What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-171. A tough guy gets violent and hurts someone

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Looking at the inexplicably familiar man in front of him, and at the big hands he stretched out in front of him, as well as the exposed muscles on his arms and calves, Li Yexing squinted his eyes slightly and stretched out his hands, talking to him They held each other's hands together and introduced themselves in a low voice: A N\\Dulahan. Suddenly, the man named Powell raised his eyebrows, his expression became extremely subtle, and he even forgot to let go of Li for a while. Ye Xing's hand, until Li Ye Xing looked displeased, he quickly took his hand back, scratched his head and said with a smile: Ha, I'm sorry, I'm a little surprised, you are so vigilant, and you don't even report it. Real name. It seems you know me, Li Youxing said in a low voice, ignoring Powell's teasing.

Yes, I know... Powell smiled and said: The famous Li Yexing, the strongest mercenary in the northern hemisphere, has been in the industry for more than ten years, and there is no difference.

Without speaking, which was regarded as acquiescence, Li Yexing crossed his legs, turned his head, and moved his gaze to the indoor ornamental plant as tall as a person next to the seat, while the other 2. Seeing that Li Yexing ignored him, Powell He just smiled, filled himself up with a glass of wine again and drank it down, then turned his head and looked at the elevator in the lobby, looking at Li Yexing from the corner of his eyes while crossing his arms like Li Yexing. Legs, gently swinging the flip-flops on her feet.

As time passed, Powell drank one glass after another. It was not until most of the wine in the bottle was drunk that Powell turned his head to look at Li Yexing and saw Li Yexing leaning on the back of his chair, silently Silently scrolling through his cell phone, he couldn't help but sneer with a tipsy look on his face: You can keep your composure. Hmm? He interrupted from his thoughts, and Li Yexing subconsciously turned his head to look at Powell. Seeing that It wasn't that the other party was calm, but that he didn't pay attention to his slightly drunk Powell at all. He couldn't help but raised his eyebrows and asked: Aren't you curious about who I am?

Bao Erwei? Li Yexing raised his eyebrows and whispered as if he was a little unsure. It's Powell! Seeing that the other party didn't even remember his name, Powell couldn't help but frown and said. Oh, I'm sorry. Li Yexing nodded, and then asked the boss in a low voice: What's the matter with you?

Hearing Li Yexing's question, Powell was speechless. After all, he really had nothing to do. He just wanted to meet this mysterious mercenary in his eyes before leaving Lanxiang, but facing Li Yexing's gaze was somewhat searching, and he didn't know how to answer. After a while, he laughed softly and said, Guess, who do I work for? Lisa. Li Yexing replied without thinking. Lisa? That's... He didn't realize who Li Yexing was talking about at the first time. It wasn't until he read it after Li Yexing that Powell suddenly realized that Lisa was the right person. Ashford's pet name, Bi-Yu revealed the secret. His expression suddenly became subtle. After a long time, he frowned and asked: Why are you so sure? Who in this building is not for Lisa? Are you working? Li Yexing asked. Of course... Seeing that Li Yexing had some strange misunderstandings about the Kunlun Building under his feet, the mysterious and confident smile returned to Powell's face. He leaned forward and got closer. Li Yexing lowered his voice and said: You don't seem to understand the situation. Invincible Mr. Li, Yang Chucheng does not serve the Ashford family. Although they have a close personal relationship, the Yang family owns their own property. The most that the Shiford family can say is deep cooperation, which means that the people in this building essentially serve the Yang family. So, you are Mr. Yang's? Li Yexing asked with a frown. .This is wrong again. Feeling that he was regaining the initiative in the conversation, Powell's face showed a hint of joy, and he smiled softly and said: To be honest, I don't mind working for someone named Yang, but I think, according to that guy's temperament, he may not be able to accept my style of acting. Oh. Seeing Mr. Powell in front of him who wanted to say something but didn't want to say it, as if he was speaking his teeth, Li Yexing said expressionlessly. He nodded, and then focused his attention on the mobile phone screen again. Forget it, let's not talk about it anymore... Seeing that Li Yexing wanted to kill the conversation, Powell quickly poured himself a glass of wine and drank. After finishing the drink, he whispered, Come on, let me introduce myself again. I am Fednan Powell, the fourth executive officer of the executive department of the Black Umbrella Joint Committee. Damn, this title is really long enough. As soon as he finished speaking, Li Yexing was seen staring at Powell with his eyes, and at the same time he stretched his hand to his waist at an alarming speed. In an instant, Powell felt his scalp go numb. Frightened, he suddenly stretched out his hand to hold him down. Li Yexing's arm, but unexpectedly Li Yexing pinched his wrist with his backhand and pressed his hand hard on the armrest of the seat. At the same time, he took out his right hand that had nothing out from his waist and clenched his fist towards him. He hit Powell's index finger knuckle moderately. Suddenly, Powell's face turned red. He could clearly feel that his fingers no longer obeyed his command! Seeing Li Yexing about to stand up, Powell quickly opened his eyes. He said urgently: Fuck! Brother, don't: don't! One of our own! Without caring about what Powell said, Li Yexing pressed Powell's neck on the armrest, and picked up the bottle with the other hand - and drank. After finishing it, he drank up the wine in the bottle in an instant. He was holding the bottle and was about to smash it on the back of Powell's head when he heard Powell say loudly: I sold the knife in your fourth aunt's hand. I sold it! The quarrel was too loud and the lobby manager behind the counter was called over again. Seeing Powell being pinned down on the chair by Li Yexing, the lobby manager looked frightened. She quickly turned her head and was about to press the button on her ear. The communicator, but Powell, who was being held down, shouted loudly: Don't! Don't look for Yang! This is a misunderstanding! After hearing Powell's words, the lobby manager hesitantly put down the hand that almost held the communicator, while Powell turned He looked at Li Yexing and said, Let go. Brother, let go first. Give me a chance to talk properly. I looked deeply at him.

Li Yexing, a man who had no control over himself, had a gloomy look on his face. He released the hand holding Powell's neck and sat back on the seat, but he still held the bottle in his hand, as if he was ready to smash Powell's head at any time. Powell coughed violently until he could catch his breath. Then he rubbed his numb fingers and said displeasedly: Damn it, Lopulus's mad dog is indeed well-deserved. You usually negotiate business with others like this. ? Go ahead! Li Yexing frowned and said, What are you here for? To be honest, it's nothing serious. I happened to be here and wanted to meet you. Powell said with a smile: After all, everyone on our side who knows your existence is very curious about you, but there is very little reliable data, and the third lady of the Ashford family doesn't want us to inquire more, and wants to go to the card. There is a spy planted in the cooperative agency under Simil, but his bastard secretary can't be bypassed. I thought that since I can't achieve anything by playing around, I might as well go directly and see for myself who you are and whether you are really like the rumors. It was so easy to talk about... At this point, Powell suddenly lowered his voice, and he said with an inexplicable smile: After all, if your chips are not heavy enough, many wallflowers will fall with the wind, right? Bar?

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