What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-147. The limits of a fierce female queen

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In the dimly lit large room, Li Yexing stepped in the water, holding an AR-5 in his hand. His expression was stern, but he was not in a hurry to pull the trigger. Next to him, Alexa spread her legs slightly, and a trace appeared on her forehead. She was covered with a thin layer of sweat, and vaguely, the blood vessels on her arms seemed to protrude a little more, showing a strange look.

Opposite them, Chaos, who had lost his lower body, supported his body with his thick forelimbs. His upper and lower gums repeatedly hit each other gently, his eyes full of resentment and fear. -Time, in this darkness, only the faint sound of water is left, and the atmosphere is tense, just like a duel between ancient knights. After a while, it seemed like water droplets were tapping on the stagnant water surface, causing waves of ripples. At this moment when the calm was broken, the unsettled monster finally took the lead in attacking, and its tentacles penetrated the stagnant water and squeezed the ground. After accumulating strength, the water splash suddenly exploded, and the monster without a lower body actually rose into the air with its tentacles, stretched out its arms and jumped towards the two of them with a roar. Lisa! His nerves suddenly tightened, and Li Yexing frowned. The moment the monster was about to hit him, he jumped up and fell hard into the water next to him. Before he could get up, he was in chaos. The huge body slammed down and picked up layers of water splashes. Alexa, who had already dodged to the side with Li Yexing, stepped on her high heels and spread her legs. She frowned and raised one hand. , and quickly swung it at Chaos. Suddenly, dark green liquid splashed out from the fingertips, penetrated the water, turned into raging flames and stuck to Chaos' shoulders. i As the flames burned, the shrill howl filled the entire space again. The bright firelight instantly overwhelmed the black ball above the head. The light blue light emitted illuminated the entire space red, and the monster was still miserable. Struggling, Li Yexing did not stand up, or even wipe the water splashed on his face. Even though his vision was a little blurry, he pressed the alarm directly at the monster. Suddenly, gunshots exploded, and hot bullet shells rang out. It bounced and landed in the water, and the armor-piercing bullets came out of the chamber, hitting the monster's head and abdomen crazily, exploding into bloody flowers. Under the dual torture of the flames and the armor-piercing bullets, Chaos He let out a painful roar and rolled violently in the water, forcing Alexa's flames to be extinguished. You think this is over?! - Holding down the AR-5 with one hand, he kept pulling the trigger towards Chaos. With the other hand supporting his body, Li Yexing quickly stood up and fired, emptying the magazine. In an instant, he suddenly pulled a grenade from his waist with one hand, pulled off the ring with his fingers, and then threw it directly towards the monster.

The grenade fell into the water, setting off a burst of water, which rolled under Chaos as if floating on water. Then, with an explosion, the water on the ground was suddenly lifted up, and Chaos was blown over. On the ground, before it got up, Li Yexing quickly changed the magazine, and then - while firing fiercely at the monster - quickly ran towards Alexa on the other side. Are you okay?! Li Yexing splashed water on Alexa's legs and asked anxiously with a slight frown. Of course it's okay. Subconsciously, he reached out and pushed away Li Yexing's support. He wished he could hang on to her forever. The frowning queen on Li Yexing showed her stubborn side. Although she said she was fine, in fact, Alexa seemed to be in bad condition. Her legs were supporting her body, but they were bent inward. , her long golden hair stuck to the side of her face. She didn’t know whether it was wet by sea water or sweat. She covered her naturally heavy right arm with one hand, frowning, on that right arm. , the skin seemed to have a faint green color like a plant, and the blood vessels were directly protruding. What's going on? Seeing that there was something abnormal about Alexa's arm, Li Yexing couldn't help but ask in a low voice. Side effects... Facing Li Yexing with a forced smile, Alexa whispered: I can't control my power accurately. I can either use full firepower and burn everything around me to ashes, or I can only use some light attacks. It's no problem to explode those ants, but I can win against this one. annoyed.

Not willing to show weakness in front of Li Yexing, but unable to hide her state, Alexa finally could only smile bitterly and said: It is necessary to kill the monster while ensuring that the force is controlled. For me... It’s a bit difficult, how about it? It’s useless, right?” Looking at Alexa’s somewhat weak appearance, Li Yexing suddenly remembered that Alexa has been controlling her power since entering the submarine oil field, and this is very important to Alexa. It seemed quite difficult for Lexissa. After repeatedly being pressured to accumulate wealth, she finally couldn't stand it anymore. No wonder her power went out of control when she launched her last attack in the center of the oil field. Now it seems that Alexa was already unstable at that time. Her previous state was probably just holding on! Lisa, what do you do? Very good, really, well done. He reached out and pushed the blond hair stuck to the side of Alexa's face behind her ear. Li Yexing whispered, You don't have to work so hard, just follow your own pace. After all, , this is a war between the two of us. In the distance, Chaos, which was injured by a grenade, is howling and supporting its body. Perhaps because of the injuries to its shoulders and side ribs, its body has become a little unbalanced, with one shoulder high and one low. , even crawling seemed a bit staggering. Seeing this, Li Yexing quickly pecked Alexa on the lips, then patted her shoulder and warned: Don't force yourself! Remember! Don't force it! Don't force it! After that, Li Yexing turned around again, leaving his back to Alexa, and walked straight into the chaos. Seemingly resentful of being burned multiple times, Chaos fixed its sights on Alexa. After noticing Alexa's weakness, it grinned and laughed. It screamed like a strange sound, and its arms couldn't use the strength, so it propped its tentacles on the ground as before, gathering strength and preparing to jump up. Alexa gritted her teeth when she saw this, and forcibly lifted the floating body. The arms are layered with turquoise, ready to face the attack from chaos. The translucent tentacles penetrate the water and squeeze.

On the ground, the strong muscles were spiraling like springs. Chaos slightly retracted his forelimbs, bowed his body, and was ready to shoot out the projectile. However, the moment it was about to take off, the roaring gunfire sounded again, and an armor-piercing bullet burst out. The hair was fired out, bombarding Fuli's tentacles. In an instant, the tentacles were beaten to pieces. Fuli was interrupted, his body became unbalanced again, and Chaos wailed and fell into the water. Following the direction of the gunfire, Chaos twisted his neck, rubbed his face against the ground and turned his head forcefully. On the other side of the closed drainage outlet, Li Yexing opened up a large splash of water and ran in the opposite direction to Alexa. While he kept firing on its tentacles, he yelled: Where are you looking?! You bastard! Come on! I'll find you as a wildcat! Even though I couldn't understand Li Yexing's words, Chaos still forcibly supported me. It tilted its body, making a terrifying roar - while staggering towards Li Yexing quickly, and Li Yexing, who had emptied the magazine, threw the magazine into the water. He had no time to change the ammunition. She glanced at Alexa in the distance, then touched the grenade on her waist behind her back, and whispered to the oncoming Chaos: Girl, I really don't want to be cheek-to-cheek with this thing...

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