What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

DLC.Extra-5. Macho Man's Long Vacation (5)

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He had finished his dinner without touching anything on his plate. Looking at the half-cut steak on his plate, Li Yexing fell into deep thought. From the time he entered the castle until now, Li Yexing has not seen any servants. If he contacted Butler Haman before, he was basically sure that these delicious and mellow steaks were all cooked carefully by Butler Haman. It can be seen that , Housekeeper Harman attaches great importance to the visit of Li Yexing and the girls from the Li family. Although he is not a high-quality person, Li Yexing cannot do such a thing as wasting the food carefully prepared by others. After a moment, Li Yexing seemed to have thought of something, and couldn't help but sneer. He sighed softly, with a little helplessness on his face. He took two knives and forks with both hands again and began to break down the steak on the plate again. Don't cut it too big. It's indecent for girls to eat with their mouths wide open. Cut the square piece of steak below and put it on a fork. In the surprised eyes of all the girls, Li Yexing turned around. He stood up, holding a small piece of steak with one hand, and said softly to Alexa: Come. I'll feed you. There was a trace of surprise in the orange snake eyes, and then it was replaced by surprise. Alexa said He gently held Li Yexing's wrist with one hand, leaned over with a smile, opened his lips lightly, and took the just-sized piece of steak into his mouth. As he chewed it slowly, Alexa squinted her eyes slightly and raised the corners of her mouth. After happily swallowing the steak, she chuckled and said, It's full of love, my dear, you are so good to me. 00.. With a fairy smile, Li Yexing turned his head and picked up the knife and fork again. This time, he cut it very big. After hanging it on the fork, Li Yexing turned to Tililith beside him, Then he whispered: Come, Tililith. Tililith, who had been waiting for a long time with red eyes, suddenly opened her mouth wide, like a predator hiding in the grass, and moved that person with a speed and movement that was difficult to catch with the naked eye. He ate the large piece of steak in one go, then puffed out his cheeks and chewed hard like a hamster. Seeing the gravy leaving the corners of Tili Jingsi's mouth, Li Ye

Xing followed Rita's example and wiped it gently with a napkin. Not long after, Tililith stretched her neck and swallowed the large piece of steak directly, and then said expressionlessly, I like it. Perverted brother-in-law, I too You want me, you want me too. Seeing Li Yexing finish feeding her sister, Tililian stood up quickly and said anxiously, but before she could finish speaking, a fork with a large piece of steak was directly put into her mouth. mouth, and she subconsciously closed her mouth tightly and put the steak together with the fork

Hold it in your mouth. We're eating, what's the fuss about? Put your mouth shut. He took the fork out of Tililian's mouth and watched Tililian bulging her cheeks and mouthing like her sister. Before Li Yexing could pick up the napkin, Tililian said Lilith turned her head and wiped the corners of Tililian's mouth expressionlessly. At this moment, Tililian opened her heterochromatic pupils wide, as if she was about to fly with joy. Focusing his attention on the remaining steak again, Li Yexing roughly cut off a large piece, hung it on a fork, and then handed it directly to Kanan. Ah... Looking at the large piece of steak on his fork, Kanan fell into a daze. After a long time, he frowned slightly and complained: I've never thought about it. How can the boss eat such a large piece? Do you think I am the eldest lady and the second lady?! Why didn't you think about this problem just now? Li Yexing asked with raised eyebrows. Are you holding a grudge? Oh my god, why are you acting like a little brat? .. He rolled his eyes at Li Yexing. Kanan opened his mouth imagelessly and swallowed the large piece of steak. He chewed hard and saw the juice flowing. Li Yexing was about to pick up his napkin. But Kanan waved her hand to him, and then used her napkin to wipe the corners of her mouth while chewing the steak. At the end, she glared at Li Yexing fiercely, as if she was complaining that Li Yexing made her make a fool of herself. . After feeding Kanan, looking at the few steaks left on the plate, Li Yexing cut off a small piece and stood up - handing it to Bai Muqing - and said with a chuckle: Mu Qing, you are so considerate today. It's like I'm not considerate... He rolled his eyes at Li Yexing angrily, but there was a smile that couldn't be hidden in his wine-red eyes. Bai Muqing stood up, stretched out his head, and opened his eyes slightly. She swallowed the small piece of steak with her lips. After sitting back on the chair, she raised her head slightly and looked very satisfied. She took the knife and fork and cut the remaining small piece of steak in the middle. , Li Yexing forked a small piece, turned around and handed it to Hitomi Mikishima, who had been waiting for a long time. At the same time, he chuckled and said: Here, this is Hitomi's. Tomoyuki-kun... Looking shy, Hitomi Mikishima blushed slightly, stood up with lowered eyebrows, gently lifted her hair with one hand, parted her cherry lips and said softly:

He stuffed the small piece of steak into Hitomi Mikishima's mouth between his lips and teeth, pulled out the silver fork, and Hitomi Mikishima sat back on his seat, the blush on his face still not dissipating. Picking up the last piece of steak with a fork, Li Yexing looked at Rita sitting opposite him, smiled and said, Are you in a hurry? Rita? Not in a hurry. He stood up and approached Li Ye Xing, Rita smiled and said: Rita is always patient when it comes to her husband. Come on. Handing the small piece of steak on the fork to Rita, Li Ye Xing said softly. Hmm. Gray There was a trace of mist in her eyes, and there was a hint of shyness. Rita picked up the broken hair beside her ear with one hand, moved forward, and took the small piece of steak together with the fork. Li Yexing saw this, Just as she was about to take out the fork, Rita suddenly let go and spit out the steak that had been sucked into her mouth. There was still a glimmer of oil on her lips from the meat juice. Rita squinted her eyes slightly, - - While meeting Li Yexing's eyes, he tilted his head slightly, then stretched out his pink pepper tongue, continuously hooked and licked the small pieces of steak, and collected the flowing gravy in his mouth until the gravy was no longer there. Flow, she kissed the small piece of steak gently, and then took it into her mouth. She sat back on her seat, with a hint of lavender light faintly exuding in her slightly narrowed gray eyes, Flow With temptation, in--a small hiccup

After swallowing slowly, Rita chuckled and said: Sure enough, this taste of Mr.'s love is too sweet, and Rita can't refuse it at all. Watching all this, Tililith's face was expressionless, as if she was already used to it. Weird, Ti Lilian's eyes widened with a look of disbelief on her face. Hitomi Mikishima's face, who was sitting next to Ti Lilian, was even redder. She turned her head and whispered in Japanese: As expected of Griffith Miss Si, you are so bold... Maid Maid, are you a bit... On the other side, because she didn't know how to evaluate Rita, Kanan was a little speechless. Bai Muqing didn't say anything. On the surface, she She looked as normal as usual, but under the table, her index finger, which was decorated with black nails like white jade, poked Rita's thigh through the stockings again and again, as if to express dissatisfaction. It seemed that she had suffered some kind of cultural shock, Alexley Sha was stunned for a moment. After a while, she turned her head and asked Li Yexing in a low voice with confusion: Does Miss Feisi usually behave like this? How should I put it? Her expression became a little subtle, and Li Yexing asked. Eyebrows whispered: Is this considered a reserved item for our family's dinner? So that's it, I really want to understand. I don't know what I understand at all. Alexa nodded thoughtfully. Then she suddenly came close to Li Yexing's ear, smiled and whispered in a low voice: Dear, I can do it too.

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