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The rumble sounded from above the head, getting closer and closer. Under the sun, Ada, who was wearing a red slit cheongsam, subconsciously raised her head and saw a white passenger plane roaring past in the blue sky, dragging a thin white line. .

It wasn't until the passenger plane gradually moved away and its roar was obscured by the sound of the waves that Ada looked away, leaning on the railing and looking at the calm sea in the distance. Standing on a white cruise ship, watching the behemoth beneath her push away from the sea level little by little, Ada's face was expressionless, with a hint of indifference in her expression. His face was no longer as calm as before. She seemed to be a little preoccupied. Facing the sparkling light reflecting the blue sky, she reached out to the slit of the cheongsam, took out a triangular prism glass block that was less than the size of her palm, and stared at it silently. It was a special communicator. It was provided by Derek C. Simmons, Ada's old musician. Its only function was to communicate with Simmons. I have to say that as a toy, it is very exquisite, but there is no use in keeping it. As a woman, Ada thought that the contact person of this communicator was a pervert who was trying to copy herself. I feel a little disgusting, and what's even more disgusting is that the copied self actually wants to copy another Simmons... This kind of sickness and distortion is completely beyond the scope of Ada's tolerance. It's like she won't allow it. Just like there is another version of herself in this world, Ada did not intend to let another Simmons exist in this world, so after finishing the conversation at the port, she entered the Quadron before dawn, and the result was... Contrary to her expectations, there was no Charlie Simmons waiting for her. Only bullets.

The pupa shell penetrated and the man's body failed to break away from the fleshy membrane. There is no doubt that someone was there before her. Who was the compound interest person who killed Simmons? Ada had no clue. Moreover, for Ada at that time, she was not in the mood to be entangled in this kind of thing. question. At this moment, none of us deserves sympathy, because we have all violated human nature. Frowning slightly, Ada whispered softly, facing the sea breeze, she

Standing up straight, Ada exhaled -0 turbidity. Although the incident had ended successfully, from Ada's point of view, no matter how this incident eventually developed, it was not worth her happiness. All of this together with All the darkness over the past few years had accumulated in her heart, making her a little breathless. Now, she urgently needed to relieve the pressure in her heart.

Next, after taking a short rest, Ada prepared to go to Italy to relax. Thinking of the two people’s trip soon, a faint smile finally appeared on Ada’s face.

Suddenly, a cell phone ringtone came.

Quickly taking out the mobile phone wrapped in a black casing from the slit, Ada glanced at the caller ID, and the smile on her face disappeared instantly. She answered the phone with an indifferent expression, handed it to her ear, and then whispered: Is there a mission? Of course, I just have a few days free... hung up the phone with an expressionless face, Ada silently stared at the sea. Unlike Leon, Ada chose to bow in the darkness, she With his own eyes, he witnessed the dark side of this war and the most unknown evil and desperation.

And now, it's clear that her fight isn't over yet. It seems I have to hurry up. The corners of her mouth raised again with a calm arc. Ada turned around and let the sea breeze lift the hem of the red cheongsam. She stretched out her hand to smooth out the messy black hair blown by the sea breeze. With short hair, he whispered at the same time, After all, I don't want to let that fool fly.

The noodles were gathered together, and when they formed a ball on the fork, Chris opened his mouth and stuffed them all into his mouth in one breath. The unique fragrance spread from his mouth, and Chris opened his eyes subconsciously. He really didn't expect that this thing called beef brisket noodles could be so good.

A shop that tastes so good would have done very well in the past. Unfortunately, Lanxiang City has just experienced a biochemical terrorist attack, and many neighborhoods have not yet been unblocked. For this kind of shop hidden in an inconspicuous alley, For a store like this, such a blockade might be a bit fatal. Even if the blocks outside are open, it might take several days for the customer flow of a small store like this to return to normal. Thinking of this, Chris couldn't help but turn his head and look. He turned to the boss sitting behind the counter. The boss was a little short and fat, and had a very bald head. Perhaps because of the weather, there was a layer of oil on his head. After noticing Chris's gaze, the boss The boss immediately raised his head and smiled kindly at Chris, looking honest and shy. Looking at the boss in front of him, for some reason, Chris was reminded of Durando, the owner of the Lopulus Bear Restaurant. That guy had solid muscles, a strong body, and accumulated fat on his belly. He was better than a typical European and American guy like Chris. The strong man has to grow a full circle. And he is wiping his precious hunting knife all the time.

If you think about it carefully, except for the owner of the Crazy Bar who seems to be a bit taciturn, the owners of every restaurant in Lopulus seem to like to clean their guns. This led Chris to draw a picture of the young owner behind the counter. The wind was a little uncomfortable.

Smiling back at the honest boss, Chris focused his attention on the big bowl in front of him again. I have to say, this dish tastes really good. Chris

That monster maid really recommended it - a good store.

As he was eating the noodles in the bowl, suddenly, a sound of footsteps came from behind. He was wearing BSAA's heavy combat uniform and stepped through the glass-less store door. The footsteps got closer and closer until they stopped. By Chris' side. Would you like to try it? Without raising his head, Chris said in a deep voice while eating the noodles: It's quite cheap, tastes good, and the quantity is quite large. If you want a bowl, I can treat you to it. Team... a familiar voice came from my ears, a young man in BSAA uniform whispered

Voice: The movements of his hands stagnated slightly. Chris dipped the fork with noodles rolled into the soup, then raised his head and looked at the young man standing next to his table until the young man's expression became a little uncomfortable. , he chuckled and asked: Aren't you hot? Pierce is very hot. Wiping the sweat on his head, BSAA sniper Pierce Nevins said in a deep voice, But the mission is not over yet, I can't take off my clothes.

As he said that, he seemed to feel something was wrong. Pierce looked at Chris's thin black vest and said, You shouldn't take off your equipment, Captain. Sorry, Pierce, I feel too hot. He casually muttered Pierce's words. In Pierce's slightly dissatisfied eyes, Chris took a big mouthful of noodle soup and then lowered his head suddenly, sucking the noodles in the bowl with his fork, and tightly In a few seconds, he finished the remaining half bowl of noodles, wiped his mouth with a napkin, and wiped the sweat from his forehead with his arm. He stood up and put the coat hanging behind the chair on his shoulders. He went up, and at the same time turned to Pierce and asked: What mission? The biohazard assessment team in the D6 blockade is about to start preparing for the operation... Pierce replied in a low voice. You really know how to pick the right time. There was a hint of dissatisfaction, but there was no attack. Chris, who had already paid in advance, turned around and walked towards the door of the store, while Pierce followed him closely. The two of them - the previous one Finally, I stepped out of the glass-covered shop door and was exposed to the July sun, facing the golden glow.

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