What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-158.Macho man kisses everywhere

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Thin, small, very soft, very sweet. When chatting with Tilitis, each other's tongues will have an unusual tacit understanding. This makes Li Yexing feel inexplicably at ease. There is no more sound in the air, only the sound is left. There was a faint sound of water, and it wasn't until the silver-haired girl's breathing began to become confused that Li Yexing let go of his lips. Ye Xing, so... With a flushed face and a soft exhale of hot air, Tililith squinted her ruby-like eyes and complained softly. Said: Tililith, I can't breathe. I miss you... Li Yexing chuckled and said, There's nothing I can do about it...

Really? After patting Ti Lilith's shoulder gently, Li Yexing straightened up, turned his head and smiled at Rita: What about you? Rita, do you miss me?

Sir, it's true. With a reddish complexion and gray eyes, Rita kept her hands folded on her waist and came to Li Yexing on high-heeled boots made of blue-gray glue. , and then whispered without saying anything, Li Yexing hugged Rita directly and kissed her fiercely. Suddenly, Rita let out a cry of tenderness, and her face became even more rosy. She squinted her red face slightly. With misty gray eyes, he put his hands on Li Yexing's cheeks, and then tried his best to cater to them, until the water traces slowly flowed along the connecting lips.

Although she still had unfinished thoughts, Rita still suppressed the desire hidden in her gray eyes. She gently stroked Li Yexing's face while gasping: For four days... four days... without Mr. Rita Rita is dying

Yes! Nodding vigorously, Rita stepped aside with squinting eyes, and said to Li Yexing with a slight smile, Sir, you can't favor one thing over another.

Accompanied by Rita's words, Kanan was seen clasping his hands behind his head, curling his lips, looking at the air beside him, his face slightly red, and walking towards Li Ye awkwardly.

... Seeing Kanan's awkward look, Li Yexing chuckled, opened his arms and said, Come here, fool, give me a kiss.

Fuck you girl! With a smile and a curse, Kanan walked quickly towards Li Yexing. Just when she was about to run into Li Yexing's arms, she jumped up suddenly, her arms

Stunned, he immediately hugged Kanan's waist, narrowed his eyes and hugged Kanan fiercely. Between the lips and teeth, the two tongues seemed more like fighting than chatting, and saliva flew everywhere for a while.

How can I?! Facing Li Yexing's responsibilities, Kanan looked displeased. She jumped off Li Yexing's body, used her arm to help Li Yexing clean up the water stains, and then tapped lightly. Knocking on Li Yexing's chest: That's it. I'm tired of it. Get out of here. Watch me turn around and deal with you! Seeing Kanan's mischievous expression, Li Yexing glared at Kanan fiercely. He lowered his eyes, while Kanan grinned and giggled, with a bit more expectation in his eyes.

Seeing that Kanan looked like a piece of meat without salt, Li Yexing shrugged, then turned his head and looked at Qiandao Hitomi. Li Yehang's eyes were locked on Qiandao Hitomi, and Qiandao Hitomi immediately blushed and stepped forward. Xiao Zaibu came over, her eyebrows were downcast, and she seemed to want to say something, but couldn't. Has revenge been successful? Li Yexing asked softly, suppressing his smile slightly. Hmm, Hitomi Inkishima nodded. Hand blade? Li Yexing continued to ask. Yeah accompanied by a faint nasal sound, Hitomi Inkishima's head became heavier. How do you feel? Li Yexing asked softly, Are you happy? I just feel relieved suddenly, but let's face it... Hitomi Mikishima chose the words carefully, and then whispered in her somewhat stiff English, This kind of thing The feeling may be closer to emptiness.. 0...

I understand, I understand Hitomi. Silently, he hugged Hitomi Mishima tightly into his arms. Li Yexing gently stroked Hitomi Mishima's back until Hitomi Mishima was supporting Li Yexing's chest. Then she raised her head slightly in Li Yexing's surprised gaze, squinted her eyes slightly, and softly whispered in Japanese: Tell me.

Responding with action, Li Yexing gently touched Mijishima Hitomi's lips. Mishima Hitomi let out a squeak, then put his arms around Li Yexing's waist, and kissed her.

. Hitomi Mikishima nodded with a blushing face. She said softly, Go ahead. Mr. Ye Xing, don't keep Miss Tillillian and Miss Bai waiting for too long.

After paying it, Hitomi Mikishima loosened his arms around Li Yexing's waist and stepped aside. Then Li Yexing turned around, lowered his head and looked at Ti Lilian who was already waiting beside him. Perverted brother-in-law. , good or bad. Her little face was slightly red, and Tililian seemed a little shy. She blinked her pair of heterochromatic pupils and said softly, When I was over there in country A, I fucked you for so long, waiting for you to enter. In such a state, the perverted brother-in-law is running away alone again... As she spoke, Tililian raised her head, with mist in her eyes. She looked at Li Yexing, opened her arms and said: Obviously he is just a perverted brother-in-law, here you go; People take responsibility.

Don't say such strange things. The way other people look at me is wrong. Feeling the prickly eyes of the original protagonists of the game, Li Yexing smiled.

Hehe. Facing Li Yexing's sweet smile, Tililian narrowed her eyes slightly, kissed Li Yexing's lips, and murmured in a low voice: Chirp

With Ti Lilian around his neck, Li Yexing picked Ti Lilian up. This time, Ti Lilian was unusually proactive and seemed to want to take the initiative to attack, while Li Yexing catered to her gently. After a while, maybe Because she couldn't breathe, Tililian took the initiative to part her lips. She panted lightly and said with a silly smile: Perverted brother-in-law, there is still one last step to go. Let's wait for a few days. Next, we will I'll be free for a long time... Putting Ti Lilian down and wiping the corners of her mouth, Li Yexing stood up and looked at Bai Muqing, who had been watching all this silently, and walked up slowly, with a natural surrounding. Holding Bai Muqing's waist, Li Yexing's mouth curved slightly. He chuckled and asked in a low voice, Are you in a hurry? It seems that because

For the sake of successfully saving the world, an ordinary wild dog unfortunately turned into a narcissistic wild dog. The indifference on his face disappeared, replaced by indifference mixed with a faint blush. Indifference, Li Yexing thought that Bai Muqing would remain as usual. She taunted him a few more words, smiled evilly, raised her hand, let her fingers gently brush Li Yexing's collar, and said with a sneer: But you are right about one thing, wild dog, you are really Let me wait!

Locked in front of him, he raised one leg at the same time, and hooked Li Yexing's waist with high heels. This set of movements almost locked Li Yexing, unable to move, and Bai Mu

Qingze held out his chest and pressed against Li Yexing's chest, biting and sucking until Li Yexing was out of breath. Shaking his head and breaking away from Bai Muqing's lips, Li Yexing gasped softly and said with a subtle expression: Mu Qing, are you talking or cannibalizing?

0 cannibal! Bai Muqing replied without hesitation. Facing Li Yexing's surprised gaze, she spoke up again, imprisoning Li Yexing's arms and the jade leg wrapped in black silk. , it seems to be locked tighter.

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