What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-146. A tough man’s decisive battle in the submarine oil field

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As the sound of the mechanical operation stopped suddenly, the heavy metal elevator slowly opened, and the water in the corridor that was up to the feet instantly poured into the elevator. Li Yexing and Alexa stood shoulder to shoulder, stepping on the elevator. Ji Shui stepped out together and waited for the elevator behind him to slowly close. The light in the corridor became dim again. The two of them lowered their heads in unison and began to sort out the slightly messy clothes on their bodies. Dear. She put her hand into the collar, wiped the water stains with her fingers and gently pulled it. The blush on Alexa's face had not dissipated. She turned her head and looked at Li Yexing, who was taking care of his belt. He smiled softly and said, I wonder if it's my imagination, but my dear seems to have a special liking for elevators. Why do you say that? Li Yexing asked with raised eyebrows after resetting the tactical belt that Alexa had violently pulled. Think about it carefully, my dear's two changes in attitude towards me tonight seem to have occurred in In the elevator. She gently tugged on the hem of the cheongsam to make the slightly wrinkled cheongsam look a little smoother. Alexa chuckled and said, It's hard to say, compared to the spacious place, my dear. He prefers to be in a closed space. We will discuss this later... Waving his hand to Alexis, Li Yexing raised his head and looked at the room with faint light at the end of the dim corridor. He lowered his voice. He said, Don't forget, Chaos is not dead yet, and what happened tonight is not over yet. Is it over? Dear Orange frowned and said: The center of the submarine oil field has exploded and collapsed. Even if the explosion doesn't kill the guy, I'm afraid he will be killed by falling rocks. I also hope things will be like you said. It develops like that, but the reality is that that thing will never be killed easily. Weighing the gun in his hand, Li Youxing stepped forward step by step through the stagnant water, and at the same time said to Alexa: Let's go and greet tonight. The last battle, let us save the world together. Wait a minute. She kicked away the seawater that leaked into the undersea oil field and let the cold feeling pass between her toes. Alexa quickly followed Li Yexing and asked with a slight frown: Dear, Do you know where it is? I know. Li Yexing nodded. My dear, how did you know? Alexa asked with some doubts. I smelled it. The corner of his mouth curled up, and Li Yexing made a rare joke. Even though it was clear that Li Yexing was talking nonsense, Alexa did not continue to ask. In her opinion, if Li Yexing refused to tell her , that must be because Li Yexing has her own reasons. As a lovable woman, she must learn to advance and retreat in a controlled manner. Facing the faint light in front of her, Li Yexing moved forward step by step, his expression becoming more and more serious. , only the sound of the sea water being waded away was left in the corridor. Accompanied by the strange footsteps, Li Yexing soon led Alexa into the room in front of him. It was as if he was about to enter. The previous room in the submarine oil field was just like the one in front of me. The room in front of me was also in the shape of a ring. It was just because there was no place on the ground full of sea water, only a huge round hole with no bottom, so it looked bigger than before. The room was even more empty. Although there were no lights in the room, it was still illuminated by a faint blue light, just because there was a very huge black sphere fixed on the dome of the room. On top of the sphere, there was a The complex black lines in the middle are also inserted into cylindrical lamp tubes of different shades that emit light blue light. The light blue light in the room is emitted from these lamp tubes with unknown purposes. At this...feeling the surrounding seawater flowing past her feet and rushing towards the hollow in the center of the room, Alexa looked up at the huge black ball on the dome, with a hint of astonishment on her face. It looks like a power supply system or something. The moment he entered the room, Li Yexing stopped. He glanced at the huge black circle on the dome and then lowered his head, silently staring at the huge drain below the ball. Hollow. Dear, why did you stop? Alexa asked in a low voice when Li Yexing stopped moving forward. Wait. Li Yexing said with a stern expression. Wait? After hearing Li Yexing's answer, Alexa was a little confused and was about to ask something else. Suddenly, a familiar smell appeared in the air. In the air, although the smell was very light, it was extremely unpleasant, just like fish carcasses piled up together. The moment she smelled the smell, Alexa frowned and she turned around suddenly. Turning his head, he followed Li Yexing's gaze towards the huge hole in the center of the room. There seemed to be some vague sound coming from the hole. Li Youxing raised the gun in his hand and pointed it at the huge hole in the center of the room. He frowned and said in a deep voice: Here he comes. Following Li Yexing's words, the strange sounds coming from the hollow became louder and closer, and they seemed to be mixed with the faint sound of breathing. The chaos seemed to be random. The broken bellows pulled, and gradually, the room began to vibrate, and the sea water that had reached the feet also began to tremble, until the sound of heavy breathing and the rumbling impact filled the entire room, and the shock caused by it raised the level of After layers of water splashing, the main body that made the sound suddenly appeared! With a loud noise, the translucent giant claws suddenly stretched out of the hollow, slapped hard on the floor of the room, splashing layers of water. Water splashed, and then, another giant claw stretched out and grabbed the edge of the hole. The two giant claws that entered the room slowly exerted force, supporting the huge and weird under the light blue light. body.

The translucent skin, bones, internal organs and even nerves are clearly visible. Tentacles are dancing crazily on the back and waist. The ferocious monster has half of its body coming out of the drain. There is no doubt that it is the person who has been killed before. The world-destroying B0W buried under the ring space - Chaos! Dear... Looking at the arms that had returned to the same size and were no longer proportional, Alexa frowned slightly and said to herself: Its arm seems to have recovered. But its size has shrunk severely. Li Yexing raised his gun and said solemnly: 'It seems that it was hit hard at the hatchery before. On the other side, the enemy met, Extremely jealous, embracing

Chaos, which has excellent intelligence, recognized Li Yexing and Alexa next to them at a glance. In its rage, it didn't even fully come out before it started to open its big mouth and face Li Yexing and Alexa. There was a deafening roar, and with this roar, the metal gate behind Li Yexing and Alexa suddenly began to lower little by little. At the same time, the metal door of the huge drainage outlet in the center of the room also began to close. Lin's lower body was left in the drainage outlet. Before the huge monster could fully climb out, the lower body was bitten by the drainage outlet's gate. As the gate closed little by little, the sound of shattering bones and carapace sounded, and the terrifying roar instantly turned into heart-rending pain. When the gate was completely closed, the chaos was cut in half by the toilet door. The lobster was lost. At the end, Chaos sprayed blood and rolled in pain in the pool of water, letting out a shrill scream like a baby crying. Only when the blood stopped did it weakly support its body. With violent gasps, it bit by bit. He turned around and glared at Li Yexing and Alexa. From those eyes, Li Yexing actually read a trace of resentment! The final B0SS battle from the original Resident Evil 6 is finally about to begin!

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