What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-174. A tough guy walks in the corridor

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Her arms were tightly wrapped around Li Yexing's neck, as if she was afraid that Li Yexing would run away. Even though her breathing became disordered, she was unwilling to let go of her lips and meet Li Yexing. Ti Lilian's body became more and more relaxed and soft. In Li Yexing's arms, feeling the tightening force on his neck lessening, Li Yexing immediately raised his head and said, Okay, that's it. No. As if he was drunk, his face was red. Ti Lilian coquettishly coquettishly, her eyes filled with mist of different colors, she held Li Yexing's shoulders, sat astride him - and nudged closer to Li Yexing's body, pressing herself against Li Yexing. Then he chuckled and whispered, I am so cute, if you don't kiss me properly now, you may not have the chance in the future. Are you so strict? Master Tililian? Li Yexing asked with a chuckle. Without answering Li Yexing's question, Tilian raised her hands with a smile, held Li Yexing's cheeks, and then moved closer to Li Yexing little by little, while licking her moist lips. He murmured in a low voice: Stop calling me adults, call me sister-in-law. I like to hear it.

Standing up suddenly, Li Yexing's cheek in his arms met Li Yexing's lips and tongue. His body became a little hard due to the contact, and his white feet in the sandals became even more straight, until Li Yexing walked slowly. When they came to the window sill in the hall, the two separated again. The fragrant tongue was still hanging out of the lips, with a faint water stain hanging on them. Ti Lilian panted with hot breath, letting the chest covered by the dress rise and fall slightly. After a moment, she lifted He looked into Li Yexing's eyes and said with a dazed smile: The perverted brother-in-law is indeed a perverted brother-in-law. He is so good at picking up the conversation that I don't even want to separate.

There is no need to keep such a bitter sister-in-law. Li Yexing gently shook Ti Lilian's arm and said with a chuckle: Watch me throw you out of the window.

The perverted brother-in-law can't bear to be with me gently stroked the side of Li Yexing's face and hooked his fingers over Li Yexing's eyes. There seemed to be a starry sky hidden in the light blue and purple gradient eyes, but he was caught by that Covered by a faint mist of water, it complemented the ruby ​​red, but on the white skin like a porcelain doll, the lovely cherry color was still licked by a fragrant tongue, and it still exuded a faint watery light. Yu Li In Ye Xing's arms, the petite girl showed a charm that was completely inconsistent with her body shape. Going down the delicate face like a doll, there are faint blue blood vessels on the snow-white neck. Next to the collarbone, due to the intense kiss just now, the shoulder strap of the dress fell off and hung on the arm, and then slightly A little further down is the shadow that hides the secret. Li Yexing gently moved forward and took Ti Lilian's collarbone into his mouth, while Ti Lilian squinted her eyes comfortably like a cat, her lips slightly parted, - While gently stroking Li Yexing's short hair, he whispered softly: Pervert brother-in-law, do you also want to act like a spoiled child? Yes, you can act like a spoiled child in my arms, hehe. After a moment, Li Yexing loosened his lips little by little and rubbed them with the tip of his nose. He rubbed the grass seedlings planted by himself, then pulled Tilian's fallen shoulder strap back to his shoulders with one hand, and chuckled at the same time: I was so careless, didn't I see all of this? Then Ping, what's there to see? Still resenting her size, Tillillian muttered in a low voice: Besides, even if the perverted brother-in-law sees it all, there's nothing you can do about it, right? Who makes the perverted brother-in-law? Where is my perverted brother-in-law? It’s natural for me to dote on my perverted brother-in-law.

Feeling the seductive aura from Ti Lilian that was completely inconsistent with her petite body, Li Yexing suddenly remembered that Ti Lilian once said that her body was fixed here and could not grow up. Hank also said that However, this monster girl who likes to withdraw from coquettishness is much more mature than she looks. On the other side, being held by Li Yexing, Ti Lilian silently searched the emotions in Li Yexing's eyes until that touch of love and With his lust revealed, he caressed Li Yexing's cheek and whispered: The eyes of my perverted brother-in-law, aren't they innocent? Being awakened from his thoughts by Ti Lilian, Li Youxing asked subconsciously. Of course, I can see it clearly. The eyes of the perverted brother-in-law say that the perverted brother-in-law wants it. The curvature of the corners of her mouth became more and more charming. Ti Lilian leaned close to Li Yexing's ear, and gently stirred it with the tip of her tongue. Saliva, he murmured in a soft and waxy voice that was almost moist to the extreme: Okay, perverted sister F, Tilly is ready... But I'm not ready yet... - Turning around, Li Yexing straightened up and smiled slightly at Ti Lilian who looked surprised. He raised his hand and patted Ti Lilian's soft butt-covering skirt gently but not too hard. For a moment, Tililian exclaimed, and then he turned around, hugged Tililian and ran straight to the corridor. As he walked, he said with a smile: Let's go, I'll take you to your sister. No! After a rare rejection of Li Yexing's proposal to go to Tililith, Tililith made a fuss and - while gently shaking Li Yexing's arm - said:' My lord is You can see clearly that the perverted brother-in-law just wanted it. We can go to see my sister after we are done! Take it step by step, I'm afraid I will kill you accidentally. Li Yexing said with a chuckle. Are you kidding me? ?! Ti Lilian raised her little nose and said, It's not like I've never seen someone with an ice cube face take medicine before! I'm super powerful! This level is super easy for me, okay! Don't... The old tricks are heavy. Shi, patted Tili He'an's butt gently but not hard. Li Yexing raised his eyebrows and said, Let's wait until you and your sister grow to the same height. I'm not tall anymore! Ti Lilian said. He said displeasedly. Then there's nothing we can do... Li Yexing shrugged, his expression looking inexplicably unsatisfactory. As a result, Ti Lilian's flushed face instantly swelled up to look like a pufferfish. .Seeing Ti Lilian's appearance, Li Yexing couldn't help but laugh out loud. I have to say that this is the only thing that makes Ti Lilian and Ti Lilis amazing.

picture. Walking through the corridor with the lobby manager's ghostly eyes, it didn't take long for Li Yexing to arrive at Tililith's door. He held Tilili's door with one hand and knocked gently on the door with the other. At the same time, he said softly: Tililith, it's me.

Please come in. Suddenly, two completely different voices sounded from the room at the same time. Hearing this voice, Li Yexing was slightly startled, but Ti Lilian didn't seem to respond. With his eyebrows raised slightly, Li Yexing pushed open the door with one hand and stepped through the entrance hall. Looking up, he saw Alexa sitting by the bed, blinking her orange snake eyes and smiling at him. , while Tilylis was sitting on Alexa's lap, with Alexa's arms around her waist, her face expressionless, looking at him like Alexa.

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