What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-145. The macho man takes the elevator again

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It didn't take long for the elevator to leave the collapsed annular space and the explosion behind. In the elevator, the grey-faced Alexa had lowered her eyebrows and held her arms in both hands. She gently lifted up her blond hair that was stained with dust, and then looked vaguely at Li Yexing beside her. At this moment, Li Yexing was sitting. In the corner of the elevator, with his back against the wall of the elevator, - his hand was holding his AR-5 habitually, and the other hand was stroking the back of his head, with a rather painful look on his face. Dear... After a while, , Alexa stepped on her high heels and took small steps to Li Yexing's side. She bent down slightly and asked in a low voice, What's wrong? Do you feel uncomfortable somewhere? I fell and hit my brain. It didn't mean anything, Li Ye Xing turned her head directly to Alexa and said: I feel a little dizzy now. Seeing Li Ye Xing's brows furrowed, Alexa bit her lip lightly and hesitated for a long time, and then whispered in a voice as weak as the chirping of insects. : I'm sorry, dear, if it weren't for me. If it weren't for you, I would be lying in that monster's belly now... Enduring the pain from the back of his head and the faint feeling of dizziness, Li Yexing forcibly stopped the corners of his mouth, He smiled at Alexa and said: Think about it, that scene is quite interesting. Chaos's belly is transparent. When it swallows me, you can see me in its belly facing you through its belly. beckoned. She knew that Li Yexing wanted to make him laugh, but Alexa just couldn't laugh. The guilt lingered on her face. Alexa, who was always arrogant and enthusiastic, seemed to be surrounded by low pressure. She lowered her head as if she was confessing her guilt. Looking at the face without a smile, Li Yexing felt faintly. Sighing, he shook his head slightly, and then stood up unsteadily. Under Alexa's surprised gaze, he gently kissed her lips. Although warm and soft, there is no response, it is as sweet as honey. If you taste it carefully, it is like noble red wine, which makes people intoxicated. If it were normal, Li Yexing would certainly not mind staying here longer, but he knew that all this was still There is no end, so he chooses to stop at the beginning. Lips parted, Li Yexing didn't speak, just stared at Alexa silently, with a hint of smile in his eyes. My dear, you are really... After a while, a helpless smile appeared on Alexa's face, but then, this helplessness was dispelled. Like the blazing steel sun, the proud queen once again She straightened her chest, with a charming smile on her lips. There seemed to be an orange-red glimmer in her snake eyes. Alexa raised her hand, gently hooked Li Yexing's chin with her index finger, and then gently He smiled and asked: So, what did this mean? Pay off the debt? Have you paid off? Li Yexing didn't mind Alexis' frivolous behavior and asked with a smile. I'm sorry. , It's still early, and the women of the Ashford family are not so easy to deal with. Her eyes were slightly narrowed, with a hint of seduction in her eyes, Alexisa pressed against Li Yexing's chest, her arms wrapped around her Passing Li Yexing's waist, he looked straight at Li Yexing and said, If it's my thing, I'll hold it in my hands. If it's my man, I'll hold it in my arms. My dear, you owe me something. Your life is not over yet. According to the Chinese people’s concept of death, you must at least be husband and wife with me for a few more lives.

How many lifetimes will it take to pay it off? Li Yexing joked: Isn't this too much? Miss Ashford, how greedy are you? You won't be able to pay it back in several lifetimes. Because you will still owe me in the next life, life after life, more and more. With their foreheads pressed together, they gently pecked Li Yexing's lips. Alexa smiled like a whisper and murmured in a low voice: So , Accept your fate, my dear, you have been tied to me for eternity. This sounds like some kind of private loan or knowledge... Li Yexing whispered while gently hugging Alexa's waist. No mistake, this is a curse... She let her red lips rub lightly against Li Yexing's lips repeatedly. Alexa smiled and said: I curse you, you will be with me forever, even death can't separate you and me. Separation. Do you love me? Li Yexing asked softly, his eyebrows lowered and his eyes met with Alexa's. I love you, my dear. Alexisa responded softly. What do you love me for? Not long after, Li Yexing once again asked the most unnutritious question between lovers. I don't know... This time, Alexis Lisa didn't think. She honestly spoke out the deepest answer in her heart. She pressed the distance between the two closer and felt the temperature from Li Yexing's chest through squeezing. Alexa murmured in a low voice. : This feeling is very strange, like the pieces of a puzzle that I am watching alone. One day, I saw another piece, and I knew that it was the one that matched me, so I waited, waiting to be with you. The day when the pieces formed a perfect puzzle, and this wait was for years, I thought I could wait any longer, but when I got close to the pieces of the puzzle, I knew that I had no chance. I can't wait any longer, I want to piece it together with you... Even if there are six full puzzle pieces that are connected to me? Li Yexing asked softly. Wouldn't that be better? Alexa chuckled and whispered: For you, the more fragments you have, the dries up this puzzle of happiness that belongs to the monsters, isn't it? Ye Xing's waist slowly rose, brushed across his back, wrapped around his neck, and finally put his jade hand on Li Ye Xing's cheek. There was undisguised desire in Alexa's snake eyes, as if begging, she whispered Say, Now, complete me and make me perfect, okay? Sometimes, actions are better answers than words. He roughly pressed Alexa against the wall of the elevator, and tightly blocked her lips before she let out an exclamation. After the initial surprise, Alexa gradually relaxed and closed her eyes. He put his arms around Li Yexing's neck, asking for it crazily, yearning for it. The hot currents collided, and his breath began to become confused. Li Yexing, whose nose was filled with the fragrance of roses, slowly moved down with one hand, skipping the slit of the cheongsam, and pulled the The plump yet slender nephrite was gently lifted and placed on the waist.

Krisa took advantage of the situation and used her strength to restrain Li Yexing. After a long time, the silver thread that had not broken was pulled between the lips. The eyes of the two separated people were blurred, staring at each other, and their breaths became a little heavier and messy. Stop... Seeing that Alexa was still unfinished and wanted to get closer, Li Yexing whispered: The elevator is almost at the station... Then you have to hurry up, my dear Snake's eyes flashed With the seductive light, it was as beautiful as a bright poppy flower, making people want to stop. Before Li Yexing could refuse, Alexa came forward again, suppressing Li Yexing's breath between her lips. A few seconds later, Li Yexing Squinting his eyes slightly, he stuck his head down, held Alexa's chin, sucked on the white jade-like neck, took the hard yet soft collarbone into his mouth, and then walked down with his own traces.

In an instant, a sweet laughter like silver bells sounded. Alexa raised her head and stroked Li Yexing's short hair mixed with blood scabs while saying with a slightly red face, Don't. I told you, it's so itchy. I've said it all. When I get back, I'll change into a more convenient skirt. My dear, don't be itchy. Don't be flattering... With a hint of coquettishness, Alexa's delicate laughter and begging for mercy. The sound echoed continuously in the elevator.

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