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It didn't take long for the cigarette on my fingertips to burn out. With a flick of his fingertips, the cigarette butt flew through the air in an arc with sparks, and accurately fell into the trash can at the corner of the stairs. Li Yexing turned his head and saw Kanan throwing the cigarette butt on the ground and hitting it hard with the sole of his shoe. After grinding it, she complained in a low voice: I really don't understand, boss, why do you like to smoke this kind of woman's cigarette... I can't say that I like it. She put her arms on both sides of her body and said the same thing as Kanan Leaning on the handrail of the stairs, Li Yexing gently tapped the handrail with his index finger and said, How do you say? Feelings? Feelings... imitating Li Yexing and tapping the handrail with his fingers. , Hanan and Li Youxing raised their heads together, looking at the clean heads of their heads, and suddenly fell into silence. Suddenly, there was only the sound of overlapping knocks in the corridor. Boss. After a moment, Kanan's expression became a little awkward as she seemed unable to hold herself back. She turned her head and whispered: I suddenly remembered, what did you say just now? Feelings? Li Yexing raised his eyebrows. Asked. No, it's too early to go forward... The rhythm of tapping the handrail with his fingers became a little anxious. Kanan frowned slightly and said: What's going on? Remind me a little. He glanced at Kanan. , but the corner of his mouth curled up with a vague arc, Li Yexing looked above his head and whispered: How can I remember everything I said? Reminder or something. His expression became more and more awkward, Kanan thought for a while, and then He pursed his lips and said with a slightly red face: Ashtray... Damn! He stood up suddenly and went up two flights of stairs. Li Yexing looked down at Kanan who was blocked in front of the handrail of the stairs, and he couldn't tell whether to laugh or cry: You really are not a woman!

Yes, yes, I am not a woman. She finally realized that Li Yexing was just playing tricks on her. Kanan was not angry. Facing Li Yexing, she gently opened her black leather jacket and smiled softly. Li Yexing asked: Can you touch my abdominal muscles? Absolutely, what kind of talk is this? Without saying a word, Li Yexing directly pressed on Kanan's body, kissed Kanan's lips fiercely, and body Leaning forward, as if she wanted to push Kanan off the stair railing, Kanan was not afraid of this, and there was even a smile in her eyes. She handed her body to Li Yexing and supported it directly with her arms. Holding the handrail, she lightly jumped up and tightly wrapped her legs around Li Yexing's waist. Whenever Li Yexing came too forward, she used her hands to push Li Yexing back with her chest and lips. After the attack and defense, the two of them suddenly let go of their lips at the same time, turned their heads and gasped softly. Girl, I really hit the mark... Licking away the water stains on his lips, Kanan's eyes turned red. Covered with water mist, she frowned slightly and whispered: It's really like an ashtray. Do you want more? Li Yexing lowered his head and asked while breathing lightly. Without any words, Kanan answered Li Yexing directly with action. She straightened up suddenly and bumped into Li Yexing hard. When Li Yexing staggered against the wall, she stepped forward and intertwined her fingers with Li Yexing. She pressed Li Yexing's hands firmly against the wall and at the same time stood on tiptoes like a wolf. Perhaps because she had gained the dominance, her attacks became a little violent, biting, pulling, sucking, licking, and... Within minutes, she exerted all the wildness in her heart on Li Yexing's lips. It wasn't until silver threads mixed with a touch of bright red left the corners of her lips that she gasped and stopped attacking. Squirt... she clicked her tongue. Smacking his lips and wiping the corners of his mouth with a tiger's mouth, Li Yexing frowned and said, Are you nagging or fighting? Anyway, I'm not a woman, so I'm just nagging. Kanan also wiped the corners of his mouth, as if he was angry. He smiled mischievously at Li Yexing and said, How was it? Does it feel good? It feels good... After savoring the lingering charm on his lips and teeth, Li Yexing nodded and said, Then let's do it again? Come on, you'll take it. Are you a madman? He gently pushed Li Yexing's chest, Kanan grinned and said softly: You come to my room tonight, let's play.

Hurry up. After saying that, Kanan took two steps back, opened his leather jacket again, took out half a pack of cigarettes from it, and said to Li Yexing: Come on, boss, hurry up and get over your cravings while Xiaobai is away. Let's smoke something strong. Well, this is still suitable for me. Looking at the familiar packaging, Li Yexing nodded with satisfaction and skillfully caught the cigarette handed by Kanan with his mouth. The two came together again and lit it. He picked up the lighter, and when the flame lit up and lit the cigarette, suddenly, both of them were shocked at the same time, and their eyes suddenly stared at K. Li Yexing and Kanan turned around and looked at the stairs at the same time, only to see the stairs on the upper floor. At the corner, Hitomi Mikishima was standing there silently. He was wearing light blue loose ripped jeans and white sneakers on his lower body. He was wearing a slightly sweaty white T-shirt on his upper body, still holding the gun in his hand. The black executive sword, at this moment, Hitomi Mikishima is looking down at the two of them, with a rather ambiguous look on his face, like a bad kid who broke someone else's little secret. Hitomi? His guard was instantly put down, and Li Yexing regained his composure. Leaning against the wall behind him, he took a puff of cigarette, and then whispered: Why are you here? I went to do morning exercises, Yakyou-kun... He shook the long knife in his hand gently, and Hitomi Mikishima He raised his arm with exposed red threads and gently wiped the sweat from his forehead. At the same time, he smiled and said to Li Yexing: The rooftop of this building is very good. The view is wide and the wind is suitable. The sun is a bit strong, but That's fine, sweating in the scorching sun and trying to split the oncoming wind. This is very different from the feeling of fighting against the cold winter in Idonia. Yes. He nodded with some surprise. , Li Yexing said in his heart, so you are no longer satisfied with splitting bullets? And... Mutohime who is fighting with Feng and so on. Not to mention, it kind of smells like Hitomi Mikishima... Hitomi is really Diligence, even in a place like this, he never forgets to get up early and swing his sword. Seemingly feeling a little emotional about Hitomi Mikishima's diligence, Kanan took a puff of cigarette and said curiously: By the way, why haven't I seen you today? Are you doing morning exercises with Xiaobai? As for Miss Bai,

It's inconvenient. A look of confusion appeared on his face. Hitomi Mikishima's face turned slightly red and said: Before Ye Xingjun came back, Miss Bai was already so anxious, and Miss Griffith was also restrained. They looked restless. Last night I saw Ye Xing entering their room, and I was thinking that Miss Bai might not get up early this morning. You're overthinking. Li Yexing said with a look of resentment: No matter what. No matter how late she stayed, she would get up on time the next day to torture me. Applying medicine? Hitomi Mikishima tilted his head and asked with a slightly red face. It must be applying medicine. Is there any need to ask? Before Li Yexing could answer, Kanan shrugged his shoulders and said, Both. As I said, the eccentricities of the eldest daughter of a wealthy family.

With that said, Kanan turned his head and said to Li Yexing with a bad smile: To be honest, boss, I can't wait to know what new and unique quirks the young lady you brought back has... Is Lisa, she...can't.... Rubbing his chin, Li Yexing said with some uncertainty: I personally feel that Lisa should be a woman who has escaped from vulgar taste. I feel... Kanan He shook his head and said, I saw it. The way Miss Ashford looked at you was quite scary. Even the maid's eyes were not that explicit... Oh, right! It seemed as if she suddenly remembered something. In general, Hitomi Mikishima suddenly said loudly: Speaking of which, Yakou-kun, I just noticed that you... secretly carried Miss Bai behind your back to smoke out? He shook his head slightly, and saw that Hitomi Mikishima was serious. Said: This is not good, Ye Xingjun. Although I am very tolerant of Ye Xingjun, I think Miss Bai is right. Smoking like Ye Xingjun is not allowed. Sure enough, it is better to quit smoking. Smoking... ls Then what? Li Youxing flicked the cigarette ashes and asked with raised eyebrows. Hitomi decided to tell Miss Bai about Ye Xingjun secretly smoking. Hitomi Mikishima said with a smile. Ha? Hitomi, you are not worried about it, are you? Suddenly, Kanan was even more panicked. She flicked the ashes of her cigarette vigorously, and then said to Hitomi Mikishima: We have agreed in advance that the boss's cigarette I didn't give it to him, he asked for it from the security guard! Compared to Kanan who was eager to throw the blame away, Li Yexing's expression was much calmer. Facing Hitomi Mikishima's smile, Li Yexing asked with a chuckle: Is there any way for you to swallow everything you saw today? Of course there is a way. Putting the knife back into his waist, Hitomi Mikishima took small steps down the stairs and came to Li In front of Ye Xing, she raised her head, gently squeezing her lips with her index finger, and smiled at Li Ye Xing and said, Tong wants hush money.

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