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When the last layer of protective shell was melted through, the gray-green minerals finally began to decompose and fall, falling into the water in pieces, while the huge black ball hanging from the dome continued to rise. Sparks, and the next second, all the blue light tubes turned red, and started flashing along with the piercing alarm. Under the red light, Li Yexing and Alexa supported their bodies. Li Yexing inserted the new magazine into the AR-5 and pulled the detection bolt, while Alexa spread her legs slightly and pointed with one hand. On the other side of the room, there, the chaos hit by high-voltage electricity was rising little by little, and the accumulated water turned into water droplets, dripping from between the translucent skin. It flowed across the ferocious cheeks. Even though it was seriously injured and even on the verge of death, the monster still roared horribly at the two of them. Are you sure it's okay? Standing next to Alexa, Li Yexing frowned and whispered: As I said, I don't want you to force yourself. 2.

Because you love me dearly, right? The corners of her mouth curved in a cold and arrogant way, and the red in the snake eyes seemed to be shining. The unruly queen regained her confidence again, Alexa chuckled and said:' Don’t worry, my dear, I can feel it. Now I am extremely powerful, as if I can do anything! That's good. He picked up the gun and pointed it at Chaos in the distance. Li Yexing said in a deep voice, I've been running around the world for two days. Now, I just want to kill this bastard quickly. Then go home and have a good sleep! Don't worry, my dear, one blow, one blow is enough to destroy it! As Alexa chuckled, the temperature in the air seemed to rise vaguely. She shook her head to adjust. After a roar, Chaos, which had regained its ability to move, finally started moving again. The strong tentacles beat the ground crazily, splashing layers of water, and its arms - forward and back, move forward quickly, this Once, its attack was extremely fast, but Li Yexing and Alexa were well prepared. Facing the monster that was getting closer and closer and the smell of dead fish, Li Yexing shouted loudly: Lisa! Come on! ! The arrogant world destroyer who is disrespectful to the Queen! The smile on her face instantly became wild, Alexa grinned, her orange snake eyes were full of contempt, facing the oncoming chaos, she She waved her right arm violently and sneered loudly: Submit to me! Along with Alexa's arrogant and indifferent Queen's order, the dark green liquid that shot into the fingertips directly turned into tongues of fire and rushed straight into the chaos. The head, the flame glowed with a faint purple light, mixed with blazing white brightness, instantly evaporating the accumulated water along the way into a mist, instantly shrouding it in the frightened eyes of Chaos, and suddenly the miserable howl from Chaos filled the space. .Scorched by the hot flames, Chaos let out a shrill howl while rolling desperately in the water, eager to extinguish the flames, but Alexa did not intend to give it a chance, and the burned skin The moment she left the water, Alexa stepped forward, stretched out her hands, and sprayed a large amount of dark green liquid on the chaotic body. Suddenly, the raging fire burned again, although it was not as hot as the previous flame. But it's enough to scorch the skin of the creature. So what if it's a monster that destroys the world? In front of the Queen, you only deserve to surrender! The dark green liquid swayed wantonly in the air, but it always melted the monster's body just right. Lit it, although the flame is hot, it will not splash as wantonly as before. After drinking the blood of the saint that was tempered by Li Yexing's bodily fluid exchange with five B0w girls, Veronica's power finally temporarily Alexa was completely in her hands. Even though Alexa knew that this feeling of omnipotence might not last long, at this moment, she could clearly feel that one of her feet had already stepped forward. Entering the realm of God! Use the human soul to ascend to the temple of God, gain the power of God, and shake the power of God! As you watch, the blisters burst one by one, and the chaotic skin is severely cracked and burnt. The wound couldn't even bleed. Under Alexa's swipe, the flames were wrapped in terrifying heat and wrapped around the chaotic body like maggots attached to the bones. Accompanied by Li Yexing's two gunshots, almost roasted

Jiao's tentacles broke off and smashed into the stagnant water. His eyeballs were blown out and blood flowed horizontally. Under this series of blows, Chaos finally let out a wail and fell headlong into the stagnant water. -Moveless. Perhaps because she was not proficient enough in using the borrowed power, Alexa staggered back two steps. She wiped the sweat from her forehead, looked at Chaos who fell to the ground, his body still burning, and said to herself He asked softly as if talking to himself: Is it over? Not yet. Shaking his head at Alexa, Li Yexing put down his gun and stared at the motionless monster lying on the ground. Sure enough, As if in response to Li Yexing's words, Chaos's burning flames were suddenly extinguished by a large amount of mud secreted from his body. The mud flowed freely, and Chaos lying on the ground was wrapped up little by little. In just a few seconds, Chaos Her body turned into a huge pupa shell that retained its shape! In the meantime, can she still stand up? Looking at the chaotic body wrapped in the pupa shell, a trace of disdain flashed between Alexa's eyebrows and she ignored it. Seeing the faint tiredness that filled her body, she raised her hands again and said without a smile, Since you are huddled in, don't come out!

As he looked, the scorching fire ignited again, evaporating the accumulated water on the ground into dancing mist. Alexa frowned slightly, letting the sweat stick her broken hair to the side of her face, waiting for the flame to be like a flamethrower. After maintaining it for a few seconds, Alexis suddenly lifted her arms and took two steps back, panting. She wiped her sweat, and there was a hint of fatigue in her brows. When she raised her head again, she saw the chrysalis with the light of fire. Except for the shell being a little black, there was no damage at all! What's going on? Seeing that her own flames could not damage the pupa shell, a trace of surprise finally appeared on Alexa's face. Do you know why NEO Umbrella wants to build this undersea research institute with the name of an oil field here?

With a sneer, Li Yexing walked over slowly, and explained in a deep voice under Alexa's curious eyes: Because they need extreme environments, they are looking for microorganisms that can survive in extreme environments. When they find the extreme living area, After approaching a suitable target in the magma, they will screen and program the highly adaptable DNA into the C virus. The monster in front of them is the only BOW in the world that uses the highly adaptable C virus. Its pupa shell can resist Various extreme environments, including high altitudes that are completely unbearable for ordinary creatures, explained the reason for the flame effect to Alexa. Li Yexing met Alexa's gaze and walked towards the huge pupa shell step by step while sneering. He took off the black metal cylinder from his back, pressed his thumb on the metal cylinder, and hit the metal cylinder with a soft beep sound accompanied by the cold air coming out. He took out a stick with only A silver metal rod as long and thin as an adult's arm. So, we need this thing, the Fist of the Saint. He weighed the metal rod in his hand and looked at the logo of Durand Medical Technology and This is the enemy. , Li Yexing raised his head, sneered and pressed the metal rod in his hand against the still warm pupa shell, and then directly pressed the red button on the metal rod. Suddenly, a burst of The soft sound of the motor running along with the vibration came from the metal rod. Vaguely, Li Yexing could feel that something had penetrated the pupa shell.

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