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The wounds corroded by the acid in Chaos' body have not yet healed, and the moment he was soaked in the cold seawater brought a strange pain. Fortunately, Li Yexing was used to this. He waved his hands to break through the seawater, He rushed out of the water and shook his head vigorously. The seawater was still flowing down the top of his head and flowing through the corners of his eyes, but Li Yexing had no time to pay attention. He widened his eyes and searched around while frowning and shouting. : Lisa?! Lisa?! Damn it, why didn't you swim up? Didn't she say she lived on an island? There's no way she can't swim, right?! The female horse cursed secretly, Li Yexing was deep in thought Inhale -0 breath. Just as she was about to dive into the water, suddenly, Zeng Qianying broke through the water. Her long golden hair, carrying the cold sea water, swayed with water droplets in the dim fluorescence, and then spread on the water again, Snow as white as hibiscus emerging from water

There were still water drops on her cheeks, and there was a trace of broken hair stuck to it, but Alexa was not in a hurry to take care of it. She turned her head and looked at the scene. She took a deep breath but had no time to spit it out because of her shocking appearance. Li Yexing, whose face turned red from holding back, smiled and said: My dear, I heard you seemed to be calling me Fuck and cursed in a low voice. Li Yexing exhaled the turbid air in his lungs and swam slowly towards Ah. Alexa said: You guys, you didn't mean to hide in the water and wait to scare me, right? You are indeed my dear. He revealed her little thoughts, but Alexa didn't care and she smiled. Asked So, honey, I'm scared

I'm sorry, no. Expressing dissatisfaction with his frown, Li Yexing swam in front of Alexa, took Alexa's hand and said in a deep voice: Let's go. There was no reply, and there was a glint of water mist in the orange-red snake eyes. In Li Yexing's surprised eyes, Alexa broke away from Li Yexing with her backhand, held Li Yexing's wrist, and then pulled it away. Li Yexing pulled him into her arms, and then, she put her arm around Li Yexing's waist and kissed Li Yexing's lips fiercely. After the initial surprise, Li Yexing narrowed his eyes little by little, and he gently She gently broke away from Alexa's wrist and put her arms around Alexa's waist. Alexa raised her hands and wrapped them around Li Yexing's neck. The dim blue color radiated in the water waves. Under the fluorescent light, the two men pressed against each other tenderly and passionately, asking for and rubbing each other. It wasn't until their breathing became a little disordered that the two slowly separated. Their eyebrows were lowered and they looked at each other. For a moment, neither of them actually felt anything. Know what to say. Speaking of which, it was so dark just now, why is there light now? After a while, Li Yexing broke the silence and asked softly. That's from the lower drain... It emanated on the water surface. Under the faint blue light, Alexa's face was dyed with a hint of temptation and mystery. She pressed Li Yexing's chest, chuckled and murmured in a low voice: Also, my dear, at this time, if you find If there is no interesting topic, then don't talk.

Ah. A rare trace of embarrassment appeared on his face. Li Yexing asked in a low voice, What should I do? Dear, is there any need to ask? The pink tongue lightly licked the warm red lips, stained with - -Silk water color, Alexa chuckled and said: Kiss me. With his hands rubbing Alexa's waist and back, Li Yexing kissed her directly. This time, perhaps because he took the initiative, he kissed her a little violently, which made Alexa, who had always been in control, kiss her. Somewhat uncomfortable, it didn't take long before her breathing began to become confused, and at the same time, she chuckled and uttered

A coquettish nasal voice like a girl's coquettishness. It wasn't until Li Yexing realized that his offensive seemed unable to defeat Alexa, and parted his lips in surprise that Alexa gently pushed Li Yexing's chest like a baby, and then chuckled and said: The real murderer, I Lion, I feel like I'm about to be eaten by you. Feeling Rouran squeezing his chest, Li Yexing's expression became a little subtle. He turned his head, took Alexa's wrist again, and whispered: We Walk.'

Would you like to do it again? Alexa said with some unfinished thoughts: There are not many opportunities to chat like this in the sea. The sea conditions near my island are not very good, and sometimes the waves on the sea can be very big. I said. My back still hurts. Li Yexing prevaricated in a low voice. Oh. After hearing Li Yexing's reasons, Alexa could only nod her head with regret and said nothing. Seeing that Alexa stopped talking, Li Yexing Ye Xing turned around, held Alexa's wrist, and slowly swam to the side. Although the seawater poured down, it did not fill the space.

At the water's edge was the emergency exit built on the upper floor. It didn't take long for Li Yexing to reach the platform in front of the exit. He let go of Alexa's hand and climbed up, then turned around and faced Alex again. Lisa took action, and Alexa naturally held it, and then was pulled ashore by Li Yexing. However, the moment she stepped onto the platform, Alexa used inertia to open her legs. The fork stretched out and immediately clamped Li Yexing's waist, while his arms naturally wrapped around Li Yexing's neck. Are you coming? Li Yexing's expression became a little subtle as he looked at the queen hanging on him like a charred tree bag. Hold me. Alexisa whispered. This time, Li Yexing did not refuse. He adjusted his posture and whispered while picking up Alexa: I said, can't you take a few steps? ?I have just finished saving the world, and I am very tired.

I just finished saving the world, dear, I'm very tired too. Leaning on Li Yexing's chest, Alexa chuckled and said, Besides, when the water just rose, my shoes fell off. I can't walk. Hearing Alexa's words, Li Yexing trembled slightly, then turned his head. Sure enough, just as Alexa said, her pair of black high-heeled shoes disappeared and light cyan appeared. The snow-white feet with blood vessels and the two rows of nutmeg jade toes were directly exposed. As if aware of Li Yexing's gaze, Alexa lightly

She shook her little feet lightly, and then asked in a low voice, Is it beautiful? There seemed to be a dangerous glimmer in Sha's snake eyes. It was obvious that she was very dissatisfied with Li Yexing's evaluation. Forget it, don't look at it. Li Yexing quickly came to the emergency exit and said in a deep voice, Lisa, help me open the valve. Okay, dear. The voice was too sweet, and the sweetness made Li Yexing a little nervous. At the Scalp Hair Salon, Alexa chuckled and stretched out her hand to unscrew the emergency exit valve. For a moment, looking at the dangerous smile on Alexa's face, Li Yexing felt that the other party was planning something, but He had no clue. He opened the emergency exit and held Alexa in his arms as he entered the corridor where it was still fully lit and could see the deep sea scenery outside. Li Yexing's expression became a little more subtle, feeling the constant movement of Alexa. With her fingers drawing circles on his chest, he suddenly had some doubts. Did Alexa really drop her high heels accidentally? Could it be to find a suitable reason to stay in his arms? Did she throw away the pair of high heels? No, it shouldn't happen. After all, every strap of the high heels was studded with diamonds. It was enough for Li Yexing to go to the Middle East for such a boring thing. Are the high heels of the second life a bit too stupid? After dispelling the distracting thoughts in his head, Li Yexing hugged Alexa and quickly walked through the corridors, following the memories of his previous life. Not long after, he We came to a dark room, which looked very empty. The walls were covered with huge metal balls, which were used as escape devices inside the submarine oil field.

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