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Hush money? Looking at the charming Wu Tuji standing in front of him, pressing her cherry lips to imply something, Li Yexing couldn't help but laugh. He took a puff of the cigarette, flicked the ash again and then committed suicide. Blue mist spurted out of the nostrils - Bian asked: Translator, what is 4 sealing fees? The sealing fee is the sealing fee for sealing Hitomi's mouth. There was a hint of redness in his face, coupled with the thin face after exercise. Sweat made Hitomi Mikishima fall in love with Shui Lingling. Under the squeeze of her index finger, her cherry lips were as soft as ripe fruit flesh, making people want to bite them. Oh, this is me. You understand. Holding half of the cigarette in his hand between his fingers, Li Yexing squinted his eyes and inhaled suddenly. - He sucked most of the cigarette out with his mouth. Then, he turned his head, exhaled a large mouthful of white mist, and at the same time used his fingertips to He flicked the small half of the cigarette directly into the trash can at the corner of the stairs. Facing the wind outside the window, he stretched out his hand towards Kanan and whispered at the same time: 0 gum, I know you have it. The boss is quite partial. , why don’t you chew some gum while you’re talking to me?” Smiling at Li Yexing, Kanan opened her black leather jacket again and took out a small can of xylitol. With the cigarette butt in her mouth, she opened the lid. Quickly knock out two pills in the palm of his hand, and put it towards Li Yexing's mouth, and Li Yexing opened his mouth to catch it steadily, not forgetting to gently lick Kanan's fingers with the tip of his tongue. The familiar taste of book lotus lingered in his mouth In the air, barely suppressing the smell of tobacco, Li Yexing chewed quickly, even frowning slightly, while Hitomi Mikishima squinted his eyes and smiled, Don't be in a hurry, Yexing-kun, Hitomi will wait. it's here. No, I'm in a hurry. His cheeks moved faster and faster, until the xylitol in his mouth lost its taste. Li Yexing took out the cigarette that Kanan had torn off before from his pocket, and wrapped the chewed xylitol in it accurately. He threw it into the trash can, then turned around, opened his arms to Hitomi Mikishima, and said with a chuckle: Come on, Hitomi, give me some perfume.

Ye Xing-kun, it's true. His eyebrows were lowered and his face was shy. Hitomi Mikishima pursed her lips, folded her hands on her chest, avoided her eyes and squeezed gently into Li Ye Xing's arms. Suddenly, there was a faint feeling of moisture. Mixed with the heat, it reached Li Yexing's chest through the thin black T-shirt, while Qiandao Hitomi sniffed subconsciously, then raised his head and said shyly: Ye Xingjun, does the smell of sweat feel weird? Of course not... He crossed his arms and held the little rabbit-like Taketohime tightly in his arms. Li Yexing closed his eyes and buried his face into Hitomi Mikishima's neck, making it soft and smooth. The skin on the side of her face was sticky with sweat. As Li Yexing's lips and tongue gently slid across, Hitomi Mikishima raised her head, her face red. She reached out and gently stroked Li Yexing's short hair while smiling. He let out a low cry. After a moment, Li Yexing left Chishima Hitomi's neck, leaving strawberry marks mixed with thin lines of blood. Chishima Hitomi's eyes were already filled with water mist, and his face was flushed. Red, as if drunk, facing Li Yexing's gaze, she smacked her tender cherry lips, and whispered softly in three words: Without hesitation, Li Yehang decisively accepted Mishima Hitomi's invitation, and held Mishima tightly in his arms. Hitomi, he took Hitomi Mikishima's lips into his mouth and allowed the other party to let out a low moan of 嘤四 in his arms. On the other side, his arms and body were tightly bound by Li Yexing's arms, and Hitomi Mikishima moved. He had no choice but to put his hands on Li Yexing's chest, enjoying Li Yexing's somewhat rough demands with eyes full of happiness. After a moment, the lips parted, and the silver thread tugged. Li Yexing asked in a low voice: How is it? Did you block your little mouth? No. No. As if murmuring in a dream. Mishima Hitomi was completely soft. In Li Yexing's arms, she gasped lightly and raised her head and said: Yexing... the gift is too little. I can't send it away... Really or not? Seeing Mishima Hitomi's expression. Looking like he was about to melt, Li Yexing couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and said: What should I do? Do it again? No, no need. Although her eyes were eager to try, Hitomi Mikishima still shook her head, and she buried her face in it. Li Yexing rubbed his chest lightly, and then said in a deep voice: You can owe the hush money first, and wait until tonight. You can pay it back tonight. Tonight? There was a hint of tangle in his eyebrows. , Li Yexing turned his head and silently looked at Kanan on one side. On the other side, seeing Li Yexing looking over, Kanan shrugged and said, I don't care, what? Rearrange the shift? Scheduling? Listen. When they arrived at Kanan, Qiandao Hitomi, who was in Li Yexing's arms, was slightly startled. Her eyes filled with water mist became clearer. She mentioned Li Yexing's

Me? Well. I guess. He waved his hand to Hitomi Inishima, and Kanan showed his thumb, pointing at Li Yexing and grinning at the same time: But I don't care, I'm not one of you. I can't live without this guy. , Hehe. Miss Mafal's eyes are so resentful. Lying in Li Yexing's arms, Hitomi Mikishima chuckled and said to Kanan. Ha?! Is this some new Lopulus joke? ?! Raising his eyebrows vigorously, Kanan patted his chest and said: Don't think of me like Rita and Xiaobai, those two resentful women who are not satisfied with their desires, Xiao Qiandao! Isn't it just to be fucked? -Second team?! You didn’t care at all, okay! Really? There was a hint of joy in her eyes. Hitomi Mikishima blushed, pursed her lips and said: Miss Mafal, you are so kind, Then tomorrow too

Hey! You've gone too far! Kanan's expression changed immediately. I thought Miss Mafal really didn't care. Seeing Kanan's fierce reaction, Hitomi Inishima showed a hint of cunning in the corners of her eyes. I don't care! You don't care very much, okay! He stared, his face turned red, but his tone became lower and lower, and he became less and less confident. Kanan tilted his head and tapped his thigh anxiously with his index finger. While muttering in a low voice, But, look, the maid, Xiaobai, I, and I were the first ones to set off and separated early, so the three of us must have played with the boss first, right? Last night The maid and Xiao Bai have already settled the battle, so according to the order, it is my turn. 0 We have to follow the rules, right? Follow the rules... Miss Mafal, you are so cute. south to vietnam

Looking anxious, Hitomi Mikishima couldn't help but put her hand between the black leather jacket. She gently slid her fingers across the mermaid line between Kanan's toned abdominal muscles and said a little shyly: According to the order tonight, Miss Mafal should come first. Now, Ye Xingjun has grasped the handle, so he wants to come with me first. I, think about it carefully, Miss Mafal tells the rules, and I want hush money, it doesn't seem to be a conflict... Huh? Li Yexing frowned slightly, and Li Yexing noticed something unusual. He subconsciously lowered his head and looked at Hitomi Mikishima in his arms, but saw Hitomi Mikishima lightly He smiled and said to Ka: Miss Mafal, we can be together tonight. You tell me your rules, and I tell you my hush money. Maybe we can chat together and have a lot in common.

Isn't this okay? Looking at Li Yexing's waist, Kanan was a little worried and said: The boss was just baptized yesterday by a young girl and a young white girl. Two more are coming tonight? What is this? Big Continuous crusade on the same field? Then it has nothing to do with Hitomi... Lying on Li Yexing's chest like a baby, Hitomi Mikishima raised his head, looked into Li Yexing's eyes and said: Tonight, I have to trouble Yexing-kun. How tired I am...

Tong. Looking at the warrior girl in your arms, Li Yexing's expression was a bit mischievous. He whispered: You have changed. You have really changed. You are no longer my caring little Mian Yue. .

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