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In his ears, the roar of the helicopter was still lingering. Li Yexing turned his face sideways and looked at the sea outside the window. The relaxation in his expression disappeared and was replaced by a solemn look. Are you nervous? My dear? Listen. Li Yexing was pulled out of his thoughts by this unique voice with a hint of hoarseness but still sweetness. He lowered his head and looked at Alexa who was in his arms, frowning. She frowned slightly and said, It's okay. Don't you know how to introduce me to the sisters at home? Alexa tilted her head slightly and asked with a chuckle. Not really... Li Yexing whispered. Said: 'I have mentioned you to them, but I can't quite see their attitude towards you... Don't worry, my dear. Facing Li Yexing and smiling, Alexa said softly: My sisters will definitely like me. After all, I am a very lovable woman, right? Seeing that Alexa was not worried at all and was even looking forward to it, Li Yexing was a little confused. To be honest, he didn't quite understand where Alexa's confidence came from? Damn it, she is the queen of the Ashford family after all. It's normal to be confident. He just hopes that there won't be any trouble when the time comes. After all, , the matter in front of them is not just their own business, Leon and Chris are still waiting for an explanation. Miss, Mr. Li, I have seen the port.

Suddenly, Butler Harman's muddy voice came from the direction of the cockpit. Hearing Butler Harman's words, Li Yexing and Alexa subconsciously sat up straight at the same time. Then, they were stunned for a moment, and then They looked at each other at the same time. Facing the orange snake eyes, Li Yexing raised his eyebrows slightly. After a while, he chuckled and said, I thought you were really not nervous. I said, I'm not nervous. , dear. With a confident smile still hanging on her lips, Alexisa said softly: But, not being nervous does not mean that you can relax. I need to leave a perfect first impression on my sisters. . Okay. Turning his head and looking out the window at the sea reflecting the faint glow of Lanxiang City, Li Yexing whispered to himself: I'm really crazy...

As the helicopter advanced, the night sky in Li Yexing's eyes was illuminated bit by bit. As far as his eyes could see, there were the bright lights of this modern metropolis. If it weren't for the thick smoke standing in the center of the city, no one would have thought that this would happen. The city is still suffering from a biochemical terrorist attack. However, this is not important anymore. Simmons is dead, Kara is dead, and Chaos is dead. The war that belongs to Li Yehang and the girls is over. Rather than worrying about whether the BSAA who are still fighting in the city can After handling everything, it is better to worry about yourself. Although the number of girls in his family has been increasing year by year, Li Yexing is not very sure about the attitude of his girls towards the addition of new people. Especially a woman with a strong personality like Alexa... If the sister relationship is not handled happily, it will be a big problem... Miss, Mr. Li, we are here. A moment later, in the helicopter cockpit, Haman The butler's voice came again. Gradually, the dim light from the dock shone into the helicopter along the window. With the roar of the propeller, the helicopter began to slowly descend. Li Yexing turned his head and looked out the window silently until Familiar figures appeared in his field of vision, and a smile appeared on his face. Gradually, the helicopter landed on the pier. Let's go and meet my sisters. In Li Yexing's somewhat surprised eyes, Alexa slipped out of Li Yexing's arms. She stood up, stepped on the ground with her bare feet, and then smiled at Li Yexing. Said: There will be many opportunities to stay in my dear arms in the future, but now, it is not suitable.

Eye contact with Alexa, after a moment, Li Yexing stood up without saying anything. He nodded to Alexa, and then walked step by step towards the door of the helicopter, door 0, Haman The housekeeper had already been waiting there. When it saw the two people approaching, it opened the hatch directly, then bowed slightly and got out of the way. Taking a deep breath, Li Yexing came to the cabin door, jumped out of the helicopter in front of the eyes of everyone on the dock, then turned around and stretched out his hand to Alexa who had not yet jumped off. Lexisa was slightly stunned, then showed a happy smile. She gently held Li Yexing's hand, and then landed next to Li Yexing with Li Yexing's support. Do I really don't need to hold you? Seeing Alexa's bare feet, Li Yexing asked in a low voice, In case you step on a small stone or something. l

It doesn't matter... Alexa chuckled and said, This body is much stronger than it looks, dear. Okay. Seeing Alexa's insistence, Li Yexing didn't have much to say, so he turned around body, walking step by step towards the people in the distance, and Alek

Lisa followed behind him, keeping a distance of two steps, neither too far nor too close. Then, there was Housekeeper Harman who was as big as a tyrant, with a bandage on his face. No expression visible.

As the distance got closer, Li Yexing's heartbeat gradually began to speed up. Even from a long distance away, he could feel the weird atmosphere on the other side. Tililith stood at the front of the crowd with an expressionless face, while Rita stood at the front. Standing next to Tililith, with an unpredictable smile on his face, Kanan lay behind Tililith, his eyes wide open, while Hitomi Mishima stood on the other side with a knife in his hand. The look on her face was quite subtle, but Tilizi'an was different. She stared at the pair of heterochromatic eyes, grinding her teeth hard, as if she wanted to bite someone. As for Bai Muqing, she stood on the other side of Tililith. On one side, his expression was indifferent, but his eyes kept winking at Li Yexing as if he could speak. From Bai Muqing's eyes, Li Yexing read four big words: Ask for blessings. Seeing the strange looks of his girls, Li Yexing swallowed and subconsciously stepped forward, and at the same time She turned her gaze to observe some of the protagonists of the original work. The new couple Jack and Shirley looked a little strange. Shirley looked at her

His eyes were full of curiosity and exploration, while Jack's face was inexplicably ugly. Leon stood with Helena for some reason, his eyes extremely serious and full of scrutiny, while Ada stood alone next to her, with a look on her face. With a gloating smile, as for Chris, his expression can be said to be the most complicated in the audience. At first glance, he could tell that he was holding back a lot of questions. In the end, with slow steps and an uneasy heart, Li Yexing still stood. In front of Tililith, facing the pair of eyes with a faint red light, his expression showed a trace of unnatural entanglement. Just when he was thinking about how to introduce Alexa to his girls smoothly. , I saw Ti Lilith suddenly opening her arms to Li Yexing, and said expressionlessly: Ye Xing, kiss, hug. The awkward atmosphere was broken instantly, Li Yexing was relieved, he opened his arms, - hugged him Ti Lilith, buried her face in Ti Lilith's neck and rubbed it hard, inhaling the taste of Ti Lilith, while Ti Lilith gently stroked Ruo Li Yexing's short hair, his face was reddish, and the corners of his mouth were rare. With a hint of smile, after the film, she gently patted Li Yexing's neck. When Li Yexing raised his head, a question flashed in his eyes, she directly put her arms around Li Yexing's neck and faced Li Yexing's. His lips pursed.

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