What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

DLC.Extra-2. Macho Man’s Long Vacation (2)

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The Lan Xiang incident was over, and the BSAA began to work intensively to clean up the mess. Thanks to Leon's coordination, Li Yehang himself was spared the resistance of various intelligence agencies. In other words, after a high-intensity battle, Li Yexing and his girls finally experienced peace, and Alexa also sent out an invitation at the right time, hoping that Li Yexing and the girls could visit her home. To be honest, visiting Alexa's hometown was not a good idea. Li Yexing himself was not very interested in this matter, but considering his girls, Li Yexing agreed. He could see that his girls seemed to be interested in spending a long vacation on a private island. Tililith seemed to be very interested. She seemed to have a lot to talk to Alexa. Rita was very curious about the Ashford family's traditional European-style aristocratic mansion. Kanan didn't care. Where was Li Yexing? She was there, and Hitomi Chishima said that she hadn't been to the beach for a long time and wanted to go see it. Not to mention Tilly, anything she had never experienced before would make her excited, even the ten thousand year workaholic Bai Muqing even vaguely expressed that she wanted to take a vacation to relieve work stress. As a result, the plan to go to the Ashford family's territory for vacation was finalized.

Considering that this trip was a direct flight and would not return to Lopulus, Yang Chucheng took the lead and purchased new daily necessities for everyone, from clothes to washing machines. He even bought a machine for Tililith Monster Hunter 3G is limited to 3DS console! Oh! A new limited console. Holding up the new handheld console taken out of the box with both hands, Tililith's eyes glowed red. At this moment, it seemed as if her world was illuminated. . In short, after solving all the problems, Li Yexing and his girls boarded a helicopter driven by Harman's housekeeper and set off in a grand way. This journey was not a long one, and they landed halfway through. , Before evening, the helicopter landed on a small island independent of the boundless sea. Hovering in mid-air, looking at it through the window of the helicopter at first glance, Li Yexing really couldn't tell that this island was inhabited. After all, from above, except for the white sandy beach, the entire island was almost completely deserted. It was surrounded by green trees, and there was no place like a castle or a manor in sight. It wasn’t until the helicopter slowly descended that Li Yexing saw a clue from the top of Nashi Hill that there was something hidden there. -A concealed landing pad! As the helicopter landed, the landing pad began to sink slowly. When the dome was blocked by camouflage, the light from above was swallowed up little by little, until the landing pad brought the helicopter to the cave at the bottom. , everyone got off the helicopter. Looking around the empty but bright cave, Li Yexing thought of Batman for no reason. Wearing high heels studded with black gems, she followed everyone. It wasn't until Butler Harman carried a big bag like a Christmas tree and closed the cabin that Alexa gently clapped her hands to attract everyone's attention, and faced Li Looking at Ye Xing and her sisters, she raised her head slightly and said proudly: Welcome to Queen Veronica Island. This is the secret base of the Ashford family, my hiding place, and also... Our home. After a brief introduction, Butler Harman said that he was going to prepare rooms for everyone and excused himself first, while Alexa began to show everyone around and followed the apron deep in the cave all the way inward to enter. In the corridor, the mountain wall was instantly replaced by a smooth and clean white wall. Moving forward, there is a thick glass wall. Through the glass wall, you can see various unnamed instruments in the room. This is my private room. To enter the research room, you need to open the valve at the front, and you need to disinfect it after changing into protective clothing. Seeing the people behind her looking at the room separated by the glass wall with interest, Alexa walking in front chuckled and introduced. Said: If the situation permits, I will be willing to show you the inside, but unfortunately, I did not prepare enough protective clothing, and to be honest, there is not anything extraordinary studied here because I like to grow flowers, so In my free time, I will try some special fertilizers here, that's all. Following Alexa through the corridor, and onto the elevator, I was squeezed in by a group of girls with a somewhat delicate mood, and in the elevator. After the soft sound of operation, Li Yexing finally officially entered the Ashford family's castle. At first, when Alexa mentioned his castle, Li Yexing thought that this so-called castle should be built halfway up the mountain. But it was obvious that Li Yexing had guessed wrong. This castle belonging to the Ashford family was much larger than he imagined. And it was like a secret base of some evil organization, with the entire room being infiltrated into the mountain. Among them, all the windows are connected to the cave, which not only ensures the lighting, but also does not look very conspicuous. It is difficult to find it from above. Entering the castle and walking in the magnificent corridor, the artworks everywhere not only brought a sense of freshness to Li Yexing, but also showed an indescribable solemnity, especially those hanging on the walls. The portrait oil painting added a touch of mystery to the castle, as if she felt the sight coming from the oil painting. Alexa at the front stopped talking and her expression became serious, while Li Yexing - -While walking forward slowly, he and the other girls looked at each other carefully, until at the end of the corridor, Li Yexing stopped and silently stared at the figure sitting on the throne in the oil painting, who had a six-month relationship with Alexa. A woman who looks exactly like her. At the bottom of the oil painting, thin black lines outline a row of letters in a unique British script... Veronica Ashford is the same as the legendary Veronica Ashford supported by the power of one and two. When the Ashford family came up, the Queen, who had a history of hundreds of years, looked at each other. Unknowingly, there was a hint of solemnity in Li Yexing's eyes. Dear? Suddenly, the familiar voice came from his ears, pulling Li Yexing out of his subtle thoughts. Li Yexing was slightly startled, then turned his head and saw Alexa. He was walking towards him step by step, with a question in his eyes.

Asked, behind her, the girls were also looking here silently, as if they were a little curious. When they came to Li Yexing's side, Alexa turned her head and looked at the oil painting on the wall, and something appeared between her eyebrows. She was surprised, as if she did not expect that Li Yexing would suddenly stop in front of this painting. Looking at the legendary ancestor of the Ashford family in the oil painting, Alexa smiled at Li Yexing and introduced softly, This is Veronica Ashford, the great ancestor of the Ashford family and the starting point of the Ashford family. She is smart, beautiful, and like a queen of heaven.

Like you? Li Yexing chuckled and joked. As a person who continues the Ashford bloodline, I respect my pre-tenancy... Alexa chuckled and said to Li Yexing: But I think , I am better than my predecessor. What IU said, is the woman in the painting your ancestor? On the other side, Kanan also came up. She looked at the woman in the painting and rubbed her chin - While raising her eyebrows, she said: Don't tell me, there seems to be a slight resemblance. Miss Mafal... Stepping forward quickly, Rita gently tugged on Kanan's clothes, frowning slightly and whispered. He reminded: That is the first lease of the Ashford family, please pay due attention to your words and deeds.

Looking at the oil painting on the wall, he said softly: After three years, the Ashford family has become enthusiastic again. If our ancestors were still alive, they would definitely be very happy.

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