What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-137. The forced buying and selling of the fierce male and female queens

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On the lift platform, they were surrounded by mutated ghost zombies wearing black armor and falling from the sky. Listening to the roar of the leader of the ghost zombies, Li Yexing and Alexa were stunned at the same time. After a while, the corners of their mouths turned. At the same time, it evoked a smile. Dead? Li Yexing tilted his head slightly, raising his eyebrows and chuckled. Us? A trace of ridicule curled up at the corner of her mouth. Alexa raised her head and said contemptuously. Realizing that she was being underestimated, the leading ghost zombie suddenly let out a roar, and it shook its foot. The two-meter-long bloody limbs hammered the ground hard, making bursts of sounds. Then they suddenly jumped up and struck Li Yexing on the head. Li Yexing didn't panic when he saw this. He turned sideways slightly and said The limbs brushed against his chest and hit the ground. Then, at the moment when the attack of the ghost zombie failed, he suddenly launched an attack and grabbed the helmet of the ghost zombie. At the same time, he stuck one leg in the ghost zombie's helmet. After the zombie's calves, as his arms exerted force, the leader of the ghost zombies, whose center of gravity was somewhat unstable due to mutation, was directly tripped to the ground by Li Yexing.

In an instant, gunfire erupted. The black helmet and hard head shell were shattered by the 556mm armor-piercing bullet, and the exploding flesh and blood spurted from the back of the ghostly zombie's head.

It surged out and splashed on the ground, turning into clusters of sparks. It wasn't until the ghostly zombie squad leader was beaten off half of his head that Li Yexing slowly stood up. Before the corpse could completely spontaneously combust, Li Yexing kicked it. Stepping the corpse off the platform, he finally turned around and looked at the mutated zombies in front of him. He slightly tilted his head and said in Russian, Stand? Watch? What do you mean? Take turns to stand alone. pick?

Like explosive barrels, after being splashed by the sparks in Li Yexing's words, the ghost zombies exploded completely. They let out bursts of howls, and then swarmed towards Li Yexing. Li Yexing saw He didn't say anything, just smiled and took a step back. The next second, Alexa, who had been watching just now, lay directly on Li Yexing's back, pressed her chin on Li Yexing's shoulder, and wrapped her arms around Li Yexing. Ye Xing's neck rested on Li Ye Xing's chest. Alexa chuckled and said, My dear, you are really good at summoning people. After all, Alexa raised her hand and extended her index finger like a pistol. Facing the oncoming mutated ghost zombies D, she gently shook her thumb and whispered: Wang.

The next second, the dark green liquid turned into a fireball when it was lifted from Alexa's fingertips, burning Li Yexing's face red. The fireball flew out like a cannonball and crashed into a group of ghosts. There was a sudden explosion among the zombies, and the shock wave instantly raised the corners of Li Yexing's clothes and Alexa's blond hair, while the ghost zombies at the center of the explosion howled and flew out, and some of them stumbled down the elevator. The platform went straight to the bottomless abyss, and some fell on the lower platform with their whole bodies on fire. They rolled in pain, and then condensed into hideous postures as if melted amidst the screams. Weird man chrysalis. With just an understatement, the lift platform was cleared again. Only the scattered bullet shells and scorch marks left by the explosion on the ground told others that a battle had taken place here. Are you controlling your strength? Looking at the scorch marks on the ground, Li Yexing turned his head and asked softly. No, at this level, just wave your hand casually. He put his raised arm on Li Yexing's back again. On her chest, Alexa chuckled and said: My dear, what do you think this time? I didn't ask you to help. Li Yexing joked. But I bought and sold by force... She gently tore Li Yexing's ears with her teeth, and then blew hot air into Li Yexing's ear holes. Alexa whispered: Dear, it can't be. Do you want to use me in vain? How about I owe it first? Li Yexing asked with a chuckle as his eyes moved and he looked at Alexa's side face with the corner of his eye. Then you're in trouble, my dear. She licked Li Yexing's ears again and again, stirring her tongue, and said in a wet voice: Look carefully, even With so much profit, if you want to pay off your debt, the only way you can go is to pay it off with your own hands. Li what about the debt, repaying it will be a matter later. He raised his hand and tapped Alexa's forehead lightly, indicating that the other party would release her ears. Li Ye raised his head and looked at the girl hanging on the dome. Above, the giant chrysalis, which was still some distance away from him, said in a deep voice: The question now is, how to solve it? This place has long been within my shooting range. Alekli pressed on Li Yexing's back without mercy. Sha ignored the gunshots that followed the lift platform on the other side. She suppressed her smile and said solemnly: If I let go, I can bake it directly, but in that case, I can't guarantee whether it will lead to something here. The device exploded. In other words, do we still have to go up? Li Yexing frowned slightly and whispered to himself. Turning his attention to the high platform on the lift platform, Li Yexing began to consider whether it was possible to jump up directly. Alexa, it must be no problem, but if it were me, it might be a little difficult. Of course, there is another way, and that is to let Alexa jump up with her arms in her arms... She glanced vaguely at the wall hanging on her Behind Alexa, Li Yexing shook his head and gave up. Alexisa would definitely be happy to do this proposal, but for herself, whether it was emotionally or from other factors, Speaking of which, it is somewhat difficult to accept. After making up his mind and paying attention to the slow lifts on the opposite side, Li Yexing got rid of Alexa's arms. He turned around and said to Alexa: Lisa, Now we need to continue going up, but I'm afraid we won't have enough time to return to the corridor from the platform, so I want you to jump up directly along the platform layer by layer, and I will cover you below. I can hold it You go up, dear. Alexisa said without hesitation. No. Shaking his head again, Li Yexing gave his valid reason. He looked into Alexa's eyes and said solemnly:

'I will stay here to cover you. Here, it is not convenient for you to use your abilities. I can kill all the guys who try to fire at you from a distance, so that you can concentrate on dealing with the guy above us. After all, once you If you try to control the power output, it's hard to have the energy to take care of those guys in the distance, isn't it? Looking at Li Yexing's sincere eyes, Alexa sighed slightly, and she said softly: So Sure enough, it's because you don't want to be held by me? i Hearing Alexa's words, Li Yexing's expression became a little embarrassed. He was about to persuade Alexa again, but suddenly, there was a heartbreaking feeling. A miserable howl came from below. With a look on his face, Li Yexing suddenly turned around and ran straight to the edge of the lift. Holding the control computer on the lift with one hand, he followed the scream and looked towards the platform below. Then, he stunned. In the shadow of the platform corridor, a tall and thin humanoid monster was seen walking out step by step, carrying a black spear with a ghost zombie hanging on it.

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