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At this point, Li Yexing understood that the executive in front of him should be an out-and-out queen. At this moment, Lan Xiang had just suffered a biological crisis and was still under martial law. If he couldn't handle it clearly, It is difficult for people with abnormal identities to walk in Lanyang. In other words, this guy entered Lanyang long before the incident ended, but I don’t know what role he played in this incident. It has nothing to do with his own family. The girls had exchanged information, and Li Yexing had already learned the details of Black Umbrella's involvement in this incident. It was precisely because of this that when the other party announced her home, Li Yexing, who was a little nervous about Black Umbrella, Ye Xing took action directly, and the result was that he almost smashed his girl's

Compared with Li Yexing's indifference, Powell's heart was not so calm. As a veteran executive from USS, Powell was still very confident in his own skills. Although he had long heard rumors related to Li Yexing, He knew that Li Yexing was a ruthless character, but deep down, he was somewhat disdainful of the so-called strongest mercenary in the northern hemisphere. After all, in his opinion, the so-called mercenaries were just a group of people who were not self-disciplined and unimproved. He is a ruffian who pays to fight and wait to die. This is why he dared to report his family directly to Li Yexing. From the beginning, he did not think that he would be unable to control the situation, and the result of this arrogance was that his His head was almost blown off.

His right hand pretended to pull out a gun, tricking Powell into subconsciously blocking it. His left hand quickly counterattacked, causing Powell to lose the ability to resist in an instant. Then, he directly pressed down on Powell's neck. The iron-like force made it impossible for Powell to struggle. Finally, Li Yexing I even took the time to take a sip of wine, and all of this happened in the blink of an eye. It was already very difficult to keep my mind up with the situation in front of me. It was impossible to counterattack, but it was just a moment. In an instant, Powell judged the strength gap between himself and Li Yexing. If he fought with bare hands and was fully prepared, there should still be a chance to fight back. Horsewoman, is this the man that the monster woman found? He is indeed a monster! When he deeply realized the difference in strength between the two and raised his head to face Li Yexing's scrutiny, Powell only felt a little hairy on his scalp. When he was thinking about whether he should escape smoothly, Li Yexing suddenly looked away and looked to the other side of the corridor. Powell was slightly startled, and immediately moved his eyes over, only to see a man wearing a gray suit. Yang Chucheng was walking forward step by step, but his face was a little gloomy. Powell. Standing in front of Li Yexing and Powell with steady steps, Yang Chucheng whispered: I remember I told you, before Miss Ashford Hui leaves here, stay with you honestly. You are not allowed to go anywhere in the room. After I finished drinking, I wanted to find a bottle of good wine. Not paying attention to Yang Chucheng's stinky face, Powell pointed at the empty wine bottle in Li Yexing's hand and said with a smile, This No, I really found it. Smacking his lips at Powell, Yang Chucheng turned around with a hint of apology on his face, saying that this guy would run around, I should have someone nail his room door, wait for you and Ashford Miss Ashford and Miss Ashford's sisters leave before letting him out.

Mr. Yang... Li Yexing didn't pay attention to the apology on Yang Chucheng's face and said directly: I would like to ask, may I know your relationship with Black Umbrella? My family once had a relationship with Black Umbrella. They were very close. There was no concealment or avoidance. Yang Chucheng smiled and explained to Li Yexing: Ten years ago, Black Umbrella underwent a drastic change. My family broke away from Black Umbrella. Many people like me and Ashford People in the family who share the same philosophy also left Black Umbrella. Those who did not leave, some died, some defected, some became neutral, and some were marginalized, still lingering on. Until \\years ago, Ash Butler Harman of the Ford family is back. He began to contact us secretly, claiming that the Queen is not dead, but we have been secretly developing our power, laying out an intelligence network and connections, and today's Queen's Faction is born. This Is this guy also a queen? Li Yexing raised his eyebrows and nuzzled at Powell and asked. That's right. Yang Chucheng nodded and said, Although I don't want to admit it, he is indeed from our side. You people over there are squirting. At that time, Li Yexing didn't know how to tactfully give a negative review. After a moment, he could only say vaguely: This Mr. Powell, when he saw me, he reported his family name directly. That's because I understand your interpersonal relationships. Before Yang Chucheng could defend himself, Powell said with a smile: As early as ) \\ years ago, I knew about you. After all, a certain Queen still wants more Looking at your story, I said, I know very well that you will definitely be on our side. Even if you are not, you will not betray Ge, because it will do you no good at all. Reluctantly accepting Powell's statement, Li Yexing still had some questions in his mind, but he didn't intend to ask them here. After all, if you want to know the answers to those questions, Alexa is obviously more suitable to answer them than them. 2. On the other hand, Seeing that Li Yexing stopped talking, Yang Chucheng smiled and said to Li Yexing: Mr. Li, we happen to be here now. I wonder if it's not convenient for you to have a chat now? This is your territory, you have the final say. Li Yexing said in a deep voice. Then I would be rude. The middle-aged man with a serious face smiled and nodded. He said in a low voice: Honestly, Mr. Li, I just came here a few days ago. Knowing your existence, after all, Miss Ashford has kept the information about you very tight. There may not even be ten people in the Queen's faction who know your existence. There are at least dozens of people in the first agency, and there may even be Hundred. Li Yexing said expressionlessly. The first agency is run by Durand Casimir and does not belong to the Queen's Party. Considering the existence of Alzerich, Casimir can only be regarded as a special person who has hope to win over the Queen's Party. Character... Yang Chucheng shook his head and said: As far as we know

The acting style of Casimir and his team is extremely weird and elusive, and there are too many uncertainties. Therefore, we have internal reservations about whether to directly win over Casimir. I think. That guy is worth pulling out... As a man who is bombarded by Casimir's calls every day, in a sense, Li Yexing understands Casimir better than most people in the Queen's Party, so he said solemnly: Although There have been some conflicts before, but I have to say that getting along with this guy is quite pleasant most of the time, and every critical moment, this guy is surprisingly reliable. Really? It seems to be the same for Li Yexing as for Cassie. Mil's comment was a bit surprising, and Yang Chucheng couldn't help but whisper, It's a pleasure to get along with that freak. It seems that Mr. Li has some qualities that attract him... Although there is no basis, I guess I can guess some of Mr. Li's characteristics. He turned to Yang Chucheng and shrugged, But whether my guess is right or not, I can't say. I don't want the third lady to think that I am a You've always been a talker! Staring at Powell fiercely, Yang Chucheng turned his head, smiled at Li Yexing and said: That's all, as long as you can be selected by Miss Ashford, then... There must be something extraordinary about him. As for how many mysteries there are in Mr. Li, that is not something that people like me should care about...

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