What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

DLC.Extra-3. Macho Man’s Long Vacation (3)

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It has to be said that in Li Yexing's opinion, Alexa's castle is very big, very big, and each corridor is similar in length. With the introduction of Alexa-Dandian, the team gradually became polarized, and they had no idea about the corridors. Rita, who was very interested in every piece of art in the painting, followed closely behind Alexa. She was smiling, her gray eyes seemed to be shining, and from time to time she would also comment on Alexa's introduction. A few words, followed by Bai Muqing. Growing up under the elite education of the Bai family, Bai Muqing still has some ability to appreciate art. She followed silently behind her, quietly admiring the burgundy artwork displayed in the corridor. There was a hint of admiration in his eyes from time to time. Compared to Rita and Bai Muqing, who have strong art appreciation skills, Hitomi Mishima is slightly inferior. Even though she was also born into a wealthy family, her status is still inferior to the first three. She looks around as if she is visiting a museum. , if she encounters a work of art with a strong Japanese style, she will look at it a few more times and nod from time to time under Alexa's explanation. As for Tillillian, although she can't understand those things that seem strange to her, It was a strange painting, and she couldn't figure out what the bottle could be used for besides holding things, but that didn't stop her from watching everything around her with curiosity and interest. Excluding these girls who have more or less certain appreciation ability or girls who are simply curious, the rest becomes the last echelon. Li Yexing could still take a few glances at the portraits guarding the elevators leading to the laboratory at the bottom. But when the colors on those canvases became difficult to follow and the lines began to run wild, Li Yexing's artistic appreciation ability completely disappeared. was offline, and following the crowd, Li Yexing could only nod mechanically along with Alexa's explanation. To be honest, he was not interested in these paintings, but seeing Alexa's interest was so high , turning around from time to time to make sure he was listening. Li Yexing could only brace himself. He looked like a scumbag who couldn't understand what the chemistry teacher was saying but had to force himself to take notes crazily.

Being in the same echelon as Li Yexing, Miss Tililis is obviously not interested in those paintings and bottles at all. In her opinion, only moving paintings can be called good-looking paintings. Even if they cannot move, they should learn to move. There are words in the white circles with arrows. As for the unclear works on the wall, they are not as good as the sheets she and Li Yexing stuck together all night. Obediently holding Li Yexing's arm and gently rubbing her little face with an expressionless face, Tililith's eyes moved and looked at Kanan who was walking on the other side of Li Yexing. She saw her resting her hands behind her head. Her eyes seemed to have lost focus and she was looking at the wall silently. It was obvious that from the very beginning, she had been wandering and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Fortunately, this art exhibition led by Alexa did not last long. Soon, Butler Harman stopped in front, saying that he had arranged rooms for everyone, prepared dinner, and invited everyone to the restaurant to dine. . A hint of regret appeared on her face, but it was replaced by a smile. Alexa nodded to Butler Harman, and then, under the leadership of Butler Harman, Li Yexing and a group of girls dressed in After passing through the corridors and climbing the stairs, it took several minutes to arrive at the restaurant. After entering the restaurant, Kanan's eyes suddenly widened, and she exclaimed like a village girl who had just entered the city: 'Oh my God! This is... Is it a place to eat?! When you first see it, you will see a long mahogany table that has been polished to reflect light. In the center of the table are placed a whole row of candlesticks. Looking up, you can see that it is like a church full of weird paintings. The dome, as well as the big and scary crystal chandelier on the dome, is indeed a bit too wide for a place to eat. Li Yexing still remembers that the last time he ate in such a wide place was seven years ago. Aboard the Oriana. Silence, Kanan. Seemingly feeling that Kanan's reaction was a little too strong, Bai Muqing couldn't help but gently tugged on Kanan's sleeve. Although Rita, who was walking in front, didn't speak, there was a hint of gloom in her elegant smile. But Alexa, the owner of the restaurant, turned back with a smile and said: Do you like it here? Miss Mafal? If you all stay here, we can dine in this restaurant every day in the future. It's better not to. Kanan shook his head slightly, grinned and leaned against Li Yexing, then said with a smile: It's good that the house is big, but in this case, the distance between people, Doesn't it seem a little too far? As he spoke, Kanan raised his head as if recalling something and whispered: Look, over at Lopulus, our bedrooms are next to each other, not next door. It's just across the door, and you can walk three steps to the office. If the boss doesn't stay in everyone's bedroom, he usually stays in the office, especially when waiting for dinner. When Xiaobai gets off work, the maid will put in the office. There is a round table. When everyone is eating, they are shoulder to shoulder. If you raise your arms even a little, you will accidentally bump into the person next to you. How close it is. After saying that, Kanan lowered his head and smiled at Alexa. He said: Are you right? A rich lady from the Ashford family? As soon as she finished speaking, Kanan was surprised to find that Alexa was looking at her blankly, her mouth slightly open, an orange snake His eyes were full of astonishment, as if he had suffered some kind of cultural shock, and even Rita beside him was also a little surprised. What's wrong? instantly became the focus of his sight. Kanan, who was a little confused about the situation, scratched his head, shrank, and said with a smile: What did I say wrong? No, Miss Mafal, You are right... Rubbing her chin, her eyebrows lowered, Alexa tilted her head and said, Indeed, if it were me, I would also prefer to be closer to my dear during meals and feedings. It will also be very convenient. Moreover, in the face of the dual connection between body and soul, pure spiritual closeness is indeed a bit dull and boring, because I have always eaten alone before and failed to consider this... said , Alexa frowned slightly, and said seriously: I didn't even consider it.

At this point, it seems that I am still too lacking in how to get along sweetly with my dear. Miss Mafal, I will keep your teachings in mind today.

No, no, no, teachings and stuff, and the restaurant has a lot of benefits, just like... Seeing Alexa put on a serious face, Kanan quickly waved his hands and said in a panic, but saw Alexli Sha turned her head and said seriously to Butler Harman: Sorry, Butler Harman, can we immediately prepare a table that can accommodate seven people to dine together without too much distance between them? Of course? Yes, miss. A smile of relief appeared on the slightly deformed face under the straps. Butler Harman leaned forward slightly and said in a deep voice to Alexa: There is a round table in the reception room. I think the size has just been changed. Okay, Miss Xiang, would you like to invite all your friends to the living room for dinner? Excuse me, Butler Harman. Alexa nodded. So, just like that, the dinner location moved from the spacious dining room to the antique parlor.

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