What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-159. The fierce female queen’s first meeting strategy

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Stop, stop, stop. After a long time, Li Yexing pushed away Bai Muqing, who was wrapped around him like a snake. He gently wiped the corner of the other person's mouth with his thumb, while frowning and whispering: Pay attention to your image, Miss Secretary, your mouth is watering, huh? Bai Muqing's face turned red as if she was drunk. The wine-red light penetrated the mist in her eyes, and the tip of her tongue swept across her cherry lips. Just as he was about to get closer again, Li Yexing shouted in a low voice: Mu Qing! His eyes suddenly opened wide, as if he had just woken up from a dream. Bai Muqing maintained the weird posture that was almost entangled with Li Yexing, silently looking at each other. For a moment, she put down her legs, but did not loosen the arms that bound Li Yexing's neck. Although the indifference gradually reoccupied her brows, she could not suppress the trace of shame. Her lips parted slightly, and she avoided Li Yexing's eyes. , murmured in a low voice: Do it again. What? Without hearing Bai Muqing's words clearly, Li Yexing subconsciously raised his eyebrows and asked. No, it's okay... He let go of Li Yexing's neck, and Bai Muqing quickly Pushing aside, she lightly stamped her feet, then arranged the clothes on her body, and smoothly tucked some scattered hair behind her ears. She tried her best to restore herself to the indifferent look before, and then crossed her arms , looked to the side. Seeing that Bai Muqing stopped talking, Li Yexing exhaled softly, then turned his head and looked at Alexa. At this moment, she was wearing a soaked black cheongsam, so naked. Standing on his feet, he silently watched Li Yexing look at each girl. There was a smile in his orange snake eyes, and he seemed to be in a good mood. Butler Haman stood beside Alek. Lisa was not far behind, looking at her with a rather complicated look. Next, is the highlight of the night! Quickly returned to Alexa's side, and nodded to Alexa with a smile. Nodding, with a hint of apology in his eyes, Li Yexing turned around, smiled awkwardly, and whispered to the girls who had already focused their attention here: Well, let me introduce, this is Miss Alexa Ashford is the one I mentioned to you before, the one who saved Kanan and I in Africa, the one who calls every Valentine's Day... As the introduction ended, the atmosphere solidified again. , a group of girls looked at Alexa, with a little exploration in their eyes. Although they did not show any disgust or disgust, they were not enthusiastic either. In contrast, Leon and Ke, who had been watching the show silently, Reese's face was much more exciting. The moment he heard Li Yexing say the surname Ashford, Leon's face immediately darkened. As for Chris, from the moment he saw Li Yexing with Alexa and behind him The monster dressed like a butler got off the plane, and his expression didn't look good. On the other side, listening to Li Yexing's introduction and looking around at the beautiful and powerful unofficial sisters in front of her, Alexa narrowed her eyes slightly. She bowed slightly and made a standard aristocratic courtesy. She smiled and said: Gui'an, everyone, I am Alexa Ashford, the third lady of the Ashford family, and also the Ashford family. At the same time, I am also one of Mr. Li's many suitors. It is a great honor for me to meet you sisters here today. Ashford. Muttering Alexa's last name softly, Bai Muqing frowned slightly. She subconsciously asked in a low voice: Umbrella's...Ashford? That's right. Not bad, but as far as I'm concerned, I don't want to tie the Ashford family and Umbrella's unbearable history together - Answering Bai Muqing's question with a chuckle, Alexa turned her head. , directly aiming her gaze at Tilithis, she nodded slightly and said: My family and I have been committed to climbing above human beings in an attempt to peep into the scenery that only gods can peep. But now, after getting acquainted with Mr. Li and After knowing what happened to all the sisters, I deeply felt my own insignificance and ignorance, so I chose a new path... I blinked at Tililith with a pair of red snake eyes that could reveal my inhuman identity. , Alexa said with a sincere face: I hope that my family and I can change the general attitude of human society towards BOW today. I want to prove to the world that biotechnology based on BOW development is not uncontrollable] . I hope that one day, we will no longer live in the shadows, but under the sun. Listening to Alexa's words, Tililith's eyes lit up little by little, and she could notice that this Miss Ashford, everything she said is true. In other words, this Ashford family is really powerful, and this Alexa really likes night walks. In other words, this Alexa Ashford seems to be very useful to Ye Xing! And it can be seen that Ye Xing seems to have a good impression of this Miss Ashford. I am very beautiful, Ye Xing likes her very much, she is not a human being, and her family has a big business, This is so rare! In an instant, Tililith's first impression of the third young lady from Ashford in front of her was fully increased. Keenly aware of the change in Tililith's attitude, Rita immediately moved toward Alexa. Walking up, she bowed slightly to Alexa and said with a standard etiquette smile: Hello, Miss Ashford, I am Rita Griffith, a girl from the Griffith family. , now serving my husband and all ladies, you can call me Rita. I have always been very fond of the Ashford family. When the master was alive, he praised the Ashford family quite a lot.

It is also a pity for the series of events that happened to the Ashford family in the past few decades. Now, we can see the last window of the Ashford family and appreciate the style of the Ashford family. Rita is only as Mr. Girl, I feel extremely excited and honored. As she spoke, Rita kept leaning forward, turned her gaze to Alexa, and said with a smile: She is indeed the third young lady of the Ashford family, as expected. She is as radiant as a queen appointed by heaven. Miss Griffith is serious. The Ashford family is now in a weak position and is no longer what it used to be. But Miss Griffith is really amazing. It has long been

I heard that the Griffith family has an excellent maid uniform, and seeing you today, it is indeed extraordinary. Alexa chuckled and responded: It is indeed worthy of me to be able to train such an excellent maid like you. The Griffith family? No wonder Mr. Li relies on you so much. l) Where, I'm just a little maid. It's my honor to work for Mr.... As the two of them complimented each other, Kanan, who was standing next to him, Her expression became more and more strange. After a moment, she quietly moved to Bai Muqing's side. She turned her head and muttered in a low voice: Xiao Bai, are all rich people like this? Why do they talk so slowly? So, my father and I Those old European nobles have never been able to play. Bai Muqing said with an indifferent expression. Obviously, she who pursues the principle of efficiency first does not like this kind of lengthy and meaningless dialogue.

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