troops on the platform next to them. Here, I'll turn you into a magic tree. With a wicked smile on his lips, Li Yexing looked through the scope and started firing at the group of ghost zombies on the lift platform. The bullets penetrated the air and fired one round at a time. Hitting the arms and thighs of those ghost zombies, accompanied by screams, blood flew from the waste in the air and turned into flames. Immediately afterwards, those ghost zombies began to spout steam crazily, and their The limbs injured by Li Yexing exploded in the steam and turned into mutated limbs full of insect characteristics. Even though they can no longer use firearms, their combat capabilities have been greatly enhanced due to body mutations. The ghost zombies with severely mutated limbs dropped their firearms. G shouted in Russian and rushed toward the black Umbrella troops on the platform. He rushed forward, and for a moment, there were shouts and gunshots. Well, I feel better this time. Seeing the two parties fighting together below, Li Yexing turned his gun and was about to kill the black Umbrella team in a chaotic manner. Suddenly, a heat wave suddenly hit him. Attacked behind him, Li Yexing turned around subconsciously, only to see Alexisa and a blazing white fire curtain in the air. A stray bullet from the other side hit the fire curtain and turned into Incoming magma. It stuck to the floor of the elevator. As the dark green Veronica's blood burned completely, Alexa frowned slightly. She was about to wave again, but she saw Li Yexing stepping forward and blocking her directly. In front of Alexa, he set up his gun and quickly aimed at the ghost zombies on the lower platform who were constantly trying to fire upwards. Then he directly pulled the trigger to death. The trigger was not accurately aimed, and half of the magazine was lost by Li Yexing. It was cleared instantly by strafing. Under the impact of armor-piercing bullets, even the strengthened blocky skin still seemed a little vulnerable. The black armor exploded under the support of steam and mutated limbs, turning the ghost zombie into a The monster is about to lose its human form. After eliminating the threat of the ghost zombies, Li Yexing glanced at the opposite side, and then began to quickly change the magazine. Alexa, who was standing aside, tilted her head slightly, smiled and said to Li Yexing: My dear, you are so kind to me. Just put on the bullets and make simple adjustments. Li Yexing glanced around. After seeing that the battle below had developed, he raised his head and aimed his gaze at the place. The giant pupa hanging in the dome whispered to Alexa at the same time: 'If you can get rid of this thing, I will definitely treat you better. As expected of you, dear, have you started thinking about how to use me? As the height of the lift continues to rise, it has become difficult for the enemies below to aim. Taking advantage of this short opportunity, Alexa pressed down. With Li Yexing's back, his arms wrapped around Li Yexing's waist, he leaned forward and whispered to Li Yexing in a low voice: Then the question is, my dear, how good can you be to me? I'm very curious. .. It's hard to say. Think about it carefully. I don't seem to have said anything about whether I want to add people to my family... Thinking of how Bai Muqing entered the office, Li Yexing couldn't help but laugh at himself in a low voice: As long as you It's up to you to say how good it is for you to be able to pass the test of my girls. I'm relieved about that. Alexa chuckled and said, Believe me, my sisters will definitely like me very much. of. As time went by, the lift platform where Li Yexing and Alexa were sitting rose higher and higher. Under them, the black Umbrella and NEo Umbrella, who were in a ball, also boarded the lift platform. It seemed that they were They wanted to catch up with Li Yexing and Alexa, but unfortunately the speed of the elevator could not be increased. They could only raise their heads and watch Li Yexing and Alexa rise higher and higher while moving along with the surrounding elevators. The rising enemy drew his gun and fired at him. On the highest lift platform, Li Yexing and Alexa had almost reached the bottom of the giant chrysalis. As the distance got closer and closer, a faint odor spread in the air. The smell was a bit like accumulation. The aquatic products together looked a bit like rotting corpses exposed to the sun. Li Yexing didn't like this smell, but it was obvious that Alexa, who was born as a eldest lady, didn't feel so good. She frowned slightly. He buried his nose in Li Yexing's neck and inhaled the smell of Li Yexing's body while saying displeasedly: This thing smells like dead fish. It's disgusting... Just bear with it. Li Yexing raised his hand and curled Alexa's smooth blond hair with his dirty fingers. Li Yexing whispered: Kill 2, and tonight's mess will be over. As soon as he finished speaking, suddenly, there was a loud bang, and the lift platform under Li Yexing and Alexa's feet shook violently, causing the unsuspecting Alexa to be hugged from behind by her. Li Yexing almost fell down, and then, the lifting platform under their feet suddenly stopped, as if it was stuck by something. At the same time, the computer on the lifting platform also popped up a red error message. What's going on? Seeing that the lift platform suddenly stopped moving, Alexa frowned slightly and said, We have already reached the highest level? No. She looked up and looked at the circles above her head. On the platform on the inner wall of the circular space, he lowered his head to look at the error message on the computer screen next to him. Li Yexing turned around and stared at the elevators that stopped suddenly below.

Frowning, he said, Someone turned off some of the lifts through the backend system.

They are those Neo. Umbrella monsters... Alexa couldn't help but be a little surprised when she found out that the elevator that only her own and the Black Umbrella team were riding on was shut down: They are still there. With one exception, can Bow be so smart? They've always been quite smart, Li Yexing said casually to Alexa, and Li Yexing's expression became more and more serious. The position we are in can be said to be very awkward. The lift platform for the two of them is stuck between the two platforms. They can't get up or down. If they want to continue going up, the only way is to jump from here to the lower platform, and then Enter the corridor along the platform, and continue upward from the outside of the circular space. However, if you do this, a lot of time will be wasted. ... Li Yexing looked down at the platform below, and then at the platform above. He couldn't help smacking his lips, and just as he was struggling with which method to use to continue upward, suddenly, he saw a large group of mutated ghost zombies suddenly pouring out of the high platform on the upper level, waving mutated insect-shaped weapons. The limbs roared and rushed straight to the lift platform where Li Yexing and Alexa were, then jumped up and jumped to Li Yexing and Alexa one after another.

In front of Shah. There were bursts of sneers from under the fly helmet, and the mutated ghost zombie headed by it pointed at Li Yexing and Alexa, and roared in Russian: 'You are dead!

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