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The coquettish laughter and noises of the girls from the Li family filled his ears, and the atmosphere seemed to be extremely lively. But at this moment, Chris had no time to pay attention, just because there were creatures in suits and ties standing in front of him. That's right, the creature, although he is wearing an ironed suit without a trace of wrinkles and wearing shiny leather shoes on his feet, but whether it is the tyrant-like body, the body covered with bandages, or the The two red snake eyes exposed between the bandages were telling Chris that the existence in front of him was definitely not human!

Not long ago, Chris was still silently watching the woman who got off the plane with Li Yexing. He remembered that woman. A few years ago, she had

Appearing on the battlefield of the Black Umbrella Eastern European branch's sweep, with terrifying power like a god, he defeated the Ouroboros aggregation that almost wiped out the BSAA troops in one fell swoop. At first, Chris had firmly believed that this woman was killed by Li Ye Xing was sent as the last resort to assist the BSA in the operation, so after the operation, he classified the details of the operation as confidential and strictly prohibited the BSAA members who participated in the operation from mentioning them. Now it seems that the woman with the name of Ashford is indeed one of Li Yexing's monster harem!

No wonder there was an inexplicable sense of disobedience after the memory was restored. It turned out that he had forgotten this matter. The B0Ws raised by Li Yexing at home were not six, but seven! Chris was silently waiting for Li Yexing to deal with it. When the good monster girls were explained to everyone present, suddenly, the giant man in suit who had been following Li Yexing and Ashford turned his head and focused his attention on Chris. - Get up, and after a few seconds of looking at each other, the big man walked towards Chris and Pierce step by step without saying anything. He could tell at a glance that the other person was not a human being. Pierce subconsciously wanted to raise his gun, but was suppressed by Chris again. \u003eWan. Pierce couldn't remember how many times Chris pressed down his gun. On the other side, it seemed that he didn't care about Pierce's reckless move. The giant in a suit walked up step by step and stopped in front of Chris and Pierce. It looked at Chris silently, with an indescribable expression in its eyes. Unknown color, vaguely, Chris felt a trace of light pressure from the giant's body. He frowned and did not shy away, but his index finger pressed lightly on the trigger in a subtle way. Just as he endured it, When he couldn't help but break the silence, the giant in suits and ties suddenly said in a hoarse and chaotic voice: Hello, sir, this is the first time we meet. I am the butler of the Ashford family. You can call me Haman. Or Harman the housekeeper. Chris Redfield, BSAA. Out of habitual politeness, Chris reported his identity. I know, I know you, sir. Looking at the unkind-looking Chris, Harman The butler said slowly: 'You are one of the founders of BSAA, the Silver Blade Captain of BSAA, an expert in the field of anti-biochemical terrorism, the soldier who buried Wesker, and a hero. At the same time, you also killed Ash. The murderer of the eldest son and second daughter of the Ford family. Alfred and Alexia, right? Although more than ten years have passed, Chris still accurately reported the names of the Ashford siblings.

The eldest young master and the second young wife lost the honor of being members of the Ashford family. They committed 2. patricide and ruined the precious wealth of the Ashford family.

They... Said words that surprised Chris with an expressionless expression. Butler Harman said in a deep voice: Logically speaking, the Ashford family should be grateful for Mr. Redfield's thunderous action, but from my personal perspective, From a perspective, I am a little dissatisfied. After all, this is a family matter of the Ashford family. It is better for the Ashford family to clean up the family. The eldest young master and the second young lady should have been the touchstone for the third young lady, but You, Mr. Redfield, please escort Miss

So you're here to cause trouble? Although he couldn't understand what the captain and the monster in the suit were discussing, Pierce still smelled a faint smell of gunpowder. However, this time, before he even raised his gun, Chris Suppress his wrist in advance. Haha, the young man is so kind and full of fire... Squeezing out a smile that couldn't be called friendly from under the bandage, Butler Harman sighed softly. He said in a deep voice: It's a pity, as you can see, I am already old, and when I get older, I tremble easily. After all, I may not be able to see the sunrise the next day at any time, so I can't help but say everything I want to say. Looking at Haman With the butler's body like a tyrant, Chris thought for a while and felt that it would not be a big deal for the monster old man in front of him to slap his head off. So he asked in a deep voice: Then what? Don't worry, I'm not here to come. I'm sorry, I'm so old. I can't get angry. It's better to keep in good health. Butler Harman said with a smile: I'm not here to communicate with the BSAA on behalf of the Ashford family. I'm just here. The representative - a dying old man, wants to have a good talk with Mr. Redfield. About your third lady? Chris asked with a frown. That's right. Nodding to Chris, Butler Harman said in a serious tone: As you can see, I am looking at the young lady every step of the way. As she grew up, she was a miserable child. As a creature of genetic technology, she had no mother since birth. When she was still in her infancy, her brother and sister killed her father, leaving her with only two children. However, within a few years, Mr. Redfield, you and your sister killed the young lady's brother and sister again. This time, the young lady was completely alone. I saw Butler Harman looking at me with a look in his eyes. Full of resentment, Chris instantly understood what the old immortal was planning. Heck, he was actually engaging in moral kidnapping. They brought it all on themselves! Seeing through Butler Haman's plan, Chris said in a deep voice: He An If Brera gets mixed up, it will definitely not end well.

I understand, Red.

Mr. Field, I think you are right... Nodding to Chris, Butler Harman smiled and said: I just complained, nothing else. You see, I am so old. There's nothing strange about complaining, right? Seeing the old green-skinned monster in front of him looking so at ease, Chris' face became even more uglier. Even though he knew very well that this was just a little trick of Butler Fenman, there was no doubt that Haman The butler's plan was successful. Now, thinking about the close relationship between Li Yexing and the third lady of the Ashford family, Chris felt a chill. Li is my friend, and in order to protect me, he walked a tightrope The generally dangerous big chess game is a favor to me...Li's woman, the third lady of the Ashford family, fell from the sky three years ago and rescued the BSAA that was almost wiped out, saving the lives of dozens of BSAA members. Grace.

More than ten years ago, my sister killed the brother of the third Miss Ashford, and I myself killed the sister of the third Miss Ashford... Although the reason is very good, once the logic Once established, it will linger in Chrisin's mind. For a moment, Chris really felt that he

Li Yexing and the third lady of the Ashford family fell in love! You bitch, you cunning old thing. Seeing the curve of the mouth under the bandage, Chris couldn't help but cursed in a low voice, and Housekeeper Harman opposite was honest and honest - smiling, as if he didn't understand what Chris was saying. Just when Chris was thinking about how to get rid of the old housekeeper in front of him, he saw Li Yexing walking over step by step, waving his hand. - -While smiling, he said: How's it going? Chris. Did things go smoothly?

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