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As the seriously injured Chaos turned into a pupa shell, the electric drill of the Fist of the Saint stopped operating. For a moment, the entire space was filled with the endless sound of alarms and the clapping sound coming from the huge ball on the dome page. The Saint On the Fist of the Saint, the red numbers on the black counter jumped rapidly, falling rapidly from 00 to 0 in less than ten seconds. Seeing the green light of the Fist of the Saint turn on, Li Yexing let go of his hand and stepped back two steps. Stepping forward, letting the saint's fist hang on the chrysalis shell, he picked up the gun again, his finger pressed lightly on the trigger, and there was a trace of nervousness between his brows and eyes. To be honest, Li Yexing didn't know whether this thing would work. Is this the end? On the other side, seeing Li Yexing retreat to the side, Alexa asked curiously. Compress the size of Chaos, wait for Chaos to pupate, and then use it according to the instructions. According to what the guy said and the instructions for use, it should be over. Nodding subconsciously, Li Yexing said in a low voice, Although the guy said... It's still trustworthy, but I don't know how effective this thing is.

Durande Casimir? Alexisa asked with a smile after hearing Li Yexing mention that guy. Do you still know him?

Of course I know, Casimir is not bad. She gave a high degree of recognition to a certain supervisor in the European Department. Alexa chuckled and said: That guy is very talented and very smart, but In our world, there are many talented people. The reason why I still admire him is because he can read people's faces and know how to advance or retreat. Can you read people's faces? Do you know how to advance or retreat? Recalling the annoying way that guy bombarded him with phone calls every three days, Li Yexing couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and said

Of course I'm sure. From the moment he put aside his past grudges to help you, he has been crossed off my liquidation list... Alexa said slightly

With orange-red eyes, he raised his head and chuckled at Li Yexing: 'Until today, except for causing trouble for my dear twice in Lopulus, I am quite satisfied with him.

We have a cooperative relationship, and there are no superiors or subordinates. Hearing Alexa's words, Li Yexing couldn't help but whisper: 'Moreover, if you bring a group of tyrants and hunts and a large number of armed forces to my country, If the town can be considered as helping me, then he is very good at helping me. I will use this group of compatriots to replace you, my dear, with a cute and capable secretary. My dear, will you replace me? Alexa He chuckled and asked, Change! He nodded without hesitation. Li Yexing said in his heart that it is not easy for Casimir to be both father-in-law and matchmaker. Then, as if he suddenly remembered H, Li Yexing was a little surprised. Said: Wait, that guy Casimir is your subordinate? Of course not, he is my subordinate. Alexa chuckled and said: If I had someone who would always give you, my dear, I will break Bianfan's neck myself. He nodded again. Li Yexing was about to ask more about the situation at Black Umbrella. Suddenly, there was a strange soft sound on the chrysalis in front of him. When the shell came, Li Yexing and Alexa fell silent for an instant. They both raised their heads at the same time, staring at the pupa shell. Under their sight, strange sounds began to come from the pupa shell. Then, Suddenly, the pupa shell trembled violently, as if something wanted to break through the restraints. It's about to come out. Putting on an attack stance, Alexa frowned slightly and said, My dear, your saint is here. The punch didn't seem to work. Tsk There was a hint of coldness in his expression. Li Yexing frowned and said, That shouldn't be the case. That guy Casimir is quite reliable most of the time.

He's finished. Alexa sneered and said, After I kill this thing, I will re-write his name on the liquidation list! As soon as he finished speaking, cracks exploded from the pupa shell, A large piece of turbid liquid with a putrid smell mixed with blood spurted out from the crack. Then, the sides of the pupa shell shattered on the spot, and large pieces of internal organs mixed with floating carrion flowed out of the pupa shell, along with the The stench mixes into the stagnant water, making it chaotic and miserable

Gray, on the side of the monster, Yang Ran opened a big hole, and the internal organs and body fluids were constantly flowing out of the hole. Countless small tissues grew crazily at the entrance of the hole, trying to make up for the wound, but the granulation had just died. When it came out, it was necrotic and festering at a speed visible to the inner eye. Right now, this monster that could destroy the world was lying in the water like a stranded fish. Let alone fight, it could not even support its body! There is no doubt that the refinement The Saint's Fist derived from the blood of a macho man is a real powerful medicine. It directly breaks up the chaos hiding in the pupa shell trying to reconstruct the body.

The effect of this medicine is quite strong. Looking at Chaos on the ground who could do nothing but scream, Li Yexing couldn't help but said in surprise. Not bad! Very good! Very good, worthy of being the auxiliary officer I personally selected for my dear! I have decided that when I take back the black Umbrella, I will let Casimir take over Alzeric's position! One-handed caressing Holding her chest, Alexa raised her head proudly, completely missing the look she had just now of wanting to kill the whole family.

Looking at Chaos lying on the ground screaming, Li Yexing's expression became a little subtle. Just when he was talking to Alexa, Chaos's body shrank again, and it was wailing. It quickly tried to secrete the khaki mud, trying to wrap itself up again, but the mud it secreted was not only

I feel like it's worn out. After a while, Li Yexing whispered. That's right, dear, it's finished... Looking at Chaos getting smaller and smaller, almost shrinking to normal human size, Alexa sneered.

It is constantly consuming its own nutrients, trying to repair the increasingly serious wound that will only become necrotic. Even if it is left alone, within a few minutes, its ability to recover will drag it down.

Yes..Looking at Li Yexing lying in the stagnant water, screaming and endless chaos, Li Yexing faced

He raised his leg expressionlessly and stepped on the ugly head. Immediately, the brittle and paper-like skull shattered, and the brain tissue that had begun to die was scattered everywhere. My dear, you're so disgusting... Alexisa couldn't help but scolded her in a low voice as she almost had the blackened brain splattered on her legs. Not paying attention to Alexa's words, Li Yexing silently stared at Chaos. The headless corpse, it wasn't until the pile of internal organs and the corpse spontaneously combusted that he turned his head and said to Alexa: Forget it, just kill him, otherwise you will always miss him. Seeing the chaotic corpse turn into dust, Hundong In the stagnant water, Alexa raised her eyebrows slightly. She turned her head, her orange snake eyes flashing with silky light. She said softly: So, dear, we have successfully saved the world. ?Of course. Li Yexing nodded and joked, Tonight, we are the saviors. This is really great... Her showy feet wrapped in high heels were splashing, and Alexa was happy Stepping forward, he hugged Li Yexing's waist and pressed Li Yexing's chest with a smile: When we have a child, I will definitely tell him the story of his parents saving the world... As she said that, Alexa turned her head with some resentment and whispered in a low voice: There was no mother in the first place, and my father was killed by my sister and brother. I can't let our child grow up in this kind of environment. Child ? Li Yexing instinctively raised his eyebrows and asked, which was a little different from Alexa's focus.

Yes, child! Because I will often be intimate with you, my dear, so we will definitely have a lot of children! The snake's pupils were shining, Alexa said excitedly, just as she was about to tell the doctor with an expression When Li Yexing, who was getting frightened, was describing the wonderful vision of an island full of children, suddenly, the huge black sphere on the dome exploded with blue light and turned off completely. Suddenly, the sirens and lights disappeared, and the entire space became a blur. Dim. Faintly, there seemed to be the sound of mechanical operation. What's going on? The surroundings suddenly became dark, and Alexa couldn't help but frowning and asked in a low voice. This sound. Li Yexing was slightly startled when he heard the rumbling sound of the machine. Then he widened his eyes and said urgently: The drainage outlet of the female horse is open! The sea water is going to flow back! The next thing, the water level will explode and swallow the two of them instantly.

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