What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-156. The clairvoyance of the macho young lady

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Under the night sky, facing the dim light of the street lights on the pier, Tililith stood there as motionless as a sculpture, silently staring into the distance. Beside her, Rita had a stylized smile on her face, and gently clasped her hands. Stacked around her waist, in her opinion, even if she is not wearing a maid uniform, she still needs to maintain the appearance of a perfect maid. Behind her, there was the sound of playing rope, and Tililian and Kanan, who were no longer clinging to Tililith, came together. She pinched her waist, raised her nose, and loudly announced to Jack and Shirley who were standing in front of her. Respecting their status as elders, Jack and Shirley stared at the smiling Kanan with shocked expressions, seemingly in disbelief at Ti Lilian's words. The young newcomers could no longer look directly at their Uncle Li. . Beside, the sound of high heels tapping the ground was heard. Bai Muqing walked slowly with an indifferent expression and stood beside Tililith like Rita. She slightly squinted her burgundy eyes and swept Tililith vaguely. Looking at Si's side face, after discovering that Tililith was staring at the sea intently, her eyes moved to look at Rita, and then she winked lightly, indicating that some words seemed to be spoken alone. Faced with Bai Muqing's hint, Rita smiled and said nothing. Instead, Tililith, who was staring at the sea level, suddenly turned her head. She blinked her ruby-like eyes and asked expressionlessly. First: Xiao Bai, what's the matter? He subconsciously wanted to answer Nothing, but the burgundy eyes and the bright red eyes collided. Suddenly, Bai Muqing suddenly remembered that in front of this petite lady, It seemed that no one could hide her little secret, so she glared at Rita gently, expressing her dissatisfaction with Rita, then quickly considered it in her heart, lowered her head and said to Tililith: It's not an important matter. What's going on over there at Night Walk? Tililith asked directly. Her expression then returned to its usual indifference. Bai Muqing brushed the broken hair around her ears, then turned her head to imitate Tililith and looked away. At the sea level, she whispered, It's nothing.

Tililith did not speak, but just stared at Bai Muqing silently, with a hint of resentment in her eyes. Well, it's really not an important thing. After a while, under Tililith's spine-chilling gaze attack, Bai Muqing seemed to vent his anger and said, Just now, when the wild dog called, I paid attention. Yes, the caller ID showed an unknown number, and he was not using his own cell phone.

Ti Lilith knew Ti Lilith said expressionlessly: If Ye Xing was using his own mobile phone, then Ye Xing would not have called Xiao Bai but Rita. Facing Bai Muqing's words, she gradually became frightened. With an expression on her face, Tililith said in a deep voice: Rita is taking care of everything at home, so if we want to make peace with the family, according to Ye Xing's character, she will give priority to calling Rita. The reason why she called Xiao Bai, because everyone is usually at home and there is no need to talk on the phone at all. Only Xiaobai has to go out to work every day and occasionally goes on business trips. During night trips, he often needs to call Xiaobai. I have already memorized Xiaobai’s phone number... a little bit. After a pause, Tililith expressed her final conclusion. She said with an expressionless face: If Ye Xing gave priority to calling Xiao Bai, it means that Ye Xing's cell phone is either lost or damaged, and communication cannot be used. In this case, if you want to contact everyone quickly, Ye Xing can only use someone else's phone. Dial the only phone number that Ye Xing can remember. Looking at the dull-looking silver-haired girl in front of him, Bai Muqing's facial muscles twitched slightly. After twitching for a long time, she asked in a low voice: You didn't speak just now because you were thinking about this?

Tiililith is not as boring as Xiaobai. She won't calculate these boring things all the time. When Tiililith heard that the person who called Xiaobai was Ye Xing, Tiililith knew everything... Look Seeing Bai Muqing looking like he had been culturally shocked, a hint of ill humor suddenly arose in Tililith's heart. She said expressionlessly: 'The reason why Xiaobai wants to avoid Tililith and Rita and talk about this alone is, It's because when Xiaobai was on the phone with Ye Xing, there were other women's voices on the phone. Xiao Bai subconsciously thought that he needed to discuss it with Rita without Tililith's knowledge. - Once Ye Xing returned to Hong Kong

When the number of people is wrong at 0, Xiaobai and Rita can quickly deal with it. Seeing the small abacus in his mind being stripped away by Ti Lilith, for a moment, Bai Muqing only felt like a hair salon. What kind of exaggerated instant reasoning ability is this?! Mind-reading?! Didn't they all say that the tyrant's head is not that easy to use? Is that?! You have such a powerful brain and so much strength that you can’t give humans a way to survive?! Why don’t you go and be the executive officer of Black Umbrella! Wait. Now, it seems that I am not a human either... The moment I see my own little abacus After being stripped naked by Tililith, Bai Muqing's expression immediately became tense. She was just thinking about how to excuse Li Yexing when she saw Tililith sighing softly. Even though there was no expression on her face, Bai Muqing was still there. Tililith's eyes caught a trace of helplessness, and she heard Tililith whisper in a low voice: Tililith is not a jealous girl, otherwise, we wouldn't be living together as happily as we are now, Xiaobai. Just like this, I always worry about some weird things and always put some weird pressure on myself. Like Xiaobai, not only will I not be able to rely on Ye Xing, but I will also make my friends worried, so I promise to Ti. Lilith, don’t fight with the air anymore, okay? After a while, Bai Muqing, whose body was dismembered by Ti Lilith, nodded mechanically. After dealing with Bai Muqing, Tililith turned her head and looked at Rita on the other side. She said expressionlessly: Although Tililith won't be jealous, Tililith also has Tililith's persistence. If something happens, It's really as Xiaobai worried... Don't worry, miss, Rita understands everything... Bowing slightly to Tililith, Rita opened her slightly narrowed gray eyes, with a strange smile on the corner of her mouth. , she chuckled and said: Mr.'s family is naturally not a low-level creature.

If you can come in, I will replace the young lady's will and use the young lady's strict standards to judge whether the other person's genes are qualified to spend the rest of his life with your husband. Don't do this... Looking at Tililith and Rita's expressions The main villain of the movie looked like a bitch. Bai Muqing frowned and muttered in a low voice: How can I reduce my pressure by doing this? Hey! Suddenly, two hands suddenly placed on Ti Lilith's shoulders, Kanan, who left Jack and Shirley in the messy place in the wind, came behind Tililith. She pressed Tililith, folded her arms on Tili's silk-making chest, and then asked with a grin. What were you just discussing? - Deputy False Chief

What are you talking about, sister? On the other side, Tililian, who followed Kanan back to Tililith, also asked curiously: The face of the ice cube girl was so ugly just now. It's frozen. Nothing. Staring at the dark sea in the distance, Tililith said expressionlessly: Ye Xing may be bringing a new woman back. Suddenly, the atmosphere became inexplicably suspicious. i Ha?! After a while, a loud shout resounded throughout the entire dock. Kanan's eyes widened and he said loudly with surprise, You're still here?! Are you serious? Can the boss's kidneys still hold up? I am going to be jumped in line again?! Ti Lilian looked in disbelief. She shook her head vigorously, and while slapping Ti Lililis with her golden twin tails, she said urgently: Don't cut in the queue! Don't cut in the queue. Don't jump in line! Yakou-kun is bringing a new girl back?! On the other side, hearing Kanan's movements, Hitomi Mikishima immediately broke away from Ada's arms and ran over quickly. What? On the other side , Leon turned his head and looked in the direction of the girls, with a horrified look on his face: Li is going to get a new woman again?! Tsk smacked his lips vigorously, Chris stood up, frowned and said, I'm afraid not. people. At this time, under the dim light, the dock became warm again.

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