What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-160. Daily persecution by the macho harem group

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It has to be said that Alexa is not bragging. In a sense, she may indeed know how to make the girls in Li Ye's family like her. Facing Ti Lilith, Alexa directly explained In order to realize her own value, Tililith fully realized her role in Li Yexing, which directly increased Tililith's first impression of favorability. When facing Rita, Alexisa first spoke highly of Tililith. The Rifes family left a good impression on Rita, and then she emphasized Rita's importance to Li Yexing, calling her Mr. Li's support. This sentence was a knowing blow. Licking directly on Rita's most comfortable spot, even though Rita knew very well that this was just aristocratic politeness, it did not prevent Rita from falling in love with this excellent, shining, well-educated guy Miss Shford

In the end, the conversation between Rita and Alexa, which was full of compliments and politeness, ended with Rita's kiss on the hand. A maid kissed the hand of the third lady of an old aristocratic family, which looked very good. Weird, but no one present except Li Yehang and the protagonists of the original game would be surprised by this scene. They knew very well that the previous series of conversations were just appetizers, and this hand-kissing ceremony was the only one for the monster girls. The real first and most stringent test for Alexa.

Gently placing Alexa's white catkin between her palms wrapped in blue-gray gel, Rita bowed, gently pressed her lips on the back of Alexa's hand, and let the tip of her tongue slide between her lips. He reached out and gently licked the back of Alexa's hand without any trace, while Alexa smiled calmly, as if she didn't notice Rita's little movements at all. After a moment, Rita straightened up and smiled. It's been a pleasure talking to you, Ashford, he said to Alexa.

\\Sister, however, as you can see, not long ago, we all experienced a very cruel battle, so U..I can understand, Miss Griffiths.. See Rita's face A look of embarrassment and apology appeared on the screen, and Alexa immediately followed the aristocratic social etiquette and smiled: After all, you are Mr. Li's support. The war has just ended, so you must be very busy. It is my fault that I have resisted you for so long.

Just like that, the conversation that was supposed to end became shaky again. The two of them were talking to each other, which made Li Yexing frown. Kanan even yawned and pressed his chin against Tililith's. On his head, he muttered softly: Maid, is she finished? As soon as she finished speaking, she heard Rita slightly bowing to Alexis again, and at the same time whispered: Then I'll excuse you. After the conversation ended, Rita turned around and returned to Tilithis with slow steps. Her back was turned to Alexa. The smile on Rita's face disappeared and was replaced by a look of solemnity. It was not necessary. Rita opened her mouth to answer. The moment she saw Rita's eyes, Tililith understood everything. The corner of her mouth raised a rare arc. Tililith smiled and said: Ye Xing has good taste. Tililith is very good at newcomers. Satisfied for the time being. Miss, the power of Miss Ashford is a bit too...unconventional. Recalling the terrifying power she felt from Alexa's genes, and what Li Yexing once described as being like a volcanic eruption. Rita couldn't help frowning at the attack, and she whispered: Miss, I'm worried that she will.

Miss Ashford won't... Interrupting Rita's words, Tililith said expressionlessly: Ye Xing will not allow it. Hearing Tililith's words, Rita was slightly stunned, and then understood. , she said softly: That's right, miss, sir, you won't allow sisters to fight against each other. I'm overly worried.

But can the pervert brother-in-law control that fake-smiling girl? As if aware of Alexa's strength, Tillillian gently hugged Tilly Jingsi's arm. She took it for Alexa instantly. nickname, and then whispered to herself: 'What if the fake-smiling girl toyed with the pervert brother-in-law until he couldn't get out of bed, and then ran out to bully Ti Lilian? What the second lady said is not unreasonable. If she is really that strong, I I'm worried that the boss won't be able to control her. Kanan, who was behind Tilly's silk making, said. Although I've never heard of the Ashford family, but hearing that she kept talking about it, she must be a It's a super rich family, I heard. The eldest ladies of rich families have a lot of strange things... Huh? Is that so? After hearing Kanan's words, the eldest daughter of the rich family, Hitomi Mikishima, asked subconsciously. Of course I will. He nodded seriously to Hitomi Mikishima. Kanan pursed his lips and said, If you don't believe me, just look at Xiaobai.0B?! The indifference on his face instantly became unbearable, and Bai Muqing turned his head sharply. , stared and said: No? His eyes moved down, staring at the pair of tender feet wrapped in black high heels and black stockings, Kanan said seriously: I think you do.

What nonsense are you talking about, Kanan?! Being accurately poked at his weakness, Bai Muqing hurriedly defended: I was decompressing! Decompressing! Decompressing! I work every day.

So tired! I need to relieve my stress! Besides, I don’t do this because wild dogs like it... Who likes it? Kanan asked expressionlessly. Yeah? Who likes it? Miss Bai. ? Rita tilted her head and asked with a smile. Miss Bai, it's so weird, I like that kind of gameplay. Hitomi Mikishima's face turned red, and she turned her head and whispered. Yeah, Ti Lilian nodded. Smiling and echoing, I think the steam engine is right! She looked at Bai Muqing, who was blushing with a blank expression, and Tililith fixed her gaze on the distance again. She whispered: Xiao Bai likes it. , I don’t get tired of walking at night, Tililith thinks it’s very good.

Seeing the former sisters forming a group to persecute her, Bai Muqing only felt ashamed and angry. As her emotions gradually lost control, suddenly, the yellow core exploded from Bai Muqing's chest, and black mucus splashed all over the floor. Suddenly, Bai Muqing went completely crazy. , she tried hard to hold it with both hands

The core was stuffed back - Bian said angrily: I worked so hard! So hard! So much pressure every day! I finally finished this task! You formed a group to bully me again! Rita bullied me too! Kanan bullied me too! Even Hitomi also Bullying me! I am also a slender girl in love! I need to relieve stress! Relieve stress! Relieve stress! Seeing the girls in his family quarreling together, it was so lively, Li Yexing's expression was quite subtle, just before he When she was thinking about whether to go up and hug the poor secretary, Alexa walked up slowly and stood beside Li Yexing. There was a trace of yearning in her and Li She's eyes. After a moment, she whispered. Smiled: . It's really enviable. This kind of simple and harmonious sweet sister relationship, I don't know when I can integrate into that atmosphere. Are you referring to persecuting Mu Qing? Come on, Mu Qing is under enough pressure... Challenge He raised his eyebrows and made a joke. Seeing that Bai Muqing successfully suppressed the exploded core, Li Yexing turned his head and said with some surprise: However, I really didn't expect that you can really deal with them. Don't forget , I have been observing you for eight years, my dear, I know very well what they want to fight for you. Alexa said with some pride. Okay, in short, you have managed it for the time being, and there is no trouble. Nodding to Alexa, Li Yexing said softly: Take it, it's time to deal with it. Another group... As he spoke, Li Yexing turned his head and glanced at the original protagonist group of the game who stood aside and watched for a long time. Then, he was stunned. Butler Harman, who was following him and Alexa, ran up to Chris at some point and seemed to be chatting about something.

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