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With her arms crossed and her shoulders distant from Leon beside her, Ada looked around, then turned her head and chuckled at Leon and said, We are reunited this time, Huanshi Alumni Association. Yes, not only are people gathered together , even the BOWs were present. Leon nodded and said with a complicated expression: In the past two days, we f0 a group of BOWs and successfully prevented a large-scale biochemical terrorist attack that might change the world structure... You seem to be in a low mood, inside... Seeing Leon frowning, Ada smiled and said, Justice has defeated evil again, shouldn't you be happy? Messenger of justice?

I can't laugh. Looking at the girls around him who have human appearances but are not human at all inside, Leon whispered: Ada, can't you feel it? What do you feel? Ada asked. He asked with a slight smile on his eyebrows. The situation is going to change. Frowning slightly, Leon whispered, I have had countless ideas about the path I am on, but I never thought that we The war will become like this. The scope of this change is not large, but it is too drastic... Really? There seemed to be something hidden in her eyes. After a moment, Ada suddenly said:. Leon, what do you think of Miss Tililith? Helian, wait a minute, Miss Tililis? He almost lost his mind because he misjudged Ada's question, and Ada smiled with an inexplicable smile. Under the review, Leon said seriously: Miss Tililith is perfect, more perfect than any BOW I have ever seen. No, Leon, I'm not talking about this. She shook her head slightly, Ada looked at Leon With his eyes, he asked word by word: Lion, don't you think Miss Tilylis is cute? In your eyes, is she more like a human or more like a monster? Snatch the phone and face Simmons, and Hai Lian Na plays tricks, spits bubbles in the lake, hates sticky things, stubbornly believes that she can stop time, wield a sword, and jump in the air by stepping on the air. She also tries to tell the truth! I remember it. After this journey, Lipin's frown relaxed slightly, he nodded and said: Yes, Miss Tililis is a lovely child.

She is not a child, but this does not stop her from being lovable. She smiled at Lipin, and Ada gently put her hand on Leon's shoulder, then smiled and said: So, Leon, You must always look forward in everything. It is important to prepare for a rainy day, but you cannot stop moving forward just because you are worried about the rain on the road ahead. At least for now, it seems that all this is not bad, right? Yes, you are right, Ai Da nodded to Ada, and Leon smiled and said, Isn't this all too bad? As he said that, Leon put his hand on Ada's shoulder in a more subtle way, but unexpectedly Ada raised her hand and said lightly to Leon. He opened his arms and said with a smile: Okay, Leon, next I am going to talk about some topics between women with my BOW sisters. If you are lonely, you might as well have a good chat with your young and beautiful partner. chat.

She gently rubbed Chishima Hitomi's face on her shoulder, and then, she ignored Chishima Hitomi's angry gaze and said something to Helena who looked embarrassed next to her. In the next second, Helena When she came over, she looked strange and asked Leon in a low voice: What's the matter? What's the matter? Leon was stunned. Ada. Wang said you wanted to see me if you have something to do. Seeing Leon, he was confused. Look, Helena said subconsciously, and then she seemed to suddenly understand. She looked at Lipin with more sympathy in her eyes. After a moment, Helena whispered, It seems that Miss Wang of yours is eating me. He was jealous. He looked at Helena who looked embarrassed, and then looked at Ada on the other side who was whispering to Hitomi Mikishima. For a moment, Leon didn't know what to say, so both of them fell silent. Come down. Compared to Leon and Helena who are already in the cold, as well as Jack and Snow who are being pulled by Kanan to introduce This is your Aunt Griffith, this is your Aunt Tillillian, and this is your Aunt Qiandao Li, the relationship between Chris and Pierce seemed much tighter. The two big men were squatting in the corner with guns on their backs, and they were constantly discussing something. Chris looked serious, and kept muttering in a low voice, The face of Pierce, who was squatting next to him, became increasingly ugly. After a long time, he shook his head fiercely and said: No! Impossible! Captain! This thing violates the principle!

Pierce! Pierce stopped sternly and wanted to say something more. Chris-Diandian slowed down his tone. He put his arm on Pierce's shoulder and said seriously, Listen, Pierce, listen, we have not given up on our principles, our purpose. It's never changed, it's just that now, we need to lower our bottom line appropriately so that we can become more flexible when dealing with certain problems.

Captain, you are not a mercenary! You are a BSAA! You are the hero Redfield! Pierce reminded loudly: It is against the principles to help you hide this monster who wears human skin and speaks human language. Now! Now, you still want to hide the issue of the Huanya Armed Forces without me colluding with you?! No! Captain! Nothing can do! I am a female horse, not a hero! Who wants to be regarded as this thing? !Also, you bitch, keep your voice down! Do you risk your life?! Seeing Bai Muqing standing in the distance staring straight at this side, Chris, who had controlled half a year's salary by a strong woman, shrank subconsciously. , He turned his head and silently stared into Pierce's eyes. Seeing that the other party was in a state of insecurity, he finally gave out his last killing blow. His tone suddenly became heavy, and Chris sighed softly. He whispered: Pierre i. From the time I formed BSAA until today, I have been fighting, always fighting, endless fighting. However, as I fight, biochemical terrorism has not only not disappeared, but has become more and more intense. Until these six months, I have Understand, BSAA has limits. What do you want to say? Captain? Seeing that Chris looked wrong, Pierce subconsciously felt something was wrong.

, Sure enough, the next second, I heard Chris say in a deep voice: So, I won't do BSAA anymore. What?! His eyes widened suddenly, and he could hardly believe his ears. Pierce said in shock: Captain! Do you know what you are talking about?

Of course I know. Nodding with a sad face, Chris put his hand on Pierce's shoulder and said seriously like an old father that the BSAA has too many restrictions. The original intention of these restrictions is good. To a large extent, the purity of the BSAA organization has been guaranteed, but with the departure of O'Brien, these measures have not only failed to make the BSAA better, but have also become shackles for those bastards to restrain us! So, I I plan to leave the BSAA and fight in another way, and you, Pierce, are the successor I leave to the BSAA. You are the new spiritual leader, and you will lead the BSAAI to fight. You are the real hero! No! I can't do it! Shaking his head fiercely, Pierce said urgently: Captain! Only you, only you can lead everyone forward! You can't leave!

No! Captain! You don't need to leave! Even if we are fighting in the BSAA, we still have a lot of room for maneuver! Seeing that Chris didn't look like he was fake and panicked, Pierce said anxiously: If those dogmas become the BSAA's Shackles, then let's break them! We can reform! That's right! Pierce! We can break the dogma! We can reform! We should become more flexible! The tone suddenly became higher, and Chris clapped hard. He patted Pierce on the shoulder, showed a mysterious smile and said: Then, let's start with the Central Asian Armed Forces! Sometimes, Pierce's face turned green.

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