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The weather was sunny and windless. The sun shone on the trees, casting a mottled shadow among the green grass. In the shadow, Helena still had spots of sunlight penetrating her body. She lowered her head, looked solemn and silent. She looked at the tomb at her feet. In front of the tomb stood an exquisite tombstone. On the tombstone was engraved the name that made her worry about her day and night.

Deborah Harper, 992.0.0~203.6.29 Helena knew that there was nothing under this tomb. She also knew that her sister was not dead. This was only for her, Leon and the female spy. At this moment, her sister Deborah is receiving treatment in a small Eastern European country called Idonia, and soon, her sister will get a job that only monsters can do. As for She herself was bribed by traitors and suspected of participating in the attempted assassination of the president. Even if she was not shot, Helena would face an endless life in prison. In the end, Helena placed the bouquet in front of the tombstone. I hope you are well over there. With tears in her eyes, Helena whispered. Wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes, Helena straightened up, turned around, and on the green ground behind her, her own Her partner Leon and FOS liaison officer Hang Nigan were standing there silently waiting for her. Stepping on the green grass and taking heavy steps, Helena moved step by step in front of Leon. She looked into Leon's eyes, and after a while, she lowered her eyebrows and said: Thank you...

After saying that, she raised her head and looked over Leon's shoulder. On the dirt road not far behind Leon, there was a black car parked. Around the car, there were several agents wearing sunglasses. They had From DSO, and some from CA, Helena knew that these people were here to take her away, so she lowered her head and whispered to Leon, I'm ready. Looking at Hannigan, she saw Hannigan Nodding, Leon came step by step to Helena and gently grabbed Helena's wrist. Even though she was well prepared, when this moment came, Helena still felt like... Um. She knew, A hand was about to be put on her hand. It was not only a pair of hands, but also a heavy sin. But the next second, a cold and familiar feeling filled the palm, and Helena subconsciously Holding it tightly, she was slightly startled. She lowered her head and found that what Leon handed her was not a hand germanium, but a pistol. Helena was stunned. Could it be that she wanted me to drink bullets in front of my sister's grave? Suicide? The battle is not over yet. Seeing Helena's face full of confusion, Leon said solemnly: You will return to DSO, Agent Harper. Why? Helena was completely stunned after hearing Lipin's words. She said incoherently: I acted as Simmons's accomplice.

Seeing Helena's expression of disbelief, Leon turned around and looked at Hannigan. Hannigan sighed softly. He walked forward step by step and explained to Helena. :' The investigative committee has reviewed the evidence and sorted out the full picture of the incident. They believe that you are not legally responsible for Simons' crimes. The investigative committee will not make the findings of the investigation public. But Helian shook her head slightly, tortured by guilt, and seemed a little unable to accept the result. Upon seeing this, Leon said in a deep voice: This is the boss's fault.

According to the President, there is no point in punishing you. Rather than putting you in jail, the President hopes that you can move forward with a heavy burden. Looking at the gun in her hand, the doubts and confusion in Helena's eyes dissipated. When she raised her head again, fighting spirit was rekindled in her eyes. Leon nodded with satisfaction when he saw this. He was about to say With some words of encouragement, Hannigan who was watching immediately interrupted and said: Okay, if you have anything to say, let's talk about it after we go back. We have to do business. Brother, Hannigan turned around and went to see the sea. After Lena left, Leon turned his head and looked at the tombstone under the mottled shadow of the trees. A trace of solemnity flashed across his expression. At this moment, Helena, who had already left, suddenly softly called out: Li. . His expression returned to normal instantly. Leon turned around and looked at Hai Kunna. He saw a smile on Hai Kunna's lips. She said softly, About that Miss Wang, she told me that she wants you to order two flights. Air tickets to Italy. After paying it, Helena smiled slyly, turned around, and walked towards the black car. Oh, Italy. There was finally a smile on his face. Leon raised his head, looked at the blue sky in the distance, and said with some emotion: Woman.

The passenger plane pierced the sky and roared by. In the cabin, + white fingers were tapping back and forth on the laptop. Jack Wesker's blood sample was handed over to the top researchers of the United Nations, and so was the handover. The test results of the past six months obtained from N∈o Umbrella's archives.

Now, these data are in the hands of the righteous party, and this chaos has finally subsided. After experiencing an extremely chaotic biochemical terrorist attack, although the ending was happy, Shirley felt a little sad and lost. She glanced at herself The black box on the seat next to him, then turned his head and started typing on the keyboard again.

Considering that the relationship between Jack Wesker and Albert Wick - once exposed, may pose a threat to global security, BSAA officials decided to classify this relationship as top secret information... At the instruction of Leon, it was deliberately concealed Regarding the matter about her aunts, Shirley hit Enter and saved the document. She slowly closed her laptop and computer. A flight attendant came over and handed her a cup of hot coffee. She smiled and nodded. The flight attendant thanked him, then brought the cup to his mouth and took a sip.

Shirley gently placed the cup of coffee on the tray, frowning slightly. However, at this moment, there was a soft sound on the seat. Shirley was slightly startled and quickly placed the tray next to the computer. At the same time, she picked up the phone and opened the screen. Looking at the information on the screen, Shirley was stunned for a moment. I lowered my asking price to $50 - Jack. Look at the letter on the phone

Breathing, a warm current passed through her heart. Shirley's brows finally relaxed, with a sweet smile on her lips. She turned her head and looked out the machine-like window. On the ground that was difficult to capture with the naked eye, Jack Mueller... shouldn't call him Jack Wesker. The big boy who inherited Wesker's surname and bloodline was sitting astride a valuable motorcycle, watching the passenger plane carrying Shirley roar with the roar. Lopsided. \u003e Facing the warm sunshine, looking at the little bit of passenger planes disappearing in the sky, Jack's mouth had a faint smile. After sending the text message, he stuffed the phone back into his pants pocket and inserted the car keys. After getting into the motorcycle and letting the engine roar, the hand wrapped in black leather gloves took off a pair of sunglasses from his waist and slowly put them on his face. Suddenly, the unique and domineering look of the Wesker family emerged from Jack's body. pouring out. To be honest, Jack didn't have any good plans for the future. After all, he was just a mercenary who only counted the day. But now he has a new goal in life, and for this goal, he urgently needs a a stable job.

Where is a better place to work? I heard that the salary at that Huanya Armed Forces company is pretty high, so go there. After all, these calls of uncle and aunt cannot be in vain!

He quickly planned a short-term job route for himself, with a smile exactly like the old Wesker's at the corner of his mouth. Jack Wesker, wearing sunglasses, suddenly swung the front of the car, and with a burst of roar, the black motorcycle A dust mist was set off, carrying the big black boy, farther and farther away from the wilderness.

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