What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-148. A tough man sacrifices his life

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At this moment, watching Chaos lying on the ground waving his strong forelimbs towards him like a truck, Li Yexing suddenly felt an inexplicable sight. He did not throw the grenade in his hand, but pulled it away. Griphook threw it directly at his feet, and then rushed to the side just before Chaos was about to hit him, and threw himself into the water. The next second, the grenade behind him exploded, splashing water. On Li Yexing's head, Chaos, who pressed the grenade with his body, let out a miserable howl. Under the inertia of the collision, he rolled out and hit the wall next to him hard, accompanied by layers of noise. Cracks tore through the walls and the whole room began to tremble. Bah! He quickly climbed up from the water and spit out a mouthful of salty and bitter sea water. Li Yexing shook his head, then turned directly towards the direction of chaos, while changing the magazine and quickly retreating, passing Before Chaos could regroup, he raised the gun and pulled the trigger, sending the bullet into Chaos' head. With bursts of screams, Chaos broke away from the cracked wall and brought up a piece of rubble. The light was dim, but Li Yexing could still clearly see that Chaos's skull hidden under the translucent skin had not been penetrated by the bullet. No! He was still too big! The skin was already very strong, and the strength of the bones and muscles was It was ridiculously high. Two grenades plus several magazines of 5.56 armor-piercing bullets caused less damage than one of Alexa's attacks! Subconsciously, Li Youxing wanted to turn his head to take a look at Alexa, but his neck had just moved. Getting up, Li Yexing forcibly locked his eyes on Chaos. He knew that at this moment, Alexa was watching him from behind. If he met Alexa's eyes at this time, Alex would Lisa will definitely think that she wants her to take action! According to the stubborn personality of the queen, she will definitely take action even if it is to squeeze herself! Well, I planned to kill you alone, but the cheat that escorted me all the way in has expired. . Gritting his teeth, Li Yexing's mouth curved slightly, hiding the determination and madness in his heart. He whispered: Now, the plan is just back on track. On the other side, let the bullet penetrate his scalp. , blocked by the hard skull, Chaos shook its head vigorously, as if it was a little dizzy from the impact just now, blowing air from its nostrils, it turned its head and glared at Li Yexing, as if it was brewing something. After a moment, After Li Yexing emptied the magazine again, it suddenly used its arms to support its body, puffed out its chest, then opened its mouth and fiercely poured a large ball of gray-green liquid mixed with lumps towards it. Li Yexing vomited over it. His brows were furrowed. Li Yexing had no energy left to yell and cursed. He relied on instinct to roughly simulate the flight path of the large piece of vomit in his mind. Li Yexing could not retreat. In desperation, he He had to step forward quickly. Immediately afterwards, a large amount of vomit was poured out behind Li Yexing. The large gray-green lumps mixed in it were blocked by the black ball on the dome and stuck directly to it. Above, the next second, the black ball emitted a trace of green smoke accompanied by a burning sound. There is no doubt that the thing spit out from the monster's mouth is extremely corrosive! And now, the gray-green ball The lumps were corroding the outer shell of the black ball, and were stained on it. At the same time, gray-green liquid was constantly flowing downwards, waiting to burn those who accidentally passed by below. Looking out of the corner of my eye. As the gray-green turbidity behind him dispersed in the stagnant water, Li Yexing frowned and took a few steps forward. On the other side, Chaos just leaned against the wall, waving his tentacles sideways. His head was grinning, as if he was laughing at Li Yexing. What a bitch, where is the smiling girl? No matter how much I drink, I know where to find a toilet leaf. The escape route was blocked by chaos, and Li Yexing glanced at it. The dome ball kept sinking into the lump that was still dripping with acid, and then - while changing the magazine, he forced his lips to sneer: The quality is really low. Unable to understand, and unable to listen to Li Yexing's taunts, Chaos let out a strange cry like laughter. It swung its tentacles to lift up its waist, and cooperated with its forelimbs - step by step, it squeezed away the accumulated water and moved forward, as if it wanted to In order to immerse Li Yexing into the acid that has not been completely dissolved and neutralized, on the other side, Li Yexing held a gun in one hand and kept firing at the chaotic eyes while touching his hand to the waist. The grenade, the bullet tore off the eyelids, curbed the pace of Chaos. It staggered, then raised one arm to cover its face, and continued to move forward with the support of the tentacles... Seeing Chaos squeezing step by step with half of its face covered Pressed over, Li Yexing subconsciously took a step back, but then, a sharp pain came from his ankle, and his body suddenly tightened. He staggered forward, but did not dare to look back at the wound on his ankle. , I can only let the wound soak in the sea water. The distance was getting closer and closer, and the smell like dead fish had filled his nasal cavity. Under this pressure, Li Yexing took out the grenade, bit the ring into his mouth, and waited for the monster to attack at any time. However, just as the monster roared and prepared to swing its giant claw at Li Yexing, a red light suddenly lit up, and then, a ball of fire suddenly flew out from behind Li Yexing and hit Chaos' face.

Compared with the previous blow, the damage caused by this fireball to Chaos was neither painful nor itchy. Before the skin was seriously burned, it slapped Zi 2's face, put out the flames, and then Looking past Li Yexing, he looked behind him. In the corner of the room, Alexa supported her body and stood in the water, still maintaining the posture of raising one arm. There, she was covered by another... On the skin pressed by the hand, the green blood vessels were still squirming. Chaos thought for a moment, and the tentacles suddenly tightened, and the whole body shot out like a cannonball, heading straight for Alexa. Lisa! Lisa! Li Yexing's eyes widened little by little as he watched the chaotic black shadow turn into a large group of black shadows flying over his head in an instant. The pupils in his pupils seemed to be trembling, and he had no time to think. He gritted his teeth and turned around, the heavy strides had not completely dissipated.

The acid, no matter how holes appeared in his boots, no matter how much water splashed through his trouser legs and burned his skin, he rushed straight towards Alexa, but it was obvious that the monster would definitely fall faster than him. Alexa staggered and fell into the stagnant water, avoiding the collision of Chaos. Before she could stand up, the monster swung its giant claw and slapped Alexa hard. The black pupils reflected the dim golden light. Alexa drew an arc from Li Yexing's sight, hit the wall hard, and then fell down, splashing layers of water. A strange scream that sounded like laughter once again filled the room. Seeing Alexa struggling to get up from the water, the monster puffed up its chest again and spit out a large ball of gray-green liquid towards Alexa. Lisa, seeing Alexa staggering and unable to escape, suddenly, a black shadow hugged Alexa, fiercely rushed to the side, and pressed Alexa under her body.

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