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Seeing Alexa's reaction to Yun Danfengqing, Li Yexing understood that she really looked down on the two monsters sent by Black Umbrella. But it’s not surprising when you think about it. After all, Alexa is the most powerful creature under the gods in the true sense. Its destructive power is no less than that of modern war weapons. Even Albert, who has a superhuman body, Twisker is not her enemy. In other words, Alexa does have arrogance.

The muzzle of the gun was pointed at the apostle on the lift platform, but the corner of his eye was focused on the apostle on the other side who stood motionless in the hail of bullets. Li Yexing waited silently, waiting for the two monsters to move, and then, as if In response to Li Yexing, the apostle standing in front of the corridor suddenly bowed, raised one leg, leaned back, pointed one hand with five fingers into a palm, and held Alexa with the other hand. The spear was pulled back hard, like a bowstring. The next second, the apostle suddenly exerted force, leaned forward, and threw the spear in his hand toward Alexa like a javelin. Lisa. ! His eyes suddenly widened, and his pupils shrank to the size of pinholes. Li Yexing turned around subconsciously and said loudly, Alexa standing behind Li Yexing had a stern face, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and there were red snake pupils in her eyes. There was a glimmer of light, and she saw the black alloy spiral spear tearing through the air and heading straight for her. Alexa did not avoid it, but just looked at it coldly. When the spear was about to reach her, she suddenly raised it With both arms, at a speed that could not be caught by the naked eye, with a burst of Duo sound, he clamped the tip of the long spear between his palms. The tip of the spear was actually far away from Alexa's eyebrows. Just one finger away

She raised the spear she caught with her backhand over her head, dancing into a gorgeous black hurricane. Her blond hair was swaying like fire in this crazy airflow. Alexa held the spear in one hand and suddenly lowered her arm. , letting the nearly three-meter-long black spear tilt behind him, and the spiral spear tip landed at Li Yexing's feet, still lightly touching the ground. l\u003eIt wasn't until the blond hair fell down and her hair was lightly curved that Li Yexing suddenly realized that at this moment, Alexa, holding a spear in one hand, was like a Valkyrie coming to the world.

Stunned by Alexa's intentional dazzling skills, Li Yexing felt a strong throbbing in his heart. For a man like Li Yexing, a woman who can wield a spear is better than a woman who can only stick to her body and shout My dear, My woman is so handsome! Girl, you are definitely sent by God to take me in. He shook his head vigorously to dispel the stunning scene from his mind. Li Yexing raised his gun again and pointed it. When he saw the lifting platform that was gradually rising, he saw that the figure of the apostle on the lifting platform had long disappeared. Suddenly, Li Youxing was shocked. He quickly raised his head and saw that the apostle on the lifting platform had already jumped on it. Platform! Seizing the opportunity of the other apostle to throw a spear, it jumped up, dancing wildly with the black spear in its hand and running towards Li Yexing and Alexa. Damn it! You can even play dirty! Wuxia was shocked by the apostle's tactical coordination. Li Yexing raised his gun and chased after the apostle, pulling the trigger crazily. Along with the explosive gunshot, armor-piercing bullets penetrated the barrel one after another. He came out and went straight to the apostle's head, and the apostle suddenly put the spear in his hand in front of him, and then danced like the blades of an electric fan. Whenever a bullet hit it, it would ding was bounced away amidst the sound of iron. You told me this thing is BOW?! Seeing the apostle jumping and running wildly between the platforms, getting closer and closer to him, Li Yexing's face gradually changed. He became ferocious and fanatical. Even though the bullet was bounced, he still stubbornly pulled the trigger. While firing, he said: Come on, bastard! I want to see if you can really block it. Every shot! As the distance got closer and closer, the bullets in Li Yexing's magazine became less and less. Seeing that the monster was about to jump to the floor closest to the lifting platform, suddenly, a spark passed over its spear, It hit its mask. The exoskeleton, which had sacrificed strength for flexibility, could not withstand the attack of the armor-piercing projectile. In an instant, a crack appeared on the mask. It seemed that because of the blow to the head, the charging apostle's hand stagnated, and the spear slowed down. Then, a series of armor-piercing bullets directly hit its head, with cracks appearing one after another, and the strange white mask exploded. It shattered, exposing the trying half of the head. In the crack, a large mass of pink flesh was bleeding, constantly squirming and expanding, and small tentacles surged out from the mass of flesh. , swinging wildly. Li Yexing recognized the meat ball. There was no doubt that it was the La P lag parasite! You're showing off! Bastard! Seeing that the apostle was beaten out of the parasite by himself, the smile on Li Yexing's face became more and more arrogant. He took aim. The pink ball of flesh triggered the alarm again, but the next second, he was stunned. He saw the apostle suddenly twisting his neck to a strange angle, and facing the back of his head like an owl. Li Yexing then waved his spear again and headed straight for the lifting platform. Holy shit! Seeing the apostle rushing towards him in such a curious way, Li Yexing couldn't help but pull the trigger and cursed: This is too ridiculous! It's just this moment. Tangled, the apostle who took off half of the mask regained the initiative and jumped. Just as he was about to jump onto the platform, Li Yexing suddenly stood up straight. He protected his head and Yu Qianjun fired. At that moment, he hit the apostle's stomach fiercely. The next second, with a sigh of relief, the apostle was knocked directly from mid-air by Li Yexing, and Li Yexing also flew backwards and fell hard. At Alexa's feet. His eyes flickered over the small black lace butterfly between the snow-white legs. Not daring to stop any longer, Li Yexing turned over and stood up, covering his bleeding forehead with one hand, and went straight to the edge of the lift. Lowering his head, he Then I saw the monster holding a spear in one hand and grasping the edge of the lower platform with one hand, as if

Almost ready, come up. Get out of here! Cool down! Letting the blood drip down the side of his face, Li Yexing gritted his teeth, raised it with a grin, and triggered the trigger directly on the parasite on the monster's head. The machine-pierced armor-piercing bullets fell heavily one after another, hitting the parasite's body hard, exploding into red and yellow blood flowers. Then, as the parasite made a weird sound, the apostle Finally, he waved his arms and fell down, hiding bit by bit in the bottomless darkness. °... He let out a breath and glanced at the black Umbrella troops on the lower floor who had to continue fighting with the ghost zombies because they were trapped. Li Yexing turned around, frowned slightly and changed the magazine. Just as she was about to wipe the blood on her head and face, suddenly, with a bang sound, the spear fell down, and the fragrance was soft in her arms. Alexa hugged Li Yexing, stretched out her pink and tender His fragrant tongue directly licked the blood on Li Yexing's face. Hey was suddenly attacked by Alexa. Li Yexing subconsciously stumbled a step, but heard Alexa whisper: Don't move. , Honey

The tip of her tongue swept across her cheek and collected the blood with a faint smell of sweat between her red lips. Alexa narrowed her eyes slightly, licked and sucked extremely tenderly, like a newborn kitten, while Li Yexing He no longer moved, but his eyes were wandering, staring at the other apostle who had thrown his spear. At this moment, it was running upwards layer by layer, but there was no elevator, so it would be difficult to rush up in a while. . Feeling the gentle caress from the Queen, Li Yexing briefly fell into a state of calm.

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