What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-165. Macho overlooking the scenery

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In the early morning, the curtains in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows have not been opened, and the sunlight penetrates through the gaps between the curtains, pulling out a thin golden line on the delicate and classical floor tiles, and the thin lines continue to extend along the gaps between the floor tiles, Until between the feet of the bedside slippers. The lower body was wearing clean light blue slacks, and the upper body was naked showing a series of hideous scars. Li Yexing, whose hair was slightly messed up, was sitting by the bedside, looking a little listless, He held a brand-new mobile phone in one hand, and gently slid the screen with his thumb, browsing the latest news, while the other hand was placed on his waist,

Gently stroking the black delicateness on the back of her body. Behind Li Yexing, Bai Muqing was sitting on the tangled soft quilt, her upper body was naked like Li Yexing's, showing the black tattoo-like pattern on her back, her arms were around Li Yexing's neck, her gaze was beyond Li Yexing's Shoulders, watching the news with Li Yexing. At the same time, the legs wrapped in black pantyhose wrapped around Li Yexing's waist, leaned forward, and shook slightly. After a while, the thumb that slid the phone screen slightly After a moment of stagnation, Li Yexing frowned and said in a low voice: Tap Muqing lightly... Hearing Li Yexing's whisper, Bai Muqing, who was pressing behind Li Yexing's back, evoked a sneer, she ignored Li Yexing's appeal,- Little by little, the strength and speed were increased, so Li Yexing gasped lightly, his chest heaved slightly, until the hand stroking Bai Muqing's calf suddenly exerted force, and the movements of the two of them stopped at the same time, for a moment, wide and luxurious There is a touch of charm in the room, and it is also mixed with the faint fragrance of heather. Don't move, I'll do it. Sensing Li Yexing's hand moving again, Bai Muqing's voice became colder, she bit Li Yexing's ear and whispered softly: If you rub against the instep, you will be seen , Very annoying. Hearing Bai Muqing's whisper, Li Yexing stopped his movements, refocused his eyes on the phone screen, and waited for Bai Muqing to use his toes to wipe off the traces left by the morning exercise. He asked in a low voice:- Do you want to play a show? Waiting for Rita to come back. With her arms folded and her feet blue, but her tone was still cold, she whispered: It's still early, don't worry, we used to be at home, this time apart from me and Li Tower and Hitomi, no one

I know. Li Yexing nodded and said, I just think, if I wait for Rita to come back, I'm afraid it will take a long time to wash this Huan. Then take a longer time. He murmured: Wash clean. Today is the last day of staying in Lanyang. Tomorrow, we will officially start our vacation, won't we? So you were looking forward to it? This time, it was Li Yexing's turn to be surprised Yes, he tilted his head slightly and said: I thought that according to your personality, you would definitely say something like vacation is meaningless, go back to work quickly. People should relax and not be tense all the time. Where do you think I am? Are you a workaholic? Seemingly a little dissatisfied, Bai Muqing frowned slightly and began to use a little force on her feet with the cleaning marks. Don't wipe it. Taking a breath, Li Yexing squinted his eyes slightly. He patted Bai Muqing's thigh, got rid of the restraint of Bai Muqing's limbs and stood up forcibly, then turned his head and said to Bai Muqing: Wipe again. If you want to get up, get up... Stand up after Li Yexing, Bai Muqing wrapped her arms around Li Yexing's neck again, she pressed Li Yexing's chest, and said with an evil smile: Anyway, I will have to wait a while. Xi Huan. Ignoring Bai Muqing's words, Li Yexing bent down slightly, and took advantage of the situation to hug Princess Bai Muqing, and Bai Muqing was not surprised, she leaned on Li Yexing's shoulder as a pillow, and naturally leaned into Li Yexing's arms.

Holding Bai Muqing in his arms, stepping on the exquisite floor tiles, Li Yexing walked across the room, and came to the huge French window, letting the golden light that penetrated the curtains sew

The golden sun came rushing towards our faces. After being cut off from the unique coldness of the morning by the double tigers, it shone on the two of them with a tinge of warmth. Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows,

The buildings are like forests, tall buildings stand tall, the streets are full of traffic and pedestrians, but at this moment, Li Yexing and Bai Muqing standing in front of the window have a panoramic view of all this

Catching the smile on the corner of Bai Muqing's mouth, Li Yexing couldn't help but chuckled and said that he has a special liking for this kind of scene, so you like to look at Yun Yunsheng so much?

That's right, I like this feeling, it makes me feel that everything is under my control. Looking down at the crowds outside the window, Bai Muqing removed the line and stared at Li Yexing, but there was a trace of indifference and chill in his expression With pursed lips, she blushed and said, However, I am the only one to enjoy such a beautiful scenery. It seems a bit lonely. If... If there is a man, he is willing to accompany me to enjoy this-cut, I think I will be happy

To be honest, as a working soldier imbued with the memory of a irascible mercenary, Li Yexing doesn't quite understand Bai Muqing's obsession. In his opinion, he likes to stand on a tall building while drinking red wine while overlooking all living things. Most of them should be men, or the kind of men with I'm a villain written all over their faces, but now, standing here, Li Yexing still can't understand the pleasure of this pretentious behavior. But obviously, Bai Muqing likes this tune very much. The memory of Bai Muqing dancing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows with the lights turned off and red wine on, accompanied by melodious music, is still etched in his mind. -Cut the cold disguise, talking about Li Yexing forgetfully, the wine red eyes are full of joy and happiness, completely no longer the irritable and overworked appearance before. At this moment, facing the rising sun of birth, Li Yexing Ye Xing caught the same color in Bai Muqing's eyes, although not as fierce as last night, but a little more warm, and gently pressed it up, while Bai Muqing slightly parted her lips, and caressed - while stroking Li Yexing's hand The two stood on the commanding heights of Lan Yang, as if overlooking all the king and concubine. Sir, I'm back... Suddenly, there was a sound of opening the door, and she was dressed in a black lace and matte back maid outfit, outside

Wearing a 0L uniform to cover her back, Rita walked into the room with a tray. She closed the door and said with a smile: Because I was worried that the breakfast here would not taste like Mr. Mr. Yang, I hope that the kitchen can be requisitioned, but obviously, I was too worried. The chefs here are definitely the top chefs. Their skills really opened my eyes. I have to say that I have gained a lot of knowledge. There is still a long way to go on the journey of being a perfect maid. Then, after crossing the hallway and entering the room, Rita was stunned, seeing Li Yexing standing in front of the window with Bai Muqing in her arms, she put the tray on the On the coffee table, he covered his mouth with a soft smile and said, Sir, really, if you stand in front of the window with the curtains drawn like this, wouldn't your body be seen by those low-level women who don't know where? This is the Kunlun Building. Turning around with Bai Muqing in his arms, facing the golden sunlight with his back like an ultimate creature, Li Yexing smiled lightly and said: If they want to see inside, they need a pair of high-powered binoculars. That's not okay, sir. Quickly came to the window, drew the curtains, and made the room dark again, Rita's eyes seemed to be shining, she smiled, Protect Mr. Female creatures covet, this is also one of my responsibilities as a perfect maid. Hearing Rita smile and say something incredible, Li Yexing couldn't help raising his eyebrows, while Bai Muqing who was hanging on Li Yexing let go With her arms around Li Yexing's neck, she jumped out of Li Yexing's arms, and then said to Rita: It's just right, you are back too, we can take a bath together first, and when we are done washing

Sir, do you want to start Xihuan? Upon hearing Xihuan, Rita's eyes lit up immediately. She leaned slightly, licked her lips, and said to Li Yexing with a smile: It's just right, Mr. and Miss Bai must have met each other this morning. Morning exercise, - must have sweated a lot, it's okay, please leave it to Rita, Rita - - will help the husband clean up~ dry

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