What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

DLC.Extra-4. Macho Man’s Long Vacation (4)

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In the living room where various precious works of art were displayed, everyone sat down one by one around the exquisite round table that was slightly larger than Li Yexing's dining table. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, the position next to Li Yexing It happened to be vacant, so Alexa took the opportunity to sit next to Li Yexing. She folded her legs and put her hands on her knees through the black dress. I wonder if it was Li Yexing's illusion, Alexa's look There was a rare feeling of embarrassment between them. It seemed that Miss Ashford was really not used to eating at such a small table. Sitting around the round table, Li Yexing was slightly startled. He turned his head, glanced around, and then asked softly: Where's Rita? As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of wheels rolling across the wooden floor was accompanied by a burst of footsteps. Immediately afterwards, the tall butler in a suit walked in pushing the toy-like dining cart in his hands, and Rita followed closely behind her. Seeing Li Yexing looking at her, she smiled and gave Li Yexing a slight smile. He leaned forward and said, I'm here

Pushing the dining cart to the round table, Rita picked up a stack of napkins from the dining cart, walked to the round table with elegant steps, and gently placed the first napkin in front of Alexa. Lexisa smiled and nodded to Rita, and began to neatly wrap the napkins around her chest. On the other side, Rita was surrounding the round table, distributing napkins one after another, and watching the girls putting the napkins around. After wrapping the napkin, she returned to Li Yexing, gently held the napkin with her hands and wrapped it around Li Yexing's neck. Then she gently wrapped the napkin around Li Yexing's chest with her fingers wrapped in black lace gloves. Facing Li Yexing's slightly surprised look, Rita still had that stylized smile on her face, but her gray eyes were full of endearment. Seeing that everyone in front of the round table had all wrapped their napkins, Rita turned her head and reached out to the plate with steak on the dining car. Butler Man, who was about to distribute the dinner, was slightly startled when he saw this, and then faced Rita She leaned forward slightly and said urgently: Miss Griffith, this is impossible. Where can't I do it? Her fingers had already touched the edge of the plate. After hearing Butler Harman's words, Rita turned around and said with a smile. : As a gentleman's female career

Rita can still do things of this level well. Miss Griffith, at Mr. Li's place, you are a maid, but here, you are a distinguished guest. The brow under the bandage frowned slightly, and the Harman family said in a deep voice: This kind of thing should be done Leave it to me, you just need to wait at the table like other ladies. Butler Harman, you are serious... Rita responded with a chuckle: I always regard myself as Mr.'s maid, can I Serving Mr. Sir as a maid is a happy thing for me. I'm sorry, Miss Griffith. I also have my own persistence. Butler Fenman shook his head stubbornly and said, Let the guests serve you. Other guests, this is

It doesn't make sense. This goes against the Ashford family's way of hospitality. Seeing Butler Harman bring out the words The Ashford family's way of hospitality, Rita immediately fell silent. She knew , For a noble, the surname is particularly important. If she insists on it, it will be disrespectful to the Ashford family, so she sighed cryptically and put the plate in her hand back. In the dining car, he whispered at the same time: Sorry, I was presumptuous. It's okay, Miss Griffith, I admire you from the bottom of my heart for your persistence in your role as a maid. He bowed slightly to Rita again. Butler Bman said in a deep voice, Now, please take a seat, Miss Griffith.ls

There was a trace of regret in the gray eyes, as if she was feeling disappointed because she could not carry out the maid's work to the end. Although there was a smile on her face, Li Yexing could feel that Rita was a little disappointed and lost. Seeing Rita sitting on the dining table and wrapping a napkin around herself, Butler Harman began to distribute the dinner. He gently placed the plates on the dining car in front of each diner until After setting the table for eight minutes and placing the glasses and red wine, he pushed the dining cart aside and stood five steps away next to Alexis.

Seeing Butler Haman standing aside, Kanan slapped his thigh and said with some frustration: Shi! I shouldn't have talked nonsense. It's okay now. There's no place for the big butler to sit.

There is no need to worry about Butler Harman, Miss Mafal. Seeing Kanan's look of disappointment, Alexa chuckled and said, Butler Harman will not come to the table for us to dine together. This is the rule. On the other side, Bai Muqing, who was sitting next to Kanan, lightly touched Kanan's arm and said, If you respect them, then act according to their rules. After the Wang-zhen episode, dinner finally started. , picked up the knife and fork, and cut into the appetizing steak on the plate bit by bit, looking at the meat stained with light blood.

A large piece of steak hung on the elegant silver fork. While looking at Li Yexing with burning eyes, he whispered softly: Come on, my dear, let me feed you, okay? He looked at the man covered by Alek. Lisa took the steak hanging in front of her with her hands, and looked at Alexa's pair of snake eyes full of expectation. Li Yexing hesitated to open his mouth and ate the large piece of steak. , the taste buds were dominated by the aroma of the meat, and the unique taste instantly filled the entire mouth. On the other side, watching Li Yexing puffing out his cheeks to order the steak with great effort, Alexa gently stroked her reddish cheek with one hand. There was a happy smile on her face. At this moment, she finally understood the benefits of dining at the small table. After chewing for a long time, he swallowed the large piece of meat. Li Yexing refocused his eyes on the steak on his plate. Just as he was about to cut the knife, he suddenly felt that his piercing eyes were focused, so he raised his head I turned my head and saw that every girl on the dining table was staring at me silently. Their eyes were full of inexplicable expressions.

The knife quickly cut across the steak, releasing the juice. Tiililith held up the fork and handed the cut chunk of steak to Li Yexing, and said expressionlessly: Tiilisi also wants to feed Yexing.

Looking at the steak, which was even bigger than what Alexa fed him, Li Yexing swallowed 00 of water, and then ate it directly with his mouth wide open. This time, his

Perverted brother-in-law! I want it too! Before Li Yexing could swallow the meat in his mouth, Tililian hurriedly cut off a large piece of meat, then stood up and crossed the table to surround Li Yexing. In front of his mouth, looking at the piece of meat that was no less than the size of Tililith, Li Yexing swallowed the meat with difficulty, and then opened his mouth wide and took the meat that Tililian handed over into his mouth. Hey hey hey Seeing Li Yexing eating the steak she handed over, Tilly An smiled and sat back on the seat, her two calves under the table swaying happily. On the other side, Guan Nan, who had been waiting for a long time, thought Thinking about it, he also learned how to make silk in advance and cut off a large piece of meat like Tililian, then stood up and handed it to Li Ye

j. Although she didn't say anything, her expression looked like she was about to stuff the steak directly into Li Yexing's mouth.

You are really my good brother. As chewing and swallowing became increasingly difficult, Li Yexing ate the steak Kanan handed him without caring about his esophagus, which seemed to be blocked. Under this spoon-feeding, Li Yexing's expression began to become more competitive. Bai Muqing, who saw all this, held her forehead and sighed softly. She cut off a small or medium-sized piece. Quickly, and then waited silently for Li Yexing, until Li Yexing's expression

- After a little relaxation, she pushed the steak in front of Li Yexing, and said with an indifferent expression: Don't force yourself. I can withstand it. She caught the steak handed by Bai Muqing with her mouth. This time Li Yexing felt Feeling a lot more relaxed, after swallowing the steak smoothly, Hitomi Mikishima stood up with a slightly red face on the other side, stuck a small piece of steak with a fork and said with a slightly red face: Yakou-kun, I, I, don't either. After Hitomi Mikishima finished speaking, Li Yexing bit into it. The small piece of steak melted in the air instantly, and he swallowed it with the beaten meat and juice. Feeling the silky swallowing feeling, Li Yexing couldn't bear it. I was a little touched. Hitomi, you are so considerate, little Mian Yue! After all the girls had finished feeding, only Rita, who was sitting opposite Li Yexing, was left, with a silky red glow on her face. She crossed her arms with the same little girl The steak stood up and put

Seeing that Rita was so considerate, Li Yexing ate the small piece of steak with his mouth. Rita picked up her napkin in time, with a glint in her eyes as she gently wiped the corners of Li Yexing's mouth. He murmured softly: Sir, you are awesome. He takes everyone's kindness seriously. After completing the last feeding, Rita gently wiped the corners of his mouth, and Li Yexing sat back on his seat and looked in front of him. It was just a steak that had been scratched and hadn't had time to touch. He drank red wine and looked expressionless. I was full.

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