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It has to be said that the exchanges with Powell and Yang Chucheng were quite unproductive. The two were fighting wits and bravery. While preventing the other party from analyzing the intelligence they knew, they were also trying to get something out of Li Yexing's mouth. Other information, and Li Yexing's mouth was also very strict. He looked as usual and dealt with the two people's questions in an understatement. For a moment, the conversation between the three people sounded a bit out of place, as if smoke was lingering, making people confused. Gradually, Li Yexing began to feel a little irritable, but he could not say goodbye. After all, he was the guest here. Fortunately, it didn't take long for the savior to come. 'Perverted brother-in-law!' With a cooing cry, the girl with double ponytails and heterochromatic eyes ran out from the other side of the corridor. When she was in front of Li Yexing, she looked around, and a hint of confusion appeared in her eyebrows. Displeased, with her small mouth pursed, Ti Lilian said as if she was sulking, Ah, it's Mr. Square Face and Uncle Goldfish who want to be my light bulb... Square Face. After hearing Ti Lilian's words, Yang Chucheng Subconsciously, he made gestures on his face with his hands, while Powell raised his eyebrows and whispered in a low voice: Goldfish? Me? As soon as he finished speaking, a sharp gaze mixed with murderous intent came straight to Powell. The first sensation brought about by long-term experience in the battlefield instantly stimulated Powell's back, making him almost jump with fright. As soon as he turned his head, he saw Li Yexing staring at him and whispering at the same time: Explain, explain, what? ,04 goldfish?

Isn't a goldfish a fish?! Powell, who didn't understand the situation at all, couldn't help but shouted loudly. He could clearly see that all the muscles on Li Yexing's body were tense, like a mad dog with muscles on his head, ready to rush at any time. Go up and tear him apart, but fortunately, Ti Lilian came to the rescue at this time. The girl with heterochromatic eyes tilted her head and said in confusion: Sister-sama said, the strange uncle would let a smart and cute girl like me see this Goldfish, and I think this guy is weird, so this guy is Uncle Goldfish. Is there any problem?

Why does your sister teach you everything? The murderous aura in his body disappeared instantly, replaced by a trace of dissatisfaction. Li Yexing stretched out his hand and pulled Tilly Zhan into his arms. At the same time, he leaned to the side and pulled away from Powell. Due to the distance, for some reason, after Tillillian called Powell Uncle Goldfish, Li Yexing inexplicably felt that Powell was very salty. Ah ah ah, forget it, I don't like children anyway... Waved his hands randomly, Powell stood up, a frivolous smile reappeared on his face, turned around, and faced the depths of the corridor. Walking away - he said: This time I just went out to find a glass of wine. Now, I should go back to sleep, and then think about how to deal with the little girl from Qian Daoyuan's family when I go back in a few days. At night, I I’m going to make an appointment with the lady at the front desk just now. She’s so cute. She has a thin waist, long legs, and a big butt. She’s awesome. Wow.”

Don't worry, I'll find someone to nail your room down so you can't go anywhere. He said harsh words to Powell's back until Powell disappeared from sight. Yang Chucheng turned his head and chuckled. He said to Li Yexing: Then, I won't resist you, and I still have work over there... Soon, Yang Chucheng also left, and only Li Yexing and Ti Lilian were left in the hall. Huh~ Seeing that Powell and Yang Chucheng had all left, Ti Lilian exhaled - 0 turbid air. Without the interruption of the light bulb, the girl with heterochromatic eyes finally became happy. She sat on Li Yexing's lap and turned around. He lay directly in Li Yexing's arms, then squinted his eyes and said with a sweet smile: Perverted brother-in-law, give me a hug.

His arms naturally wrapped around the delicate waist, and held the soft body with the scent of milk tightly into his arms. Li Yexing lowered his head and looked at Ti Lilian carefully. Wearing a thin light blue dress, the corners of the skirt have wavy white patterns, and going down the skirt, two slender white calves poke out from it, connecting the ankles with the delicate white feet, stepping on The white sandals without patterns reveal two rows of cardamom-like toes and the instep of the feet with faint blue blood vessels. No more black leather jackets and fur collars, no more knee socks and hot pants, no more high-waisted leather boots. It has to be said that Ti Lilian today surprised Li Yexing. She completely abandoned her relationship with Ti Lilian. She had a clothing style that was very similar to her own, and took off the brand that looked like a wild lolita, showing Li Yexing a unique temperament that was closer to that of the girl next door. Are you good-looking? Perverted brother-in-law? Sensing Li Yexing's eyes lingering on her body, a proud smile appeared on Ti Lilian's face. She raised the corners of her lips and whispered: This is my first time. Wear a skirt! Ti Lilian looks good at any time. He crossed the crook of his leg with one arm and lifted the petite monster girl up. Li Yexing responded with a chuckle, which led to Li Yexing's response. Ti Lilian smiled. She became even happier, her eyes were as crescent-shaped as she leaned against Li Yexing's chest. After a while, she whispered softly: My perverted brother-in-law still owes me a thank you. Huh? There was a trace of doubt in his eyes at the right time. Catering to Tililian's expectations, Li Yexing whispered: Why should I thank Lord Tililian?

Because I helped my perverted brother-in-law drive away those two annoying guys, Big Square Face and Uncle Goldfish... Tilly Hean chuckled and replied: I have been eavesdropping in the corridor for a long time, and I was caught by those two This guy is stuck in the middle and asking questions. The perverted brother-in-law must be very annoying, right? Well done! Master Ti Lilian! This answer really exceeded Li Yexing's expectations. Looking at the girl in his arms, Smiling proudly, he couldn't help but praise softly: You understand me so well, you are worthy of half of my little butt! Who is half of my perverted brother-in-law?! It's so disgusting! Gently use the pink Punching Li Yexing's shoulder with her small fist, Ti Lilian narrowed her eyes slightly and said, I have helped my pervert brother-in-law so much. What does the perverted brother-in-law plan to do to thank me? You have the final say. Li Night travel light

She said with a smile, her face full of pampering. My lord, please think about it. Her white index finger pressed her chin, and Tillillian turned her face sideways, as if she was really thinking. After a few seconds, she pretended Suddenly thinking of something, he turned to Li Yexing and said with a raised nose: Forget it, I don't need the pervert brother-in-law to thank me. Not only that, I am in a good mood today, and I specifically allow the perverted brother-in-law to kiss me. , How about it?

Without hesitation, while Ti Lilian didn't react, he kissed Ti Lilian directly on the face. Stupid! He lightly hit Li Yexing again, Ti Lilian pursed her lips and looked displeased. He pressed his fingers between his lips, and at the same time frowned at Li Yexing: Don't I have lips?! You look too small. His eyes swept over the counter next to him, and Li Yexing whispered to Tililian. : There are other people here. Isn't kissing a little too weird? Is it my fault that I am not taller? Ti Lilian said with an unhappy look on her face: Or, my perverted brother-in-law feels that the gazes of irrelevant people are bigger than those of others. It is more important to make me happy

No, you are important. Seeing Ti Lilian looking like she was trying to convince him, Li Yexing made a move and pressed his lips directly to hers.

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