What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-144. The macho man has a concussion

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Although Alexa was a little surprised that Li Yexing had a big killer weapon hidden in his hand, she was not surprised. After all, since Li Yexing dared to carry out the reckless plan of breaking into an aircraft carrier and going to an oil field alone, then he There will definitely be a solution to chaos. Now it seems that his confidence should be the so-called Fist of the Saint. As for where the so-called Fist of the Saint comes from, Alexa can't even guess. No need to guess, it must be something created by the No. 1 agency. As Li Yexing gradually went downwards, the pipes embedded in the walls and platforms began to become more dense and complex. Li Yexing stepped on the pipes, holding Alexa in his arms and jumping and flying between the platforms, while Alek Lisa waved her arms to let the blazing white flames resist the bullets fired by the ghostly zombies around her. Under them, Chaos, which was holding itself in place with its tentacles, roared and fiercely hit the arms wrapped in pupa shells. It hit the wall, and immediately, the hard and thick wall was smashed out - a large pit full of cracks. Large pieces of gravel and rubble fell into the abyss together with the shattered pupa shell, revealing the intact arms as before

No, it can’t be said to be intact. After being roasted by Alexa twice, the giant claw shrank obviously, and it looked a whole circle smaller than the other arm. “It’s coming! Seeing that the monster had stretched its arms, Alexa warned urgently. Because the monster suddenly hit the wall, Li Yexing, who was a little unsteady, forcibly stabilized his body. When the violent shaking was over, he held it Alexa continued to move forward, frowning and shouting as she ran: We're almost there, Lisa! We're almost there! The giant claw once again set up on the platform, but she didn't dare to directly reach out to stop Li Youxing and Li Youxing like before. On Alexa's way, the monster shook its head, propped up its body, and blocked the bullets fired by the ghost zombies at the two of them. It roared at the two of them. Faced with the roar, Li Yexing turned a deaf ear. Just running quickly, in Li Yexing's arms, Alexa raised her arm towards Chaos' head again. Looking at Alexa's thumb and middle finger squeezed together, Chaos His pupils suddenly narrowed, and the next second, just when Alexa was about to snap her fingers, Chaos held the platform where Li Yexing and Alexa were, and then exerted a sudden force, and suddenly, accompanied by rivets and There was a sound of the wall cracking, and the platform under Li Yexing was lifted up! Palm! The platform under his feet was lifted up. Li Yexing subconsciously hugged Alexa tightly in his arms, and Alex Lisa's attack failed due to the sudden weightlessness. Looking at the fireball that exploded not far from her head, Chaos grinned like she was laughing wildly and suddenly opened her mouth towards the two people who fell in mid-air. His own mouth. He lowered his head and looked at the translucent bloody mouth biting towards him. Li Yexing subconsciously wanted to touch the grenade on his waist, but suddenly remembered that Alexa was still in his arms. Here, in desperation, he frowned, and there was nothing he could do. At this critical moment, Alexa frowned, and waved her arms directly at the big mouth of Chaos in Li Yehang's arms, Suddenly, a terrifying heat wave rose up, and a violent stream of flames instantly exploded from the monster's mouth. Immediately afterwards, the flames from the explosion spread rapidly, washing over Chaos' head like a tsunami, and bombarded the opposite wall. , accompanied by heart-rending screams, Chaos, whose skin was almost burned to a charred black, finally let go of the tentacles supporting his body, waved his arms of different sizes and screamed, falling into the abyss. This is Alexa's unreserved blow scorched every inch of Chaos' skin in just an instant! The huge body collided back and forth against the closed wall, and the deafening screams still echoed in the closed annular space. The violent impact and the explosion just caused by Alexa squeezed the center of the submarine oil field. After a moment, the entire space finally began to shake violently. Following the overturned platform, Li Yexing and Ah flew in the air. Alexa hit the platform covered with a thin metal layer hard. This time, Li Yexing failed to hold Alexa. The moment his back hit the ground, his eyes widened suddenly and his lungs burst. The air in his chest was violently squeezed out, and even his ribs groaned in pain. As he subconsciously loosened his arms, Alexa, who was in his arms, rolled out and hit the road. With his arms spread out on the pipe, Li Yexing felt the vibration of the entire space. Li Yexing felt that his hearing and vision had become a little blurry. He opened his eyes wide and gasped violently as he looked at the collapsing dome. The stone fell, knocked on the platform, and hit Li Yexing's face, causing Li Yexing to narrow his eyes subconsciously. The next second, 9 heard a loud boom sound, and the dome finally exploded, and it was just hit by Alek. The wall affected by Lisa was the first to collapse. Inside the wall, the metal structure softened by high temperatures bent and melted like butter under the heavy pressure. In a daze, Li Yexing heard something sound in his ear, calling someone, and then, a blur of black and gold light appeared in his sight. Honey..

Dear! Dear! Can you hear me?!

Li Yexing, who looked a little dazed, blinked after being hit on his head. Seeing that Li Yexing reacted, Alexa, who had just gotten up, looked happy. She was about to help Li Yexing up, but she saw Li Yexing was like It suddenly burst out like a spring, held Alexa in his arms, threw her to the ground, and then rolled hard to the side. Alexa's eyes widened, and before she had time to react, she saw The incomplete platform that had been embedded in the wall by Chaos fell from the sky like a beheading knife, hitting the spot where Li Yexing and Alexa were just now, cutting off the entire platform. Falling into the abyss together. He pressed Alexa under him and used his back to protect Alexa from the falling rocks. In Alexa's shocked eyes, Li Ye

Xing stood up unsteadily and pulled Alexa up smoothly. He spat out bloody foam, then looked around, and after a while he whispered in a low voice: The female horse ended up like this. Dear. Because she was protected by Li Yexing before and was unharmed, Alexa looked at Li Yexing blankly. She was about to say something, but Li Yexing grabbed her wrist and said: There's an elevator in front of us. Let's get out of here first. In the end, Alexa just nodded, so Li Yexing pulled Alexa, crossed the pipe bent by Alexa, turned into the corridor inside the platform, and finally glanced at the abyss below. Li Yexing turned around and pulled Alexa directly into the container-like elevator. As Li Yexing pressed the buttons one by one, the elevator quickly closed, blocking the collapsed annular space from the elevator door. Then, with the sound of mechanical pulling, the elevator finally started moving, heading towards the top of the platform against the falling fine gravel.

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