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It wasn't until nine o'clock in the morning that Li Yexing opened the door to the room and glanced at Bai Muqing, who was lying on the bed working, and Rita, who was lying on Bai Muqing watching Bai Muqing work. He closed the door firmly with his backhand and stretched hard. Then he found that the door of the room not far from him was stretching in the same posture. Hanan noticed Li Yexing's gaze. He kept his posture and turned his head to meet Li Yexing. They looked at each other, and after a while, Kanan put down his arm and exhaled a breath, then grinned at Li Yexing and said, Good morning! Boss, how is your waist? Not so good, Rita is playing with Mu Qing. They are more wild, you know... Facing Kanan's gaze, Li Yexing walked slowly to Kanan. He saw that Kanan was wearing dark jeans on his lower body and brown leather boots on his feet. As usual, she only wore a black sports bra, but she put on the black leather jacket. Above her neck, Kanan's face still showed a trace of moisture, and her hair was even more wet, mixed with a trace of shampoo. Fragrant, there is no doubt that this person has just woken up. Have you eaten Hayasaka? Li Yexing asked with raised eyebrows. Yes, Rita brought it this morning. Kanan scratched his wet hair and said with a smile: It smells so good. The chefs here are so skilled. I'm three times better than you.

So he is the cook, and I am your boss. Although he would not be a mercenary to compete with professional chefs in terms of cooking skills, when Kanan said this, Li Yexing still showed a trace of dissatisfaction on his face. Isn't it, boss? Are you angry now? Seeing that Li Yexing's face looked a little ugly, Kanan couldn't help but widen his eyes. Seeing that Li Yexing tilted his head and didn't speak, she

He put his hands on both sides of Li Yexing's cheeks, squeezed the flesh on Li Yexing's face, and forced Li Yexing to face him. Then he stood on tiptoes and gave Li Yexing a hard kiss on his lips. I'll give you a kiss. Don't lose your temper. . Without responding to Kanan's words, because his head was held by Kanan's hands, Li Yexing could only turn his eyes away and continue to express his dissatisfaction. I'll go, boss, are you serious? Seeing that Li Yexing was still there With an angry look, Kanan stopped laughing. She began to squeeze Li Yexing's lips with her thumbs one after another, squeezing Li Yexing's lips like a goldfish's mouth, squeezing and returning the smile. Frowning slightly, he said, Huh? What's going on? Still angry? Huh? Still angry?,... With Kanan squeezing his lips back and forth, Li Yexing finally couldn't hold himself any longer, and he burst out laughing. He made a sound, then raised his hand, moved Kanan's arm away and whispered with a smile, Kanan, it's your uncle's.

Hehe... Smiling at Li Yexing, Kanan stood on tiptoes again and looked over Li Yexing's shoulder. She glanced at Li Yexing's room door and then lowered her voice and said furtively, Where's Xiaobai? At the office... Li Yexing thought for a while and added: Under Rita. That's really great. A maid is a maid, and you can always rely on her at critical moments! The corner of his mouth curled up. Smiling evilly, in front of Li Yexing, Kanan lifted up his black leather jacket like the weapons dealer in Resident Evil 4, revealing packs of cigarettes and various lighters in his pockets, and then took out a He said to Li Yexing: Boss, Xuan Hemen, Tianchao Yan, I found it in the shop below yesterday. Although I don't know the characters, I still know the box.

Ah... Looking at Kanan with a smirk on his face, Li Yexing's expression became more and more astonished, but then, the shock disappeared and was replaced by a weird smirk, which was exactly the same as Kanan's expression. Hunched forward, he faced Kanan, who was holding a cigarette case, face to face. Kanan and Kanan performed a live show of what it meant to be in an awkward situation. At this point? Kanan pulled out a black windproof lighter and asked in a low voice with a smile.

Come on, find a place where no one is around. Li Yexing said with a guilty look on his face: I'm afraid Rita won't be able to suppress Mu Qing. Go to the stairs. Pointing behind him with his thumb, Kanan whispered: I I observed last night that there are emergency exits over there, and not many people left except for the security guards in this building.

Fuck Li Yexing tugged at the corner of his mouth and whispered: Brother, let's just smoke a cigarette and sneak around now, but he has to step on the spot in advance? Is it enough to just step on the spot in advance? The joint of the middle finger gently pushed. Touching Li Yexing's chest, Kanan whispered, You also have to prepare chewing gum. You have to find a ventilated place. When you smoke, you have to be careful not to let ashes fall on you. Remember to wash your hands, otherwise there will be a smell of cigarette smoke on your fingers. Wait. Put these away and the rest is

I can only leave it to fate. Leave it to fate? His expression became more and more distorted, and Li Yexing raised his eyebrows and said, I'm already like this, why do I have to give it to fate? Can you guarantee that Xiaobai won't suddenly go crazy and want to talk to you? Kanan - asked with a serious face: Chewing gum can't hide Xiaobai's tongue. Hearing Kanan's question, Li Yexing was at a loss for words and couldn't answer. Right, so I say, it depends on your fate! Kanan patted Li Yexing's shoulder lightly, and Kanan turned around and whispered to Li Yexing: Come, follow me, and remember, if you are caught by Xiaobai...I asked the security guard for the cigarettes! Li Yexing blurted out.

So, just like that, Li Yexing followed Kanan through the corridor sneakily and came to the emergency stairs. Worried about meeting an acquaintance, they deliberately climbed up two more floors until they found a ventilated window. Stopping, Hanan leaned on the metal handrail, stepped on the stairs with his feet high and low, and quickly tore open the packaging of the cigarette box. He was about to throw it away, but saw Li Yexing catch it steadily and stuff it in smoothly. In the pocket.

Don't be casual... Li Yexing whispered: You have no quality. Girl, you are a guy who has seriously lowered the quality of Lopulus per capita, and you actually talk to me about quality?! His eyebrows were raised slightly, and he clicked. Nan couldn't help but let out a burst of ridicule. She quickly stuffed a cigarette into her mouth, and handed the other cigarette to Li Yexing. After Li Yexing caught it with her mouth, she took out her lighter and

He lit the fire, smiled slightly at Li Yexing and said: Come on, boss, this is our reservation.... Li Yexing put his head over without saying anything, letting the cigarette in his mouth and Kanan's mouth The cigarettes collided together in the same flame. It wasn't until the blue curls rose that the two of them separated at the same time, exhaling two streams of mist from their nostrils. The boss. Smoking a cigarette and looking out the window, Kanan frowned slightly. He frowned. What's wrong? Li Yexing took a deep breath on the cigarette, letting the bitter fragrance fill his lungs. Li Yexing asked in a low voice. It's okay. Kanan flicked the ashes of his cigarette and casually said, I love you. . Fuck. -0 He couldn't breathe, and he couldn't breathe out from his nostrils. Li Yexing covered his mouth and coughed violently. It took him a long time to catch his breath. He stared at him because of the violent force. Coughing and bloodshot eyes. He looked at Kanan with a surprised face and said, Did you have a bad stomach this morning? ls It's not that bad. On the other side, seeing Li Yexing's exaggerated reaction, Kanan was a little dissatisfied and said: I just want to tell you and make you happy and see if you show that kind of virtue. OK. Controlling his breathing so that the ups and downs of his chest were no longer so violent, Li Yexing smoked a cigarette and dispersed the pain left in his chest. When his body calmed down, he frowned slightly and said to Kanan, I love you too. you.

Squirt. He smacked his lips. Kanan, who was standing at a high place, lightly kicked Li Yexing, tilted his head and said, Boss, you are really a meathead. Oh, that's it? He flicked the ashes of his cigarette. , Li Yexing sneered and said: Don't worry, there are more meaty ones. When I finish smoking this cigarette in my hand, I will stop your mouth and kiss you to death, sticking out my tongue. Kanan waved his hand and said with a look of disgust: Just your ashtray? Isn't it disgusting? is Then do you want it or not? Li Yexing asked with a frown. Yes! Chang Nan nodded and replied without hesitation.

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