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Five years ago, during the Raccoon City incident, Derek C. Simmons, the leader of the Family, cast a key vote on the Double Track Plan. , Since then, Ada and Simmons parted ways. In the days without Ada, Simmons was in great pain, just as his researcher Carla Dames, who admired him, made a breakthrough in the research of C virus Sexual progress, so Simmons started the artificial Ada project. After one experiment after another failed, Simmons finally set his sights on Kara, whose DNA and Ada are highly compatible. The new experiment was successful, and Kara lost her memory during the experiment and became Ada, the Ada that only belonged to Simmons. Next, in order to make Cara more like Ada, Simmons trained Cara so that she had all the qualities a female conspirator should have, and Cara never tired of it. She indulged in the false love with Simmons, from the heart Eager to respond to Simmons' expectations, in the beautiful illusion woven for the two of them by this false love - everything is so harmonious and so happy. However, the fake is fake after all, Kara still remembered her identity after all, when she knew that she was just a poor substitute, her heart was instantly filled with hatred, and extreme love turned into extreme love Hate, she is thirsty for anger, for revenge, for destroying everything that Simmons cherishes and protects, she is determined to completely subvert this world dominated by the family secretly! So, in this terrifying flame of revenge , the world began to burn, and tragedies began to be staged. As a result, the protagonists stepped onto the stage... In the eyes of everyone, Li Yexing stated silently that there was no earth-shattering conspiracy or deceitful calculation in his story , some are just irrationality and impulse again and again, twisted and mixed in the spiral of love and hate. This story is not complicated, even too simple, as simple as a third-rate screenwriter. Scribbling freely, when Li Yexing finished telling the story, almost everyone present had a look of disbelief on their faces. ridiculous... After a long silence, Leon shook his head and said: I can't believe this is the so-called truth. Although it sounds too stupid, every step is in line with the development of the situation. After eliminating the impossible, no matter how absurd the remaining result is, it will only be the truth. At some point, Ada came back to Leon's side, and Ada tapped Leon's shoulder lightly, and said with a smile: Admit it, it's all the fault of your number one rival that Simmons is going crazy. is that really makes me feel honored. Li Jing said blankly.

Compared with Leon and Ada who are used to the big wind and waves, Helena's expression is much more exciting, she lowered her head, her eyes widened, and she whispered in astonishment, Just because of such absurd things, Just killed so many people, I...I can't accept it...0 sounds like a child's play Behind Chris, even Pierce couldn't help but whispered. I can't believe it, Simon Mr. Si, he actually Obviously, for the answer given by Li Yexing, Shirley, who has been working for Simmons, couldn't accept it. Seeing that Xue Li didn't resist, he tightened his arms little by little, and carefully held Xue Li in his arms. Compared with the protagonist group in the original game, the girls of the Li family are much calmer. Except for Alec Lisa who listened with gusto and little stars were about to appear in her eyes, most of the other girls did not respond. After all, this story, from After picking up Hitomi Ganshima, Li Yexing just- - kept talking, and I've said it many times

Li. I believe in you, and I will not doubt the authenticity of your ridiculous story. After a while, Chris raised his head and looked at Li Yexing. After a moment of hesitation, he asked the stage in a deep voice: But, I think I know, where did you learn about these things? Oh, this... Li Yexing smiled, and he was about to open his mouth to answer when almost everyone present, including his own girls, said at the same time: I have A UBC5 boss. Suddenly, Li Yexing's expression froze. I knew you would say that. Looking at Li Yexing, Leon smiled smugly, and Ada on the side immediately chimed in and said, Yes, Boss Li always answers this way to everyone, doesn't he? ?Honestly, I'm getting tired of hearing it. You've been fooling me with this answer for eight years! On the other side, Chris's eyes became sharper, and he frowned and said, Li, you should give me a reasonable explanation. The feeling comes from Li Yexing turned his head subconsciously with the piercing gaze around him, but saw that the girls in his family also had a look in their eyes. It was obvious that they were also curious about this question, and they also wanted to know why Li Yexing was like this Well-informed? Why are you so familiar with BOW and various organizations that produce and sell B0W? The atmosphere gradually became awkward. Li Yexing smiled while thinking about countermeasures. After all, he couldn’t tell everyone present that he was a time traveler, while others They are all game characters or something, but right now, he really can't find any reasonable reason, even the former Umbrella employees, there is no reason to know so many secrets, let alone he is just a mercenary with a proven record. But his brain was spinning rapidly, but he couldn't think of a way. Just when Li Yexing was about to be looked at by everyone's eyes as if he was in a desperate situation, Alex Lisa suddenly stepped forward, stood beside Li Yexing, and then turned to the crowd. He said loudly: Everything he knows, I told him. With that, Alexisa turned her head, blinked at Li Yexing veiledly, and at the same time said with some helplessness: 'I've said it all, let you stay away from these guys, it's okay, I can't hide it at all. . Instantly comprehended, Li Yexing scratched his short bloody hair, turned his head in boredom, and smacked his lips vigorously. Forget it, anyway, I have already announced my return to the world , then I don't have to hide

Tucked in. Turning her head, she looked at Chris and Leon. Alexa chuckled lightly and said, To tell you the truth, eight years ago, I hired Mr. Li to work for Ashford in secret. The German family dealt with some matters. After a period of contact, about four years ago, our relationship changed and became closer than before. Therefore, the employment relationship became a cooperative relationship, and Ash The Ford family will also share some additional information with Mr. Lee. Miss Ashford, I can handle all of this. Li Yexing pretended to be dissatisfied. No need, Mr. Li... Smiling at Li Yexing, Alexisa said softly: The situation has changed. After weighing it, I think that your cooperation with the Ashford family is on the table. It’s more suitable than hiding in the dark, and it’s also good for your communication with BSAA and other organizations, isn’t it?” Watching Li Yexing and Alex Lisa talking about each other, Leon and Chris’s His complexion is getting darker and darker. As long as the eyes are not blind, everyone present can tell that the couple in front of them are acting, but the key point is that Li Yexing actually made a new job to gag their mouths. After a long time, this boring saliva show ended, Li Yexing turned his head, shrugged at Chris and Leon, and said helplessly: As you said, the situation is like this, now, are you satisfied? Yeah, I'm satisfied... With an expression as if he had eaten a fly, Leon sneered and said, From now on, you don't need to say that you have a UBCS color palette, you can say that you have an Ashford family wife.

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