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Under her hip-hugging skirt, her black stockings-covered legs moved rapidly on high heels, hitting the ground with a ta-ta-da sound that echoed in the dimly lit corridor. For the usually quiet black Ambrey in the office area For the headquarters, such a sound seemed particularly harsh. Both the office staff in suits and researchers in white suits subconsciously raised their heads, with a hint of dissatisfaction between their brows and eyes. But when they saw When the owner of the voice heard, they immediately lowered their heads, desperately avoiding their sight, trying to pretend that nothing happened. Facing the obscure sights from the surroundings, Kandoin Ye Dan walked through the corridor, as usual, Wearing that extremely ordinary black uniform, she was holding a black cloth bag in her hand. If there was anything that was different, it would be her face. At this moment, her face could be described as extremely gloomy. , the eyes are even rarer and sharper, with her as the center, the terrifying low pressure is constantly spreading outwards. In this case, no one will touch her thunder head. Although there was anger hidden in her chest, when she reached the last corridor, she still slowed down subconsciously, as if she was afraid of being too frightened. As her steps slowed down, her breathing began to calm down until she arrived. She didn't stop until the door was blocked. Huh. She gently exhaled the anger in her chest along with the turbid air. Qian Daoyuan worked hard to adjust her facial expression. Until her face no longer looked so gloomy and ferocious, she gently knocked on the door in front of her. Door. Qing Jin. Immediately, a familiar voice came from the other side of the door. After receiving the answer, Qian Daoyuan gently opened the wooden door and walked into the room in front of him. Suddenly, the darkness was swept away, and the room was filled with bright colors. sunshine, ears

The clear chirping of birds lingered in the air. Next to the white floor tiles, the grass and wild flowers swayed gently, as if the wind was blowing them. At the end of the white floor tile road, in the white marble pavilion, a man in a white suit The man was sitting silently in front of the stone table. When he saw Qian Daoyuan enter the room, he showed a smile and waved towards Qian Daoyuan. His eyes swept around vaguely, and Qian Daoyuan was keenly aware of the flowers and plants standing there. The white tombstone engraved with Alexa Ashford disappeared. After a moment of hesitation, she walked up slowly and came to the man's side. Mr. Victor. Qian Daoyuan said softly with his unique indifferent voice, his eyebrows lowered. How's it going? Miss Qian Dao Yuan? As if he didn't notice the shadow between Qian Dao Yuan's eyebrows, Feotian Victor, the powerful leader of Black Umbrella, asked with a chuckle: See your enemy again. , are you filled with emotion in your heart? No, Mr. Victor. Seeing that Victor didn't seem to care about the Queen's return, Qian Daoyuan felt a faint sense of discord in her heart, but in just a moment, she put this aside. This feeling was suppressed, and she leaned slightly towards Victor, and said in a deep voice: The dead should stay in the grave. When she comes back, I will bury her back. You don't have to hide yourself, Miss Qianzongyuan, I can see it, see the burning anger in your eyes. Victor tapped his finger on the stone table lightly, and said with a chuckle: You are eager for revenge, right? Yes, I long for revenge. Without any cover-up, Qian Daoyuan said directly. Well, you have fighting spirit, so that's good. Crossing his legs, Victor still had that smile on his face, and he said meaningfully: Ashford The news that Miss is still alive has spread, and the voices within the Joint Committee are very discordant and disunified. At the moment, I don’t plan to hand over my trust to those old people. I plan to hand it over to you. Speaking of trust , Qian Daoyuan lowered her head lower, she gritted her teeth tightly, but could not speak. After a long time, she whispered in a low voice: I'm sorry, Mr. Victor, I have betrayed your trust. Huh? Hearing Qian Daoyuan's words, Victor was slightly stunned, and then asked in confusion: Why do you say that? I couldn't bring back that missile for you. Holding back the sense of humiliation from his heart, Qian Daoyuan lowered his voice. Oh, missiles, he said in a voice, waving his hand to Qianshouyuan, Victor said with a nonchalant expression: As long as you don't attach it to it, it will explode. As for whether you can bring it back, to be honest, I didn't care about it from the beginning. Expectation, after all, it's just a missile. I...I couldn't capture Jack Wesker either. Qian Daoyuan pursed his lips. But you got little Wesker's blood sample from the UN staff, didn't you? Victor asked with a smile. I couldn't bring him back. Qian Daoyuan whispered. But you brought back a tissue sample containing chaotic DNA, didn't you? With that thing, as long as it takes a while, our technical department can completely replicate it

Miss Qian Daoyuan prevented the detonation of the missile, obtained little Wesker's blood sample, obtained Chaos' tissue sample, and also disposed of the tissue sample hidden in the Four Corners Building.

That clone of Simmons even witnessed the return of the queen. You obviously completed every task I gave you beautifully, but you still had to put on a bad face. People who don't know, thought you were... Everything was screwed up. We didn't have to pay such a high price, if I had done it from the beginning. His face was full of guilt. Qian Daoyuan was still about to say something, but he saw Victor gently tapping the stone table with his finger. He said with a smile. :' Don't worry so much, Miss Qian Daoyuan, as long as you can win the chess game, the method doesn't matter at all. This time, you did not disappoint me as always, I am very satisfied. After stopping Qian Daoyuan's self-blame, Victor chuckled and said, Okay, my Miss Qian Daoyuan, let's change the topic. You can't come here just to complain to me, right?

I didn't. She subconsciously wanted to argue, but when she met Victor's smiling eyes, Qian Daoyuan realized that she had lost her composure and immediately adjusted her attitude. When her face returned to indifference, she put the black handbag in her hand Put it on the stone table and whispered at the same time: This is before the complete collapse of the submarine oil field, the B0W elimination troops followed the tissue samples of Chaos

Taking into account the various situations it might cause, I directly raised the confidentiality level of the thing I brought out. The only people who knew about its existence, apart from me and Mr. Victor, were the B0W elimination force and the research team that participated in the relevant analysis. . Huh? After hearing Qian Daoyuan's words, a hint of curiosity appeared on Victor's face. He opened the zipper of the black bag, took the thing out and looked at it carefully. After a long time, he said doubtfully: What is this? A special syringe. Looking at the silver metal tube that Victor was playing with through the special protective material, Qian Daoyuan replied in a deep voice. This thing is a syringe? If it weren't for the drill bit on it, I almost thought this was cheering Jane or something. Looking left and right at the silver metal rod in the protective sheath in his hand, Victor raised his eyebrows and asked: Also, why is there something on this syringe? Drawing a mean smile? And this smile looks so pleasant, I always feel like I have seen it somewhere. That's from Durande Technology and Medicine... Qian Daoyuan reminded in a deep voice: It's Europe. The pharmaceutical company under the branch's first agency.

Huh?! The tone of his voice suddenly rose, and Victor couldn't help but widen his eyes. He focused his gaze on the logo again, as if looking at the smiling face for a long time, he whispered softly: This's so fun...I don't know if it's an illusion, but the Qian Daoyuan found that the smile on Victor's face seemed to be getting more and more joyful. Mission.DLC Chaos Chapter End....

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