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To be honest, Li Yexing was not surprised that Tililith would stay in the same room as Alexa, but the postures of these two people did exceed Li Yexing's expectations.

Under the red snake eyes that hinted at a smile, even without makeup, the lips still glowed with an alluring red luster. Down the neck, her beautiful body was wrapped in a low-cut black lace dress with slits. It not only highlights the seductive mature curves, but also looms over the snowfields and deep valleys. Peeking out from under the skirt, the white jade-like legs are tightly together, connected to the ankles, and stepped on the exposed feet. The black high-heeled shoes on the toes and insteps, and the straps of the black high-heeled shoes are studded with tiny black gems. Different from Alexa's maturity, Ti Lilith's dress is more youthful, with a waterfall-like head. Under the silver hair, there is a face as indifferent as a porcelain doll. On Wang's cheeks, there are red eyes with a faint glimmer, like carved gemstones, and her cherry lips are small and moist, without a trace of curvature. , there is no trace of sadness or joy, her neck is greasy and snow-white, half covered by her silver hair. On her body, she wears a very asymmetrical white T-shirt, with her right shoulder hidden under the fabric and her left shoulder completely exposed. ). Pulled by the white sling between the collars, the collarbone and a small piece of snow-white are exposed together. Under the body, it is tightened by a black trousers belt and silver-white metal rings.

Dark blue ripped jeans tied around the waist, two thighs protruding from the trouser legs, wrapped in white stockings with light skin color at the absolute limit, tightening a circle of snow-white and delicate that is not bloated, and then All the way down, over the knees and calves, covering the ankles that are so full that you can hold them, and the exquisite little feet.

Looking at the two people stacked on top of each other, and then at the white mesh high-waisted sneakers that Tililith took off on the ground, Li Youxing raised his eyebrows slightly and weighed Tililian in his arms. - -Bian said: 'Your relationship. .Is it so good? That's right, my dear. Perhaps because she was familiar enough with Tilithis, Alexa no longer avoided calling Li Yexing her nickname as she did in the past. She tilted her head slightly, He chuckled and said to Li Yexing: Tililith is really incredible. I never thought that there is such a girl in the world. A girl can make me feel like we are old friends at first sight. In the past few days, I have talked a lot with Tiilisi and I have to In other words, Tililith's thoughts and concepts are so closely aligned with mine that they are almost like another me. Lisa is very nice. Tililith feels very comfortable chatting with Lisa... Being held in Alexa's arms, Tililith said expressionlessly: Tililis likes Lisa and has good taste in night travel. Really. Not bad.

Seeing the relationship between Alexa and Tililith, whose relationship was heating up rapidly, Li Yexing felt a little subtle for a moment. On the other side, seeing Li Yexing standing in front of the entrance holding Tililian, Tililith patted the bed. , motioning for Li Yexing to sit next to him. Without saying anything, Li Youxing walked over with Tili Zhan'an in his arms, and then gently sat down next to Alexa. Tililian, who was held in Li Yexing's arms, immediately kicked off her sandals and moved with her bare feet. On Li Yexing's left leg, she leaned into Li Yexing's arms and rubbed gently, while Tililith turned around, supported Li Yexing's shoulders, and naturally sat on Li Yexing's lap in the same posture. On her right leg, her body was instantly liberated. Alexa chuckled and exhaled hot breath. She bent down, raised her straight calf, and used her white fingers to undo the high heels bit by bit until she removed the pair. After taking off her black high-heeled shoes and placing them neatly beside the bed, she turned around and crawled behind Li Yexing with a chuckle like a big golden and black cat, then knelt down on the soft bed. He went up, put his arms around Li Yexing's neck, and gently pressed on Li Yexing's back. Si Shi narrowed his eyes slightly, buried his face in Li Yexing's neck, and breathed gently. Especially like this, with Tililith and Tililian in his arms, and Alexa lying behind her, a strange picture was created. Feeling the warmth lying on both sides of her chest, and feeling the softness oppressing her back, Li Ye Xing raised his eyebrows, always feeling that he should say something, but obviously, his girls did not seem to have the desire to talk. They just maintained their respective postures, rubbing gently, as if they were about to fall asleep, and

Suddenly, footsteps came from the corridor outside the door, followed by a knock on the door. Before Li Yexing could answer, Kanan pushed the door open, and at the same time, he quickly walked across the entrance and grinned. Said: Miss! We...

Being imprisoned in the middle by three girls, Li Yexing smiled fairyly at Kanan. Wait a minute, Miss Mafa! I've already said it. There was another set of footsteps. She was wearing a white printed kimono, with her waist in hand. The crazy Hitomi Mikishima walked in quickly on wooden clogs, with a trace of anxiety on her face. When she walked through the entrance and came to Kanan's side, Mikishima Hitomi was also stunned. After a while, Mikishima Hitomi tilted her head slightly, with embarrassment and confusion on her face. She smiled and said, Is this some new game? After saying that, Hitomi Mikishima pulled Kanan's hand from behind in a subtle way. She looked at the corner of her clothes, but saw that Kanan had no reaction. She stared at the three people beside the bed with her eyes wide open. After a moment, she nodded as if she was afraid of something, and quickly walked towards Li Yexing's bed. Then, under the strange looks of Hitomi Mikishima and Li Yexing, he sat on the ground leaning on Li Yexing's left leg, and posed a pose that he thought was cool. What are you playing at? Finally endured it. He couldn't help but speak. Li Yexing lightly kicked Kanan, who was leaning on his calf, but unexpectedly the opponent stubbornly stuck to his leg, and at the same time whispered: Whatever you play, I will play.

You... Seeing Kanan clinging to him like an epileptic dog, Li Yexing was about to have a seizure, but saw Hitomi Mishima blushing slightly and taking small steps to the other side of Li Yexing. , then turned around and faced the entrance hall.

He had a regular posture, and even his eyes became sharp. Fish, even you... For a moment, Li Yexing felt a little confused and didn't know what to say. However, at this moment, there was another knock on the door, and Rita was heard outside the entrance. He said softly: Accompanied by the sound of two pairs of high heels tapping the floor tiles back and forth, Rita and Bai Muqing walked out of the entrance hall. As soon as they entered the room, they saw this magical scenery that could be called a stunning view, so, like, Hanan and Hitomi Mikishima, who entered the room before, were stunned for a moment.

He folded it and put it in front of his lower abdomen, and said with a smile: Sir, that's really too much. He didn't even say hello to Rita for a group photo or something. This is not. Li Yexing was about to explain, but was left where he was. Bai Muqing waved her hands with a look of boredom. She frowned and said with a frosty face, As expected of you, wild dog. After gathering seven, I finally couldn't suppress my pride and prepared to take a picture of the harem. Do you want to commemorate your great achievements?

I didn't. Li Yexing still didn't give up his defense, but was interrupted again by Bai Muqing. Bai Muqing walked slowly to the side of Ka with that stinky face on her face, and she moved towards Li Yexing. , and at the same time said with a look of disgust: That's all, I'll just satisfy you for once, who asked me to be your secretary? How about it? Where is the phone? So I didn't plan to take a photo... With a look of helplessness on his face, Li Yexing was a bit dumbfounded and said, However, the poses are all set, so it would be a pity to take the photo.

So you don't want to take a photo with me? After hearing Li Yexing's words, Rita's face showed a hint of surprise, but the next second, the surprise was relieved. She smiled softly and said, But what you said is right, sir. , now that everyone has posed, it would be a pity not to leave anything behind. He took out his mobile phone from under his skirt, turned on the camera, and a smooth pink tentacle grew from the back, gently wrapping the mobile phone around it. , and then stretched it out in front of everyone, until everyone appeared on the mobile phone screen, Rita smiled and asked: Everyone, are you ready? After hearing Rita's words, Tililith lay in Li Yexing's arms Yuti Lilian turned around and looked at the mobile phone screen not far away. Alexa, who had her face buried in Li Yexing's neck, also raised her head and looked at the camera with a smile. Seizing this opportunity, Li Yexing Ta directly manipulated the tentacles to take the photo. With a soft click, the brief moment belonging to Li Yexing and the monster girls was frozen in this moment forever on the mobile phone screen.

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