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Just as Li Yexing expected, the three of them squeezed together will make the pure love not so simple. This process seems to be very fast, but it seems to be very long. Although it is pleasant, it also adds to the body. A little burden. Sitting on the sofa wrapped in a white bath towel, enjoying the simple morning tea cooked by the special chef in the Kunlun Building, Li Yexing's brows and eyes were stained with a trace of fatigue. Leaning on the intoxicating softness, while enjoying the massage from both shoulders, he said: Rita, don't you want to eat? Rita is full. The corners of her lips hooked, and the gray eyes flashed With a hint of charm, Rita gently pushed Li Yexing's shoulders while enjoying the squeeze that Li Yexing put on her chest with the back of her head. In Li Yexing's ear, he asked softly, Does Rita's massage relieve Mr.'s fatigue? Of course. He showed a gentle smile to his caring and pretty maid, and exhaled a foul breath. Li Yexing turned his head and looked out the window. Seeing that the sun was getting a little hotter, he asked in a low voice: 'Have they all woken up? How tired will I be in bed with the young lady... After a slight pause, Rita nodded softly: I don't know about that Miss Ashford. I heard that she had a lot of chats with Tilly Liss last night.. Li Yexing asked casually: What did you say?

Most of them are trivial. Rita replied softly: Miss Ashford asked the eldest lady a lot about Mr., and then exchanged views on some other issues. The atmosphere of the conversation was very harmonious. I can feel that Missy likes Miss Ashford very much. What about you? Rita? Li Yexing asked with a chuckle: What do you think of her? i Miss Ashford is full of wisdom, excellent ability, elegant conversation, and charming. Facing Li Yexing's question , Rita praised without hesitation, Miss Ashford is a real nobleman, she is absolutely worthy of her surname. Yes...Seeing that Alex Lisa has already passed Tilly Liss and Rita. After two passes, Li Yexing let go of his hanging heart a little, so he turned his head and looked at Bai Muqing who was beside him. At this time, she had already changed into her Italian hand-cut uniform and was lying on the bed while fiddling with the computer While gently shaking the pair of raised black silk feet. Mu Qing. Calling his secretary softly, Li Yexing asked curiously: What about you? , then turned his head and said, What's wrong with me? What do you think of Lisa? Seeing that Bai Muqing didn't seem to have heard the previous conversation between him and Rita, Li Yexing had to repeat the question. Oh, Lisa, you've started to be called people's eyes so soon. Think about it carefully, I've known you for almost half a year, and we've been lying on a sofa, and you started calling me Mu Qing. The red eyes revealed jokes and sarcasm, but more of them were full of sour dissatisfaction. The dry feet stopped swinging, and they overlapped and rubbed lightly. Bai Muqing thought for a while, and then replied in a low voice: That Lisa of yours is not an easy character to deal with, for some reason - I get terrified when I make eye contact with her. Is probably because ouroboros is afraid of fire. Turning his head, looking at Rita's softness, Li Yexing looked at the exquisitely decorated ceiling and said: Lisa is a good player with fire. The Lanxiang incident has passed For three full days, in the early morning of that night, after explaining the whole story at the pier, it didn’t take long for Chris to receive a notice from the BSAA. After reporting Kara’s death and receiving new information, he immediately went to I took Pierce back to the center of Lanxiang. Not long after, FOS contacted Lyon, saying that the president had already met with the Delta Force of country A, and was jointly protected by multiple ministries, saying that they were ready to take Lyon back. preparation. Before dawn, everyone broke up, and only Li Yexing, his girls, and the butler of the Ashford family were left on the empty pier. The two major culprits are dead, and the wandering ghosts and zombies are already headless. Before noon, the BSAA battle is basically over. Even so, some blocks in Lanxiang City are still under blockade. The BSAA crisis assessment expert team has carried out intensive work. If it weren't for Chris's contacts, Li Yexing and his girls would never have stayed in Lanxiang City. I got the official status of BSAA from Chris. According to the original plan, Li Yexing planned to take the girls to find a hotel to recuperate for a few days, and when the dust settled in Lanyang, he set off to return to Itonia, but at this moment , Alexisa came up with her own plan. In this way, everyone's temporary residence was directly upgraded from an ordinary luxury hotel to the Kunlun Building, a landmark building in Lanxiang City, and the return trip that was originally scheduled for a few days later turned into a physical leave that lasted at least one week. The location of the body leave is set at Alexisa's private island. To be honest, Li Yexing was really curious about Alexisa's island, and right now, after going through this big battle, everyone really needs to find a place with beautiful scenery and isolated from the world to relax their nerves. Looking at it this way, the private island where only Alexisa and Butler Harman live is indeed a good choice. Logically speaking, even if the vacation location is chosen, everyone's luggage and change of clothes are still left in Itonia. Just when Li Yexing was thinking about whether he should go back and take the place of Yidongiya When the arrangements were made, the middle-aged man surnamed Yang stood up and waved his big hand, saying that if he lacked anything, he could just buy a few more sets. Mr. Li and the girls' consumption for the next month will be paid by Mr. Yang! Not only that, during the period of temporary stay in the Kunlun Building, the guest room must be the most luxurious! The wine must be the most expensive! The food ingredients must be the freshest, and when necessary

By air! Faced with the enthusiasm of the well-known and successful entrepreneur Mr. Yang, Li Yexing was really a little hard to resist. He looked at Li Yexing with eager eyes, almost exactly the same as the giant Harman butler! Even more explicit ! All he had to do was ask Li Yexing when he could be an uncle. To be honest, when Li Yexing learned about the relationship between this Mr. Yang and the Ashford family, Li Yexing thought that the other party would look down on him as a mercenary leader, but he didn't expect that he would have to suffer the same as those he met before. -Different from rich people who can speak human words well after being beaten once, this Mr. Yang never underestimated him from the very beginning, let alone questioned Alec Lisa's choice. When Alec Lisa introduced Li Yexing to Mr. Yang , the seriousness and sternness on Mr. Yang's face disappeared in an instant. After the initial surprise, he directly approached him with bright eyes, patted Li Yexing on the shoulder and praised with a smile: This is Ash. Is Miss Ford's boyfriend? Hmm... yes, really good, the smell of iron and fire all over his body, such a young man is hard to find... In this way, Li Yexing and his party lived in the Kunlun Building.

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