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In a few words, Li Yexing arranged tonight's itinerary for Kanan and Hitomi Mikishima. Looking at Kanan who was eager to try and Hitomi Mikishima who was soft in his arms, his eyes were full of love. In a moment, , Li Yexing felt a little sad despite being happy. As a tough man who had been in the enemy camp for many years, he was so clearly arranged by a few girls in his family. Forget it. , As long as you are happy. In the end, Li Yexing just touched Mishima Hitomi's head. He lowered his head, gently pushed aside Mishima Hitomi's hair with his fingers, kissed Mishima Hitomi's forehead, and then gently patted Mishima Hitomi's forehead. He patted her waist and said: Go back, Hitomi. His face was slightly red, and Hitomi Mishima nodded. The flush on his face had not dissipated, so Li Yexing loosened his arms holding Hitomi Mishima. Then, he turned around and said to Kanan: Go back. Walk. Grabbing the collar with both hands and tugging gently, Kanan swept away the ash that fell on the black leather jacket. Kanan didn't say anything, just put his hands into the mouth of his pants, turned around and went downstairs. His posture looked like He looked a bit like a male classmate who went to Kaishuo together in high school. Looking at Kanan's back, Li Yexing couldn't help but smile, then pulled Hitomi Mikishima's wrist and followed him down the stairs. By the way, Boss... Walking in front, he seemed to suddenly remember something, Kanan - while going down the stairs - said: What do you have planned for today? No. Shaking his head at Kanan, Li Yexing said lowly The voice said, This battle not only involves taking part in person, but also involves moving forward and backward. Everyone is already very tired. 7. Let everyone take a good rest before going to Lisa's private island. After a short pause, Li Yexing continued: 'Also, although Chris helped us get some permissions, the blockade in some areas of the city center has not yet been lifted. If he goes out and runs around at this time, wouldn't it cause trouble for the BSAA? That's right... Kanan thought for a moment, then nodded. It seemed as if he accepted Li Yexing's statement, but Hitomi Mikishima showed a trace of regret between her brows. She murmured in a low voice: Originally I also want to go shopping with Ye Xingjun. There is a big shopping mall near here. There is no such big shopping mall in Ganye, and neither does Lopulus. I want to go shopping with Ye Xingjun, like a couple. Li Yexing couldn't help but feel a little sad when he saw that Hitomi Inkishima was a little disappointed while shopping. He knew very well that as a female high school student from Japan, although Hitomi Inkishima didn't resist, she even liked this kind of life of fighting and killing. , but in terms of emotions, what she longs for more is the kind of love like girl comics, the kind of ordinary love like walking around the corner with her lover hand in hand, going to shopping malls, eating late night snacks, and catching dolls. And this kind of love Falling in love, whether for Li Yexing or Lopulus, is somewhat unrealistic. Later, ever since she left Japan, Ms. Mikishima's love affair has been in a state of frenzy. Sorry, Hitomi. Squeezing Hitomi Mikishima's soft little hand, Li Yexing sighed softly. He said softly, Next time, next time, okay? If nothing happens this year, BSAA and I will After some general communication, our family will go to Japan, to Nagaye, and then to Hokkaido to see the snow in Hokkaido.

Yeah. The disappointment in his eyebrows was gone, and Hitomi Mikishima had a smile on his face again. It didn't take long for the three of them to return to the floor where everyone lived. Kanan waved and went back to his room. Hitomi Mikishima also said that he needed to clean up and returned to the room. For a while, there was only one person in the corridor. Li Yexing was left alone. He turned his head and looked at the rooms in the corridor. Li Yexing thought for a moment before turning his head and walking along the other side of the corridor. As a landmark building in Lanxiang City, it is impossible to allow random people to interrogate the interior of the Kunlun Building. However, Li Yexing felt that just walking around in the corridor should not affect others, not to mention that Mr. Yang Li Yexing has been given permission to enter and exit any important places. As long as Li Yexing keeps his secrets, except for his daughter, there is no place in this building that he cannot go. Even so, Li Yexing didn't know much about Mr. Yang. In his opinion, the other party was so enthusiastic at that time because he probably just wanted to sell off the Ashford family's face. As for Li Yexing, he was not that, not. Interesting. Walking through the corridor, he encountered patrolling security guards. He planned to walk over directly, but he was greeted by a group of men in suits and sunglasses who bowed loudly. This made Li Yexing feel a little awkward. Seeing that the security guards refused to straighten up, , Li Yexing had no choice but to nod, so the security guards stood up, but did not leave. Instead, they paid attention to Li Yexing. For a moment, Li Yexing felt even more awkward, so he quickened his pace and turned this person around. The security guards were behind him, and they didn't stop and turn around until they entered the lobby. They found a mahogany seat at random. As soon as Li Yexing sat down, the pretty OL at the front desk walked over quickly and said respectfully. He handed Li Yexing a bottle of wine that he couldn't name, along with an exquisite glass. Those who knew it was the lobby manager, but those who didn’t know it thought it was the waiter. After gathering around the wine, the young lobby manager did not leave, but stood silently in front of Li Yexing, as if waiting for Li Yexing's instructions. This scene was like a slap in the face of a city pretending to be rich, which made Li Yexing The awkwardness in my heart is almost reaching its peak, and when this awkwardness appears on my expression, it directly turns into dissatisfaction.

Seeing Li Yexing's ugly face, the young lobby manager immediately became nervous. She leaned slightly and said in a low voice, Mr. Li, don't you like this bottle of wine? It doesn't matter. We can change it for you. She glanced at the lobby manager. Li Yexing, who was used to seeing Bai Muqing's legs covered in black stockings, felt a little uninterested. He did not answer the lobby manager's question but asked in a deep voice, Did Mr. Yang ask you to do this? Yes... Nodding to Li Yexing, the lobby manager said uneasily: 'Mr. Yang told me to make Mr. Li feel at home. Okay. Waving to the lobby manager, Li Yexing said expressionlessly: 'Stop standing, let me wait by myself.

Okay, Mr. Li... She bowed slightly like a waiter. The lobby manager was relieved. She turned around and was about to leave, but she heard Li Yexing say: Come on, take the wine back too. This thing doesn't look cheap at first glance. Here. I drank a little bit. Okay, Mr. Li. After a moment of hesitation, the lobby manager bent down and was about to take away the bottle and cup placed next to Li Yexing. At this moment, suddenly , a voice suddenly sounded

Hey, hey, hey! Don't take it away! Accompanied by this loud voice, a burst of shuffling footsteps came. Li Yexing was slightly stunned, and then turned his head, only to see Yuan Yuan coming from the corridor on the other side. A tall white man appeared. He had disheveled hair and stubble on his face. He was wearing large Hawaiian pants and big beach slippers, with his legs exposed. He faced Li Yexing and the lobby manager. At the sight of Li Yexing, the man sat down next to Li Yexing, holding the wine bottle in the lobby manager's hand with one hand, then winked at the lobby manager and said: Keep the wine and go about your business, Tian'er U. . After looking at the rather frivolous man and then at Li Yexing, the lobby manager put down the bottle and ran away. Hey, if you don't want to drink, I will. With a sly smile at Li Yexing, the man skillfully opened the wine bottle with his bare hands and poured himself a full glass. Then he drank it all in one gulp in front of Li Yexing, put down the glass, and exaggerated He exhaled and said with a happy face: Female horse! It's a pity that Yang is still hiding such a good product. It fell into my hands! After saying that, the man turned his head and looked at Weird Li Yexing stretched out his hand, blinked his eyes and said with a smile: Come on, buddy, let's get to know each other,


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