What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-138. The arrogance of the fierce queen

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The humanoid monster was tall, with slender limbs and slender waist. It was wearing black armor and a mask. It was holding a black alloy spear in its hand. It slowly walked out of the shadows and stabbed a man on the spear. The ghost zombie with its chest pierced was holding the gun barrel with both hands, howling and kicking its legs vigorously. The ghost zombie hanging on the spear struggled violently. The black-armored monster didn't care. It just came step by step. The edge of the platform then swung the long) violently, and with its movement, the pierced ghost zombie flew out with a howl and fell into the deep continent. What is that? Looking at the weird black-armored monster, Li Yexing couldn't help but frown. For some reason, he always felt that the black-armored monster looked like an EVA holding the Gun of Longinus. Is this the Apostle? A very familiar voice sounded next to him. Li Yexing was slightly startled, and then turned his head, only to see Alexis walking up at some point and standing beside him, He looked at the strange black-armored monster on the lower platform opposite with interest, his eyes full of curiosity. Do you know this thing? Seeing Alexa calling out the monster's name, Li Yexing couldn't help but ask. I've only heard about it a little bit, but this is the first time I've seen it in person. She raised her eyebrows slightly, and introduced softly: Using the slightly improved classic tyrant's craftsmanship, using black people as human bodies, the brains are removed. Remove part of it and replace it with a third-generation La Plag parasite that can receive sound wave messages and implant special components that can remotely receive commands and transmit corresponding sound waves. It can be regarded as an organic combination of the old and new eras of BOW. In addition to the various built-in information placed in the chip In addition, I heard that they also have a certain learning ability. They]? Keenly aware of the blind spots, Li Yexing frowned slightly. Yes, that's right. Alexa nodded and said, The apostle is Mass-produced goods lower costs at the expense of not being able to liberate power, but relatively,

They have higher intelligence than traditional tyrants. There is no doubt that they are the best mass-produced B0W in the hands of Black Umbrella. Along with Alexa's explanation, bullets pull fire from all directions) \\Fang attacked the monster that suddenly appeared. Because of the threat of the apostle, the ghost zombies who were slowly rising up on the lift had to turn their guns. They started firing fiercely at the apostle, and the bullets hit the black exoskeleton. On the other side, there was a clanking sound, and the monster, withstanding the firepower, silently walked towards the slowly rising lift platform on the other side. As it got closer and closer to the lift platform, the monster's speed became faster and faster. It came faster and faster, from a slow walk at the beginning to a fast walk, then to a trot, and finally to a running with open thighs. Between the hands, the dark alloy spear danced like a hurricane. Looking at the apostle who was running wildly while wielding the spear like a golden hoop, Li Yexing's eyes were straightened. He twitched his facial muscles and said with an ugly face, This thing, it can also use martial arts?! I have heard that they seem to have implanted similar programs into the apostle's system, such as martial arts techniques to match the weapons, how to use some simple thermal weapons, or fighting based on terrain conditions. Looking at it. Alexa, the apostle wielding the spear, was also a little surprised. She said softly: I underestimate Victor's technical department, they can even do this kind of thing. Just as Li Yexing was talking to Alexa, the apostle who had rushed through most of the annular space used his inertia to jump directly onto a rising lift platform. With a muffled sound, With its legs bent to the extreme, the monster fell like a frog among the ghost zombies. Then, it did not straighten up, but maintained the weird posture, waving its hands crazily as if it were unparalleled. alloy spear. Accompanied by screams, the ghost zombies on the lift platform were all swept off the lift platform by the apostles with one shot, and fell into the abyss below. However, the apostles who cleared away the ghost zombies were not in a hurry to leave. It held its spear with one hand and squatted half-crouched on the lift platform. Its head was tilted in a weird posture, and it directly faced Li Yexing and Alexa who were standing on the high-rise lift platform. For some reason, being stared at by this faceless monster wearing a mask, Li Yexing always felt an inexplicable chill running down his spine, so he subconsciously pressed his finger on the lever, frowned and whispered: Lisa, what can I do? Do you think it's looking at us? No, it's not looking at us, dear. From the increasingly close distance, Alexa gently raised the corners of her mouth, and she chuckled: This guy, It's staring at me, it's coming towards me. Coming after you? Li Yexing narrowed his eyes slightly, raised the AR-5 in his hand, locked the monster's head in the scope, but did not rush to open it. He whispered: It seems, you The speaker on Black Umbrella's side was a little uneasy. Uneasy? I hope Victor would be uneasy. There was a rare hint of darkness in the orange-red snake eyes. , Alexa whispered: But it's a pity that today's action is the first time in ten years that I have been exposed to Victor's sight again, and, to be honest, according to my understanding of that guy, even if he knows I'm still alive, and he still won't be in trouble. That guy likes to play chess. Although his chess skills are a bit unflattering, as long as someone is with him, he will be very happy.

The first time? The memory of the violent mercenary flashed back in his mind. Li Yexing was slightly stunned, and then said in surprise: They don't know you are still alive at all? Of course not. Alexisa chuckled and said. In other words, they ended the chase ten years ago so hastily? Li Yexing frowned slightly and asked: Why? Because ten years ago, they all Thought I was dead. Alexa replied with a smile. Then you have to see the person alive and the body after death, right? Li Yexing asked with some confusion: They dare to conclude that you are dead when the person is not found and the body is not found.

At this point, Li Youxing was stunned. After a long time, he suddenly said: Damn it, that's what it is. Seeing that Li Yexing understood, Alexa just smiled and didn't explain much. , after all, she doesn't like to mention this matter. Even though she can calm down now, the betrayal ten years ago and the subsequent killing were a bit embarrassing, which is not in line with the Ashford family. Aesthetics. So, their reaction is quite fast. On the other side, still staring at the motionless apostle, Li Yexing said in a deep voice: You just showed up on the aircraft carrier, and they So I sent the stuff from the bottom of the box to hunt you down, saying. Say. Do you deserve to be the Ashford family? As expected? My dear, you are really joking. Above the tear mole, there was a faint sarcasm in the corner of his eyes, Alec Lisa tilted her head slightly and said: If they really value the Ashford family and me so much, then they won't just send a mass-produced product to deal with me. It's obvious that they look down on me. He lacked a correct understanding of the power. I hope they only sent one mass-produced product. Li Yexing repeatedly rubbed his index finger on the ticker, and couldn't help but muttered in a low voice. However, God did not fulfill his wish, and Li Yexing As soon as he finished speaking, he saw another apostle walking out from the platform corridor opposite, carrying a spear. It ignored the bullets fired by the ghost zombies on the surrounding platform, glanced around, and then, it turned its sight He was fixed on Alexa next to Li Yexing. Is there enough noodles this time? Li Yexing asked, twitching his facial muscles slightly as he saw another apostle appear on the opposite side. Of course not, my dear. Alexa shook her head and said, Amount. The product comes against me, no matter how much it comes, it is an insult to me.

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