What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-162. Macho Exchange of Feelings

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To be honest, Li Yexing was still a little worried when he saw Chris talking to Butler Harman. After all, Chris and the Ashford family had some grudges. After the laughter, Li Yexing let go of his hanging heart. If you don't look at Chris's ugly face, the conversation between the two should be quite harmonious. Greeted to Chris, Li Yexing showed his scarred back, - walked towards Chris step by step, on the opposite side, saw Li Yexing leaning over, Chris turned around, left Pierce behind, He walked over quickly with surprised eyes, his face was unusually solemn, What's wrong? Chris? Sensing that something was wrong with Chris's expression, Li Yexing frowned subconsciously and said: There is something wrong with the BSAA.

Facing Li Yexing's gaze, Chris quickly walked up to Li Yexing, and then he punched Li Yexing hard, hitting Li Yexing's face hard

Damn it! Accompanied by Li Yexing's painful cry, the heated pier instantly fell silent. Whether it was the protagonists of the original game or the girls of the Li family, all their eyes were focused on the past. The eyes may be startled, subtle, or dangerous, but without exception, they hide inexplicable emotions, and there is no sound around them. Caught off guard by this heavy punch, Li Yexing staggered back two steps. He wiped the blood from his body, looked at his blood-stained fingers, then raised his head suddenly, staring With wide eyes, he said urgently to Chris: Are you sick? ! You have been fooling me for half a year, and during this half year, I have been treated as a fool by you and the scum around you... Chris He said coldly: 'They said that I owed them money and cheated half a month's salary from me. I did it to save your life! Look at your appearance at that time, you went back to the BSA Night Walker Unavoidably a trace of anger rose in his heart, and he held his nose and said bitterly: Also, didn't I have that bastard Duergen notify me? Whoever borrowed your money can just ask me for it, those gangs Dog, when I go back, I will bleed them one by one... Before I finished speaking, Chris rushed up, - hugged Li Yexing tightly, as if he was going to kill Li Yexing His ribs were broken. Thank you, brother. Holding Li Yexing tightly, Chris, who is a full head taller than Li Yexing, lowered his head and said: Thank you for doing so much for me, thank you for me I really don't know how to thank you for taking such a big risk...Don't forget, we are brothers who have died. After a while, the anger on Li Yexing's face disappeared, and he whispered, Also, don't hug me. Now, two big men, disgusting brothers, Li Yexing let go of his fingers blocking his nostrils, and immediately, the nosebleed that was squeezed in his nostrils gushed out, splashing Chris all over his face.

Female horse! Li! Peter sprayed nosebleeds all over his face, Chris quickly let go and pushed away, he wiped the blood on his face, and then said to Li Yexing: It's disgusting you bastard, you are playing What?! Biochemical infection. Li Yexing said with a mean smile. Hearing Li Yexing's words, Chris was slightly stunned, and then his expression changed. He wiped the blood on his face vigorously and cursed: I'll fuck you! Li! I'll go! You girl horse!.

After wiping his nose, Li Yexing turned his head and saw Leon, Helena and Ada leaning forward together. Although Leon looked at Li Yexing with a serious face, his figure was consciously or unconsciously Leaning towards Ada, while Ada still had a calm smile on her face, she kept a distance from Leon lightly, and as the three of them got closer to Li Yexing, the distance between the three became more and more. Getting bigger and bigger, it looks extremely weird. On the other side, like Leon, Ada, and Helena, Jack and Shirley are also walking over step by step. Compared with Leon and Ada, the elderly couple, Jack and Shirley seem much more real. Deliberately, the two of them stuck extremely close together, like conjoined twins. The corners of his mouth were raised slightly, and he showed a cheap smile at Leon. Li Yexing tilted his head and said, Do you want to hug me? Then, when I am not careful, spray me with nosebleeds? Subconsciously stopped Leon stepped back and kept a distance of three steps from Li Yexing. Leon glanced at Li Yexing's nose, and then said in a deep voice, I'll forget it. Smiling at Leon, Li Yexing turned his head to look at Ada, He chuckled and asked: Is it a good time to get along with Tong? Of course... Nodding to Li Yexing, Ada smiled and praised generously: Dry Island Miss, she is really great, Boss Li, I hope that we can cooperate more closely in the future, but I don’t know, in your office, can the matter of hiring Ms. Gandao be clearly marked as i?”

We don't do business anymore, we start a company... Li Yexing replied with a smile: Tong has a job of her own, if you want to hire her to go out, I suggest you discuss it with her in private, but, According to my understanding of Tong, Tong may not agree to you, after all, she doesn't seem to like showing her head that much

That's it. With a trace of regret in his eyes, Ada chuckled and said, That's really a pity. After finishing the short conversation with Ada, Li Yexing looked around and looked at the protagonists of the original game gathered around him The group, and the girls of his family who are gradually approaching. He sighed softly. Then he said in a deep voice: I know that at this moment, you have a lot of doubts in your heart, and you are inexplicably involved in a huge conspiracy , Inexplicably being penetrated by the girls of my family, you must be confused, don't be surprised, even the girls of my family may also be confused, so, next, there is still some time ahead, I will explain to you - the ins and outs of the whole incident. Seeing the people around him silently looking at him, Li Yexing cleared his throat, and then said in a low voice, However, before explaining this matter clearly, I need to start again. Introduce two people... Saying that, Li Yexing turned his head,

He beckoned to Jack who was on the side, and nodded. There was a hint of doubt and entanglement on his face. He gently pushed Shirley's arm away, and he came to Li Yexing's side step by step, and then- -While looking around, he said in a low voice: Mama girl, if it's really you bastard, why did you call me? It's nothing, let me introduce you to everyone, after all, you are my favorite young man. Patting Jack on the shoulder, Li Yexing raised his head, looked at Leon and Chris, and said with a light smile: Come on, let me introduce to you. This is Jack Muller. Like me, he is a mercenary. Living in Itonia, if you don’t like his name, you can change his name, for example, Jack Wesker. As soon as Li Yexing’s voice fell, Chris’ eyes widened suddenly, with an unbelievable expression on his face , while Leon held his forehead with one hand, and muttered softly: Guoda is like this, no wonder he and Shirley are family friends... Before Jack and Chris could react, Li Yexing-holding Chris's hand He slapped him, pulled him in front of Jack, and then introduced with a smile: Jack, let’s meet, this is the ace of the BSAA, Chris Redfield, a famous fighter against biochemical terrorism, who has rich experience in saving the world. Li Yexing continued to chuckle and said to Jack: Four years ago, in Africa, he personally crushed your bastard father who wanted to destroy the world in the crater.

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